Jealous Pt 3 - Wanda Maximoff

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Helloooooo okay so there's a saying meaning "Stretching to torture" just translated word for word into the English language. And it's like "keep you waiting" and "to keep somebody on tenterhooks" yk and I don't intentionally want to torture you soooooo here's part 3 wohooo

"well that's great, what did you do?"



"yes well what?!"

She sighed heavily.

"I don't know. I-I did nothing. I just stood there and smiled and nodded and I don't know what to do now"

You wanted to help her. You wanted to make her happy and make her feel loved, but no, you had to help her get together with vision. Because then she'd be happy.

"uh... Well do you like him?"

She looked around the room, avoiding to look everywhere but in your eyes. Then she blushed.

'well of course she does'

"I-I... Don't know... Well yes... But... Yes."

You nodded.

"great. Okay.. Uuhmmm then tell him exactly that and... And then you'll live your happy ever after"

She nodded.

"o-Kay, thank you... I'll.. I'll go do that now"

And then she stood up and went out of the room.

As soon as she was outside, you fell back onto the mattress and closed your eyes, pushing your eyelids close together to not make any tear escape your eyes.

Although all you wanted to do was cry.


How could you be so stupid?!

But she said she liked him...

You knew Maria and Natasha were out and you didn't want to bother them.

So you just stayed there. All alone.

Watching a movie. Again.


The next day's were hell for you. Literal hell. Although you tried to act normal, Natasha noticed.

She did. Natasha tried to help you, but there was no use.

But it all changed when one day Wanda came into your room.

"I can't do this anymore", she said, falling down onto the mattress.


"How can somebody be so stupid?"

You had no idea what she was talking about, but you were still trying to help her out, just assuming she was talking about vision, her... Her boyfriend

"Hey, maybe vision just needs an update or something. We can ask Tony to-"

"oh God I'm not even talking about vision!"

Now you were confused.

"Oh.. Then I'm- I'm sorry.. What are you talking about?"

"Oh God, really.... Okay.. Uhm I'm going to tell you a story now. And you are going to listen veeery closely."

"Uh-huh", you nodded, still very confused.

"There was this princess once. Her name was Gwanda. Gwanda was very happy in her life, there was only one problem. There was this prince. His name was mison. And mison was totally in love with Gwanda. Everyone told gwanda how good her and mison would fit together. But gwanda was more in love with the princess of another kingdom, some villages over. But even this princess told her how good she would fit together with Mison. So she didn't think she could shoot her shot with her. But then some days passed and Gwanda realized that it was now or never and she asked the other princess out. "

You were hooked.

"and then? ", you asked.

She sighed.

"How clear do I have to make it for you? Do you want to go out with me?"

You looked at her, too stunned to speak.

And then you told her how much you loved her, how long you've loved her for and how much you cared about her. You told her that you'd always care for her and that you would gladly go out on a date with her.

Then you noticed you've just said all these things in your head and was staring at her like a psychopath.

"(y/n)?", she asked again.

"oh... Uhhh"

"I know, I know, bad idea, I shouldn't've done this, oh good God, stupid"

"No, uh I just... Yes. Yes, I'd like to go out with you!"

She smiled.

"Then, my princess, shall we do that."


To say you were nervoius was an understatement. You've already worn 3 different outfits and while your moms were sitting on your bed, smiling a bit at how much you stressed out, you were really worrying.

"Okay, uh, this one or this one?"

"(y/n) both look very beautiful. You are very beautiful, just wear whatever you feel more comfortable in and stick with that. She'll love you no matter what, she practically undresses you with her eyes anyway, I don't think these clothes will stay on for that long"


She just laughed.

"Were you this nervous too, when we had our first date?", Maria asked.

Natasha smiled slightly.

"Yes. You may have not noticed it, because you were a little... Distracted when we went to my room, but the floor was covered in pieces of clothing , just because I couldn't decide what to wear."

Maria smiled at her.

"aww, that's sweet."

"Uh, I'm not sweet."

"You sure are.... Sweety"

"gosh Maria, stop or you'll have to sleep on the couch"

"Okay, okay, I'll stop..... Sweety pie"

"okay, that's it, that's it, you'll sleep on the couch.. Or on the floor I don't care."

"as if you could keep your hands off me", Maria winked.

"ughhh ew okay, back to my outfit..."


"You look stunning"

You blushed a bit as Wanda grabbed your hand and lead you out of the door.

This was going to be a wonderful night.

And by the way, Natasha was right. It didn't matter what clothes you wore in the end, they weren't kept on for soo long anyway.

And because yiu were so distracted you didn't even noticed the big pile of clothes on Wanda's floor showing just how nervous she was before this date.


Vision was very sad when he found out that Wanda had a girlfriend and was not interested in him.

However, he got over her pretty quickly. Just as Tony invented a faster toaster, because Clint was always insisting his toasts took to long to get toasted.

That was the day vision fell in love.

And Clint still didn't get toasted toast :/

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