Agreed - Darcy X Odinsdottir!Reader

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This was requested by the lovely @womansimper07

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This was requested by the lovely @womansimper07


Sorry that it took me so long to finish by the way, I just had a lot of things going on and needed to gat good grades in exams I've wrote so that's why I didn't post so much. But soon I have autumn holidays and I promise I'll write more in them.

(this takes places in Thor 1 where Thor is banned on earth)

(don't know what's with the title, but okay)



You had a brother. Two actually. And a sister, but we won't talk about that now, now we'll take a look at how you met the love of your life.

Darcy Lewis.

Your brother Thor was banned onto earth and your brother Loki went crazy so you decided you would bring Thor back to asgard.

Your father was in the odinsleep and your mother won't leave his side.

Heimdall couldn't help you, so you had to find another way out of asgard.

You were the godess of dreams. Yeah, sounds lame, but I promise it isn't. You could influence someone's dreams, someone's mind and make them go crazy because of it. You could make them do things they definitely don't want to and you could be someone's worst nightmare. Literally.

But you found a way out of asgard to earth.

Om earth it wasn't that hard to find Thor. I mean it doesn't happen all day that a space guy comes to earth.

You stormed inside the house Thor, Darcy, Jane and Professor selvig were in.

They were all eating breakfast.

You looked at Thor with fury and raised your eyebrow.

He and loki were always a little... Scared of you.

His eyes widen and he nearly chocked on his bakon.


"Jeez, chill out, I'm just here to pick up little space guy here and then I'll go", you smiled. They looked at you shocked and Thor stood up quickly. You spend some time on earth, to study, it was important for you to know all about every culture.

"Sister, what are you doing down here on Midgard?"

"Thats-that's your sister? I would've thought of somebody in shining armor like you discribe asgardians", Darcy said.

You looked at her, looked her up and down and smirked. She was really beautiful. Then you made a twirl and in the matter of seconds you stood there in your golden shining armor and with your silver bow Johanna in the hands.

Darcys mouth fell open. "Wow, big fan Form now on."

You chuckled and sat down on an empty stool.

"So you're his... His family Form... From up there?", Jane questioned. You noticed how she wanted to have some proof Thor wasn't lying.

"Yep. And I'm here to drag him back up and shout at him until his ears fall of."

Darcy laughed at your statement, but professor selvig and Jane just looked at each other knowingly.

Suddenly Thor looked sad.

"But I can't go back to asgard, sister. I'm banned and with father's death, I can never come back."

You looked at him confused and made a clicking sound with your lips before saying. "Who told you that? I- I mean not that Odin was a great father, but I don't wish him death. And he isn't, he's just in his odinsleep."

Thors eyes went wide again. "SO THAT MEANS MOTHER WANTS ME TO COME BACK?"

"Of course, mother's ill worried about you. Loki went nuts and we need your help."

"I-that's that's awesome!"

Thor jumped up Form his stool and hugged Jane tightly before leaning in to kiss her. Their lips met and Darcy made An 'ewww' sound.

"Agreed.", you whispered.

She looked at you smiling. "I think we'll become great friends, don't ya?" you smirked at her. 'and maybe even more', you send her a message in her head.

Her mouth formed and o out of shock and then you saw a light blush creeping onto her face.

"Should is show you asgard?", you asked. "That'd be wonderful.", Jane exclaimed.


Selvig, Jane and Darcy needed to wait a bit until everything with loki was cleared up. He didn't get banned, he just needed to do some extra work. Yeah you could just use magic, but he got his magic and powers taken away until he proofed he was worthy of them.

You showed Darcy asgard whilst selvig stayed on earth (he said going up there would just make him Vomit) and Jane and Thor made who knows what. You didn't want to know.

One day you were sitting on one of the large Balconies and read a book.

One of your favorites.
(by the way what's your favourite book, I need some suggestions, hehe)

"hey. ", a voice Form behind you was heared.

You looked up and directly into Darcys beautiful eyes.

"Hi, gorgeous."

She smiled and looked down onto he floor shyly. If Jane saw this, she would've known Darcy fell for you.

You two walked around asgard for hours until you finally kissed as the sun was about to go down.

"Wow.", you said after you backed away.

"Agreed.", Darcy whispered and stared into your eyes.

"I- I need to try that out again."

And with that you captured her lips again.

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