Waiting For Them - Carol

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Hey hope you're fine!

I don't know what this is honestly, but okay, here you go :)


"Do you really need to go?", your daughter Brie looked at Carol, tears threatening to fall out of her eyes.

"I sadly do, sweetie, but I'm sure your mama and you won't even notice I'm gone", you could hear the sadness in her voice and you clearly saw how she tried to sound happy and joyful for her daughter.

Brie hugged Carol, who went down to the hight of her daughter, and started crying again.

After the hug you grabbed her and tried to calm her down by rubbing her back softly and whispering things about all the cool things you'd do while Carol was gone.

You looker carol in the eyes and she mouthed an 'I'm sorry'.

But you knew it wasn't her fault. Yeah, she agreed to go on that mission, but the universe needed her, you couldn't be so selfish and want her all for yourself and brie.

At least that's what you told yourself to make yourself feel better.

Carol kissed you one last time and then closed the door after she stepped out.

You took one deep breath. You needed to be strong now, for your daughter.

But you just saw the love of your life walking away from you and to a mission that took her at least half a year in the best case. And she could die, you have no idea, if she'll ever come home again.


Two weeks later:

You did everything you could to help Brie. She missed her mom a lot.

The night was cold and you grabbed another pair of socks to stay warm.

Then you heard screaming. And not just any screaming, the screaming of your daughter.


You ran over to her room - that was just next doors - as quickly as you could, but the only thing you saw was her disappearing into dust.

"I'm scared, Mama", were the last words you geared her say before she was gone. Completely gone.

You tried to look for her everywhere full of panic, but she was nowhere to be found.

That was your breaking point. Carol - gone. Brie - gone. You - alone.

You fell down onto your knees not caring if it'll hurt or not.


A knock on your door. Brie? Was this all just some sort of stupid trick?

But as you opened it, natasha stood there, looking all Sirius.

"Half of earth's population is blipped away."

Wow, straight to The point.

"Excuse me?"
"Everything's alright with you, I'm just checking up on everyone, or at least some people"
"Uhm.. I guess that happened to brie"

You let her in, walking into your kitchen and making her a coffee.

"im sorry for your loss, I tried to contact some people, but I guess that didn't work."

"I just don't know what to do, nat. Brie's gone, Carol's gone, I'm here alone, but I guess it's the same to you and half of earth's population so I shouldn't be complaining."

"will get everything to work out, I promise"

Don't make a promise you can't keep, you thought.

"what's happening with all the kids that now dotn have anyone to look after them anymore, what if they'll die now, because they are to young to take care of themselves?"

Natasha rubbed her eyes with her hands, looked like she hasn't slept enough in the last time.

" I don't know, I really don't know"


Carol's mission took longer. Yeah, you knew it was just in the best scenario that she'd come home after 6 months and it was more realistic that it'll take her up to one, two or three years.

But now, four and a half years after everything happened, there was still no sigh of her living.

"Naaaat, Steve, I have sandwiches"

These two were the only one you had contact with. Yeah, you talked to a few other people, but not much.

It still hurtled, not knowing if you'll see Brie or Carol ever again, but you couldn't do anything about it, your day to day life had to go on.

Even if it was different now of course.


Finally. Finally everything was over. But at what cost?

Natasha - dead
Steve - dead
Tony - dead
The list could go on for miles.


After you fought side by side as good as you could (you weren't a superhuman or somebody with special skills, but Tony built you a suit and you fought as good as you could in it)  you finally. Got home.

Hopefully she would be there, hopefully she was back.

You opened the door.

"mama?", a voice, that sounded scared yelled.

You ran up to her and hugged her little body.

"I love you brie"
"what happened"
"I'll explain everything, come, we. Drink a hot chocolate"


'proof that Tony stark has a heart'

You met Morgan again, you first met her as you came here with the team, and she and brie got along very well.

Now, you only needed to wait for Carol, hoping she wasn't dead and would come back.

And she did.

It was a rainy morning as you heard laughing and giggling out of Brie's room so you stood up, placed your cup full with tea on the kitchen counter and walked up the stairs and into her room.

And there she was, Carol, hugging your other favorite person.

Finally. Finally, she was back.

She made eye contact with you and her look said  'I love you' and 'I'm sorry'.

You ran up to her and hugged her too, now all of you finally together again, finally reunited.

After nearly five and a half years.

And you had a lot to tell......

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