Birthday Present - Natasha

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Okay this wasn't a request, but it's my birthday today and Natasha and Tony are my favorite avengers so I wanted to write something about birthdays with Nat. It's just all cute and fluffy, because I have school in four hours and should be sleeping and I'm writing a Latin test today :(

And here it is (I'll continue finishing the requests later sorry☹︎)

Third person pov:

"Happy Birthday sweetheart", a soft voice woke you up, the voice of your girlfriend.

You yawned and stretched to get awake fully.

"Hey, honey...", you mumbled, still in your raspy morning voice.

"I've made breakfast for you.... And you can eat it in bed..."

You smiled and opened your eyes.

"Thank youuuuu", you whispered.

"No problem, darling.", she pressed a kiss on your hair, before standing up, grabbing the foot from a table standing near by.

It was a large plate with Wich you could eat in bed and on top of it was (your favorite drink for the morning), some pancakes, Sirup, raspberries and strawberries.

You smiled at your girlfriend.

She was really sweet.

She knew exactly what you liked and how you liked it.

And that's why you loved her so much.

Because she cared so much.

As you started eating you shared with Natasha being the good girlfriend you are (and because she made too much food).

As you let the fork slide into her mouth with a piece of pancake on it, feeding her, she giggled.

Soon your (favorite drink for the morning) and your breakfast was eaten and you snuggled up closer to her.

"I have presents, honey.", natasha replied softly.

You looked up at her.

"I told you not to buy anything..."

"And I told you I wouldn't listen to that.", you giggled ad she boobed your noce with her index figer.

She grabbed a little box with a (your favorite colour) Loop around it.

You smiled at her as you opened it, revealing a....


She grabbed the ring, before going on her knees in front of you.

"(y/n) (y/m/n) (y/l/n), ever since we first met I liked you. As I finally was brave enough to ask you out and you said yes, I was so worried about what we could do. I was so worried I came to late to that very date.", you giggled, remembering this moment.

"As I was finally. Brave enough to ask you to be my girlfriend, I hadn't sleep in two days, just thinking about all the ifs. Just for you to say yes.", your smile grew, you were still shjocked, but you guessed what this would be.

"As we finally told the team, I was so nervous I wore two different socks and my shirt on the wrong side."

"And now, I'm finally brave enough to ask you: (y/n), you're the love of my life, will you marry me?"

Tears Wer ein both, your and her, eyes and you screamed out of joy. "Yes! Yes! I do. I will marry you."

You chuckled along with her, tears still streaming down your cheeks.

She put the ring onto your finger.

Of course it fitted perfectly.

She hugged you close and kissed you with so much love afterwards, that you had no idea how you could get so lucky to have her as your fiance.

Only that she was asking herself the Same question.

"I have another present, today we well meet our past."

Your eyes shined as she giggled.

You got dressed and went with her in the car. She drove to different locations, telling you the story why you were there.

Of course you knew it, but it was nice to hear she remembered too.

You nearly cried to whole day, as did she.

Out of happiness of course.

"This was were we met for the very first, I ran into you, because stark pissed me off and I didn't looked where I walked. Looking back, I'm thankful for him being a complete asshole.

Here we had our first date. It was beautiful, even to I was to late and the movie had already started.

Here we kissed for the first time. It was full moon and we made along night walk on the beach.

Here is were I asked you to be my girlfriend. I was so nervous, I nearly stuttered.

Here is were we told the team. Of course they knew before, but still acted surprise. And of course they had to mock us.

And here is where I asked you to marry me, just some hours ago. And where you gladly said yes. "

As you came to your room again, you smiled so bright, the sun would be jealous.

You lay in bed with her and snuggled up closely to her.

" Thank you, thank you for everything nat. You're really the best thing that ever happened to me. "

" I love you."

"I love you too, Tasha."

Yeah hope this turned out cute <3

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