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In a class full of -mostly- pretty girls it's hard to stand out. Especially for a girl like me. My class is the only class in this major that exists of girls only. All of them having long shimmery hair and tons of make-up on their faces. All of them wearing the most trendy outfits, looking like an actual model with their white teeth and tan skin. All of them, except for me. Don't get me wrong, most of my classmates are really kind and I like them. But, I am just not like them. I don't keep up with the latest trends, my hair is a mess almost twenty-four-seven and I definitely do not know how to put on make-up the way they do. I try to be a bit like them though, putting on a little mascara and my brightest smile whenever I am at school. Even though I am very different from most of the girls in my classroom, I don't stand out at all. But let's be honest: how could I compete against all those pretty girls?

For him it's not that hard to stand out, in a class with only a few guys it is not so hard to find him in the first place. Him being the only cute guy in his class makes it even easier to spot him. From the first moment I laid eyes on him, I've had a crush. My first crush. And I am low-key freaking out. I know it sounds dramatic, but I am in my second year of college and this is the first serious crush I have ever had. I have no idea what to do. I used to always joke that I would just end up being a lonely old lady with three cats and two dogs. As the years passed I started to believe more and more that it wouldn't just be a joke. I really started to believe that I wouldn't be able to find someone. Not that I am desperately searching for anyone. Not at all, it is just that sometimes I feel a little lonely and it would be nice to have someone caring for me at moments like that. I always thought I was an independent woman who doesn't need anyone, but in the end I also need a shoulder to lean on from time to time.

When this school year started I found out that due to a shortage of classrooms, my class has to share the classroom with another class. With his class. And honestly, I couldn't be more happy when I found out. Now I would be able to stare at him almost everyday of the week. In a non-creepy way, of course.

"Oh my gosh Jenny, you are almost undressing him with your eyes! Stop staring like that and go talk to him!" That's Helena, the girl in my class I like the most. I think it's safe for me to actually call her my friend. Since the start of our first year we have been pretty close, doing a lot of things together. Helena is the biggest sweetheart I have ever met, she is very social and she would never hurt anyone or be mean to anyone. But I wish I never told her about my crush on the guy from class 2A. Ever since I told her, she has been telling me to go talk to him. As if I -the most socially awkward and introverted person you can think of- could do something like that. I know I won't be able to do it without embarrassing myself.

"I am not undressing him with my eyes!" I hiss back, looking around to see if anyone heard us. "I was just looking..." I mumble, my eyes automatically finding him again. He is brightly smiling and talking to some of his classmates. Gosh, his smile is so adorable. I know I should stop staring at him, it is weird and it must be very uncomfortable for him. But I can't seem to stop myself from doing it. I just really like him, even though I have never talked to him. I love the silver streaks in his black hair. I love the rings he is wearing and the small silver bracelet around his right wrist. I love the scar on his hand, even though I don't know the story behind it. And most of all, that adorable smile and those cute, brown puppy eyes that light up whenever he starts talking about something he really seems to like.

"I don't get you Jenny, just go to him and say 'hi'. It's not that hard." Helena looks at me, she seems to be pretty serious about it. "And what do I do after I say hi? You know I am a mess in those kind of situations. What if he doesn't like me? He probably just thinks that I am a weird girl." I ramble, thinking of all things that could possibly go wrong. "I will embarrass myself without a doubt. Maybe I will trip on my way over there, or what if I start stammering. I will definitely become some sort of tomato when I start talking to him. What if he already has a girlfri-" Helena grabs me by my shoulders and makes me shut up. "Okay Jenny, just breath okay? Everything will be fine." she says, trying so reassure me. "You're thinking of all the things that could go wrong. But why don't you think like this: what if he likes you? What if he is as shy as you are? What if he is waiting for an opportunity to talk with you?" Helena raises an eyebrow.

I shake my head immediately. "No, he definitely doesn't like me. He has never even looked at me." I know Helena is trying to cheer me up and give me a little bit of hope, but this time I know pretty well where I stand. "What if he is staring at you when you don't look at him? Then it's not that weird that you never caught him staring. He also never caught you staring, right?" in Helena's world everything seems so simple. Sometimes I am really jealous that I don't have the same mindset as her. I sigh deeply while I look up, this time my eyes meeting his soft brown ones. I am startled by the sudden eye contact and look away as fast as possible. My cheeks turn bright red. I try to hide my face as quickly as possible, but I am caught by Helena already. "What? What happened?" she asks, a bright smile on her lips. I'm sure she already knows what's up, yet she's asking me. "We made eye contact..." I mumble, trying to focus on the screen of my laptop. "Oh my gosh! I told you!" Helena screams, she stands up from her seat to do some sort of happy dance. I quickly pull her back on her chair, making her shut up. "Stop it! You're embarrassing me." I mumble, but I can't help and laugh at my friend.

"Okay, now you definitely have to go and talk to him." Helena says, suddenly her smiles drops to make space for a more serious look. "Wait, I think he is actually coming this way!" she excitingly starts patting my shoulder, slapping me so hard that I am sure I will get a bruise out of it. When I look up again I see that he is coming our way indeed. My heart starts pounding loudly, I can feel my cheeks heating up again. Is he really coming my way? Oh my god, what do I do? What do I say to him? I low key start panicking, but then... He just walks past me. It feels like my heart drops and I get hit by some sort of reality check. Of course he didn't come to talk to me, he is going home and he has to walk past me to leave the classroom. "Oh..." I can tell even Helena is a little disappointed. I put on a smile again and act like it never happened. "It's okay, we should go home too. It is already getting late." I stand up an start packing my things. Helena grabs me by my arm. "Look!" she says, pointing at the table he was sitting at seconds ago. "He left something behind!" she runs over to the table and grabs something that looks like a little notebook. "Put that back Helena, what if he comes back to get it?" I asks, slightly panicking out. I just don't want him to see us touching his stuff, he might not like that. "No, he will probably find out when he is home. Here, you should run after him and return it to him." Helena pushes the little booklet in my hands and pushes me out of the classroom. "I'll wait here for you." she winks, giving me one last push. 

At the end of the hallway I can see him walking with his friends. I muster up all my courage and call his name. "Minghao?" with shaky legs I walks towards him. Both he and his friends turn around, looking at me with a frown. "Uhm... I uhm... I believe t-this is your uhm yours." I mumble,  holding up the notebook for him te see. A smile appears on Minghao his lips, making my heart melt again. Wait. Is he really smiling like that. At me? He walks over to me, taking the booklet from me. "Thank you so much for bringing it back to me." he says, his voice deep and soothing. I smile, looking down with red cheeks. I manage to mumble a 'no problem'. An awkward silence follows. I decide to just say bye and go back to Helena, but when I am about to open my mouth he opens up first. 

"You are Jenny, right?" he asks. My heart flutters by hearing him say my name. Gosh, why do I like him so much? This is seriously the first time I am actually talking to him. "Yeah, that's me." I say, my voice as shaky as my legs. I carefully look up at him again, our eyes meeting for the second time today. "It is nice to formally meet you." he sticks out his hand, waiting for me the shake it. I take his hand and slowly shake it, a soft tingling feeling spreading from my hand to the rest of my body. "I see you tomorrow, Jenny." he says, winking at me. Winking. At. Me. I feel like my heart could explode every moment. Did he really just wink at me? A bright smile spreads across my face. "See you tomorrow, Minghao."

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