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At the start of this school year I found out my roommate was a boy. When I entered the dorm room he was already there, unpacking his things. Both of us were in the right room, we checked it more than once. Then I started to think it was a joke, they never pair up girls with boys and I think we all know why.
We went to the administration office that day to find out what happend. They told us something must have gone wrong, they made a mistake which they couldn't solve because all the dorms were packed and apperently the rest of the rooms are all girl-girl or boy-boy making it impossible for me or him to switch to another room. So either one of us had to leave the dorms or we would have to live with the two of us for the next coming year. We decided to give it a try, both not willing to find another place to stay.
When I thought about it I realised having a male roommate could be more positive than a female one, he wouldn't take hours in the bathroom, no bitch fights and no gossiping.
In the meantime half a year has passed and I am starting to get annoyed by his behavior more and more. He is messier than messy always leaving his dirty dishes and clothes all over the place, his friends come over a lot, a group of weird and loud guys with no manners, my roommate is more arrogant than I thought and above all that, he always locks himself up in the bathroom for at least one and a half hour. Every night, it takes him so damn long to shower and get ready to go to sleep. And because he takes so much time, I always have to hurry and most of the times it is almost midnight before I am done showering myself. If I didn't fall asleep waiting, waking up the next morning realizing I still have to shower.
A deep sigh leaves my mouth when I close my notebook. "Come on Haru, you have to let him know this won't do any longer." I mumble to myself, but I can't seem to force myself to stand up an knock on the bathroom door, ordering him he needs to get out of the bathroom. I sigh, opening my notebook again. "I should just continue studying, he'll be done soon. At least I hope so." I grab my pen and start drawing a little cartoon of my roommate, giving him big eyes and thick eyebrows. I can't seem to hide a smile, imagining how he would react if he saw this little cartoon of him.
"Haru?! Are you back already?" I hear him yell from underneath the shower, the water still running. I look up at the closed door, he doesn't know I am back he was already in the bathroom when I came back from my last lecture, I can just ignore him and he won't find out. A tiny bit of payback. I focus on my drawing again, ignoring him for a second time. After a couple of minutes the shower stops and it is completely silent in the room, in just ten seconds the bathroom door opens and my roommate appears, his body and hair still wet from the shower he just took, only a white towel around his waist. When I look up at him my mouth drops, I can't help but check out his muscles. Eventhough we have been roommates for half a year now, I have never seen him shirtless before. And to be honest, I'd never imagine he would be this good looking.
"Wait, did you just ignore me?" he asks, running a hand through his blond hair. I slightly shake my head. "N-no?" I mumble, forcing myself to look at the ground, my cheeks turning red. And eventhough I can't see his face, I know a grin appeared on his face the moment he heard my shaky voice. "You don't have te be shy, I won't blame you for staring." he says. I sigh, for a short second I forgot how arrogant he really is. Good thing he just reminded me on that, something he never fails to do.
"Ken, you can't just come out of the bathroom wearing nothing. Cover yourself with something, it's making me feel uncomfortable." I say, I close my notebook and put it down on the small table next to my bed before I stand up. I try to look him in the eyes, but he is almost twenty centimeters taller than me, so I have to look up to be able to even see his eyes.
Ken looks at me with his eyebrows raised. "Well, that's why I called you. I forgot to bring my clothes, the only thing I have is this towel, but I am pretty sure you prefer me wearing it around my waist than to cover my upper body with it. I could tho, if you really want me to." the blond boy grabs te towel, ready to take it off but I stop him.
"N-no, d-don't you dare." I warn him, a stern look in my eyes, my cold fingers touching his warm, muscled arms. He smiles at me.
"You know, this is the closest we have been ever since we are roomies." he says, the way he pronounces the word roomies causes goosebumps all over my body and I don't know why. I take a step back, creating some space between us. "Just get back into the bathroom, you're making everything wet and slippy." I mumble, turning away so he won't see my red cheecks. "I first need to grab some clothes." he says, stepping into the room. "No don't! The room will end up like an ocean!" I exlaim, not happy with the wet stains he's leaving on the floor. It will get really dirty and slippy and I will be the one who ends up trying to clean it. Well, not this time.
"Just dry yourself first and then grab some clothes!" I say, grabbing his wrist, trying to stop him. "Ah come on Haru, just let me grab some clothes. I'll be really quick." Ken tries to pull his hand from my grip, but because of the sudden strength I lose my balance and slip, taking the blond boy with me when I fall down.

"We are making a lot of progress today, Haru. Untill yesterday we always had at least fifty centimeters between us, today you are even laying on top of me." Ken says, not even trying to hide his smile. I wish I could disappear immediatly, my cheeks even more red than tomatoes. How can I be so stupid and slip?!
"I-I am s-sorry." I mumble and try to get up, but Ken grabs my shoulders en pushes me on the ground, this time it is him who is laying on top of me. He places his hands on both sides of my head so that he can lean on them and look me in the eyes. I can't move, being captured between him and the ground.
"You know, you really changed a lot since the first time we met. You used to be so open and happy. But now we barely talk and it seems like you hate me. Why is that?" he asks, looking at me with those big, brown puppy eyes of his. He bites his lower lip, waiting for an answer. My heart starts beating faster and faster and I am really scared he will notice it soon. Does he even know what he is doing to me right now?

"Haru,-" "It's all because of you. It is your own fault." I say without even thinking, immediately regretting what I said. But I did say it and he did hear it, so I have no choice but to continue and explain him what exactly he did wrong.
"At first I never realised it but my friend told me two, almost three, months ago." I start "You flirt with litterly every girl in this university. You always give them a wink, or one of your charming smiles. You help them out, grab their hands and most of all, you make them feel loved, you make their hearts beat faster." I try not to look him in the eyes, but he forces me to look him in the eyes by cupping my cheeks with his hands.
"And then I realized that I am the only girl that you are not flirting with. Instead of grabbing my hand and helping me out you always make a mess and try to find a way to piss me off. It makes me feel as if I don't deserve to be loved by you, as if you think of me as a boy and not a girl. As if I am too ugly to flirt with." I mumble, almost ashamed of the words I just said.

"You really are the cutest." Ken says, I look at him both confused and angry. I hate it when people call me cute, it makes me feel as if they think of me as a little girl. And okay, I have to admit, I am not tall, but definitely not a little girl who can't take care of herself. I try to push Ken away, totally done with him, he ruined the atmosphere, again. But the blond haired boy grabs my wrists and pinns them on the floor.
"You know, I only flirt with those other girls because I don't care about them. I don't care whether they like me or hate me. It is just my way of being nice to them." Ken says, his face so close I can feel his warm breath in my neck. "But you are a diffrent case." he wishpers in my ear. "With you I am more carefull, because I don't want to lose you." he adds, pressing a small kiss on my ear. My eyes grow wide, did I really just feel that? Another kiss follows, this time one on my left cheek. I am trying to control my breathing and heartbeat but they decided to live on their own.
"You like me, don't you?" Ken asks after he placed a soft kiss on the tip of my nose, he definitely felt my heartbeat rise. Ken takes his lower lip between his teeth, a grin on his face.
I am about to say I don't like him but he interrupts me by pressing his soft lips against mine. His hands let go of my wrists and grab my hands, intertwinning our fingers. I slowly close my eyes, enjoying the kiss more then I want to admit.
"I like you too Haru, more than you can imagine." he whispers, pressing another kiss on my lips.

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