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"I am not supposed to like you, to love you. But I can't seem to stop my heart from beating faster whenever I see your smile"

"I think I should go home and let you go to bed, you look a little pale." Mingyu looks at the girl with a worried look on his face. "I shouldn't have stayed when you told me you were sick. Go to bed and take some rest okay?" He grabs the girl by her shoulders and pulls her in a tight hug. "I made you stay. I needed your company to distract me from my headache. Also, I missed you so much that I didn't want you to leave."
"I promise that I will come back tomorrow to check how you are doing. Make sure you cover yourself with an extra blanket tonight." Mingyu cups her face with his hands and presses a small kiss on her cheek.
"But wait, I can't go to bed yet. I completely forgot, but my sister went to the birthday party of her friend. My parents aren't home but I want to make sure she comes home safe..." she closes her eyes for a second, the pain in her head almost unbearable.
"She probably won't be home soon, Yoona, you can't wait untill she gets home. Your fever is way too high, sleep is what you need right now. Like I told you before, otherwise your fever will be even worse tomorrow." Mingyu runs a hand through her long curly hair, he looks her in the eyes with a caring look on his face. "How about this, I will stay here and wait for your sister to get home. And when she is home safely I will leave. Then you can go to bed and get some rest, because I know you are tired."
"Mingyu, did I ever tell you you are the sweetest boyfriend in the whole wide world. I don't know what I would do without you." Yoona steps towards the boy and presses a kiss on his lips, a smile on her face. "Goodnight Yoona." he sends her a last smile before sending her of to bed.
A deep sigh leaves the boy his mouth, the livingroom is silent. "What should I do untill she gets home?" he takes place on the couch and looks around. He has been here so many times, Yoona has been his girlfriend for about two years now, her parents really seem te like him and he is goods friends with her younger sister aswell. But there is one problem. His feelings for Yoona seem to fade away a little, his heartbeat doesn't raise everytime they kiss and the smile that used to appear on his face every time he sees her is getting more fake and forced every week. It is not that he doesn't care for her anymore but Mingyu is starting to think that maybe his feelings for her aren't love, but just friendship. He really likes her, but liking someone is diffrent from actually loving someone.
"I didn't know her sister liked to party, she doesn't seem like the type to do so." Mingyu mumbles to himself, looking at a family picture that is hanging on the wall.
From the living room he can hear the front door falling in the lock with a hard bang, followed by someone stumbling in. Mingyu gets up en hurries towards the front door where he finds the sister of his girlfriend crawling on the floor, trying to get her shoes off.
"Lia are you okay?" he grabs the girl by her shoulders and pulls her up. She smells like soju mixed with sweet parfume and sweat. "M-mingyu?" she mumbles, looking at the tall boy with glassy eyes. "You really drank a lot didn't you?" Mingyu asks, supporting the girl to stand. He helps her get to the livingroom where he puts her down on the couch. "Wow, I wish I had a boyfriend as caring as you. I am so so envious of my sister, she really is living a dream life." she rattles her eyes locked in the brown ones of the boy sitting next to her. "I am feeling so freaking lonely, there is no one in this damn world who truly loves me, Mingyu. Can't you just break up with Yoona and be mine?" Lia doesn't seem to regret the words she just said, she seems really serious at the moment. "I think you drank a bit too much." Mingyu tries to laugh it off but the words are running circles in his mind. Lia looks at him, her cheeks pink from the warmth, a cute smile on her lips. A couple of giggles leave her mouth. "I am not drunk, I didn't touch one single glass of alcohol." the girl pricks her finger in his chest, still giggling. "Should I bring you to your bedroom? I think you should go to bed an take some rest. Because you are drunk, very drunk." Mingyu gets up and wants to pull the girl up aswell, but she pulls him back on the couch. "I don't want you to leave Mingyu, can't you look after me a little longer? Can't you just stay and keep me company, listen to my complains and give some advice. We all know you give the best advices, my sister told me so many times. You know, I always wonderd why she has such a beautiful boyfriend and such a perfect life and then there is me, lonely and living a miserable life. I went to a party but I couldn't bring myself to start talking with other guys, I continously kept thinking of someone who I know will never be mine..." Lia almost starts to cry, tears welling up in her eyes but she blinks them away.
"I always keep thinking about that stupid boyfriend of my sister. You have no clue how much my heart breaks every time I see the two of you kiss. I can't seem to push away the thoughts that you could have been mine if I just told you sooner about my feelings for you. You are the one who approached me first, it was me you went to first, not my sister." Mingyu can't deny that what she said is true, two years ago he met Lia at school, she and her sister just transferred to the school in Anyang that he was attending at the time.
He walked over to Lia to welcome her and tried to start a conversation, but she immediately walked away when he said hello to her. Later Mingyu heard from Yoona that her sister ran away because she was too shy and missing her old home, but now he knows that there was one more reason.
"Are you going to get mad at me if I start kissing you now?" Lia asks, causing a confused look on the boy his face. But before he can answer Lia already moves closer to him pressing her lips against his. A weird feeling creeps up in his stomach, something he only felt once before and that was a really long time ago. But he knows that what he is doing right now is wrong so he pushes the girl away. "Lia, this is not right. We would hurt Yoona this way."
But she doesn't seem to listen to him and starts kissing him again, pressing soft kisses in his neck, slowly making her way up to his lips. And again that magical feeling is swirling around in his stomach, his lips tingle from the soft touch of her lips against his. Mingyu closes his eyes, finally giving in to the kiss. He wraps his arms around Lia her waist and pulls her closer to him. It feels good, eventhough he knows it is wrong.


Hey guys! Requests are still open! You can send me a private message or leave a comment behind! The only thing I need to know is the idol you want your One Shot/imagine/preference with, so let me know and I will write something for you!

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