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"You seriously couldn't wait for me? I thought we were going to decorate the tree together." Jae hears the voice of the older boy behind him. He hangs the ornament on one of the branches before turning around. "I'm so sorry but I bought these new ornaments this morning and I couldn't wait any longer. I had to see how they would look on our tree." Jae explains, giving the older boy a sweet smile. "You bought new ornaments?" Taeyong raises an eyebrow. "Didn't you buy some last year as well?" The dark haired crosses his arms, he can clearly remember his boyfriend bought some new tree decorations last year. "Well yeah, but these are so cute I just had to buy them!" Jae says, showing his boyfriend what all the fuss is about. The blond guy is holding a small ornament that looks a lot like a pile of pancakes. Taeyong can't help but sigh. "You seriously buy everything that has to do with pancakes, don't you?" He raises an eyebrow, how can he be into a guy who is so obsessed with pancakes. "Sometimes I'm really wondering what you like more, those pancakes or me." "Well, why ask if you already know the answer. You know there is nothing that can beat you, not even pancakes." Jae gives his boyfriend a wink before he turns around to continue decorating the tree. "Wait for me, we are supposed to do this together." Taeyong walks over to the tree to help the taller guy out with decorating. 

"I have to admit, these are pretty cute." Taeyong admits, hanging one of the pancake ornaments in the tree. "I knew you would like them!" Jae starts doing his weird little victory dance. "Not as much as I like you tho." Taeyong presses a kiss on the blond one his cheek. Jae's face slightly turns red, it still feels a little unusual that he found someone like Taeyong to be his other half. But he couldn't be more happy.

"I don't want to interrupt this sweet little thing that is going on right here." Doyoung says while he enters the living room, in his hand a tray with some cups of hot chocolate. "But you guys wanted to make diner right? It's kind of getting late already." he says, trying to be as subtle as possible. "Ah! You're right, we better get started before it'll be too late." Jae says, a pout on his lips. "What about the tree?" Taeyong asks, they are only halfway decorating the thing. "We can finish that, we are done with decorating outside." Hye Jin suggests. She and Young Hyun had been busy hanging lights on the outside of the house all afternoon. It was really fun despite it being extremely cold. "Are you sure?" Jae asks, looking at the couple with his big puppy eyes. "Yeah, sure." Young Hyun lifts his shoulders, it won't take that long to finish, there are only a few ornaments and the tree topper left. "Okay great! Then we will start making diner!" Jae grabs Taeyong his hand and takes him to the kitchen. "Shall we get started?" Hye Jin gives her boyfriend a big smile before getting up to continue decorating the tree, she always loved decorating the house and tree every Christmas. But when she became a trainee there was almost no time left and when there was it didn't really make sense to decorate a place where she would only sleep in before going to the entertainment to practice.

"Are you guys almost finished with the tree? We could use an extra pair of hands." Mi Young looks over her shoulder while she and Wonpil are holding up to lights in an attempt to put them above the door. "Can't Sungjin and Doyoung help you?" Young Hyun asks, but when he turns around he notices that the two guys have magically disappeared. "Of course they are gone." he sighs, rolling his eyes. "We are almost done, only the tree topper is left. We will help you after that." Hye Jin answers, looking around to find the tree topper. "The honor is yours." Young Hyun says, handing over the golden star to his girlfriend. "I know you want to do it, Christmas is your favorite holiday." Young Hyun adds with a charming smile. "You know me too well." Hye Jin laughs, she turns around to put the star on top of the tree. There is only one problem, the tree is too tall for her so she can't reach the top nor put the tree topper on it. "Why did Jae and Taeyong buy such a tall tree?" she pouts, a sigh leaves the dark haired her lips; there is no other option, she has to stand on her toes. Hye Jin feels two hands grabbing her waist before lifting her in the air. "Does this help a little?" Young Hyun asks, trying to lift her up a little more. A big smile appears on Hye Jin's lips, she can now reach the top and put the star on top of the tree. "It's beautiful." she mumbles once it's done. Young Hyun puts her down slowly, making sure she comes down on two feet. "Shall we put on the lights?" Hye Jin asks, curious to what it will look like once the lights are shining. Without letting go of the younger girl, Young Hyun plugs in the lights of the tree. Hye Jin her mouth slowly drops, it's the most beautiful Christmas tree she has ever seen. It looks amazing. 

"We did a great job." Young Hyun says, whispering the words in her ear. "Yes we did, it's breathtaking, I totally love it." Hye Jin grabs Young Hyun his arm and holds him tightly. Young Hyun looks at the girl next to him, it's adorable how happy she seems to be by just looking at the tree. "I'm so happy I got to share this moment with you." Hye Jin whispers, she looks at the older boys, her eyes immediately meeting his brown ones. Her smile gets even bigger and she can't help but press a kiss on the boy his lips. "Let's help the others out."

"Oh my! It's snowing!" Mi Young starts clapping enthusiastically, she had been hoping for a white Christmas the whole year, finally the first snow is falling down. The brunette drops the lights she was holding and runs outside as fast as she can. Wonpil can see her through the window, as expected she ran outside without grabbing her jacket. "She is still the same." Wonpil softly shakes his head, his lips curled up in a small smile. "We'll be right back." He says to Hye Jin and Young Hyun before following his girlfriend outside. 

"Mi Young, put this on before you get sick." Wonpil hands over her jacket, he is trying to sound stern, but he knows he is totally failing. It's just so adorable to see Mi Young being so happy about a little bit of snow. "Ah, I'm sorry. I Forgot." She apologizes, taking the coat from Wonpil so she can put it on. "Dance with me Wonpil." Mi Young sticks out her hand. Wonpil frowns, what is it with this girl and dancing in the snow? "Please?" she pouts, knowing Wonpil can't say no to her puppy face. "Okay, but only for a short while. We have to continue decorating soon." Wonpil puts his hand in hers, pulling the brunette closer to him. "One minute is enough. I just want to enjoy this moment with you." she smiles, putting her other hand on his shoulder. The couple slowly starts moving, dancing to the rhythm of a song no one else can hear. "Doesn't it feels nice to just dance in the snow?" Mi Young asks, looking Wonpil in his eyes. "It's just so romantic." she adds. "You're just too cute when it starts snowing." Wonpil says, making the girl in his arms laugh a little. "I just love the winter. Christmas is such a beautiful time of the year, I like spending time with the people I love." Mi Young explains. "My stage name might be Sol, but I think I prefer the winter over the summer." 

Wonpil looks at his girlfriend, his mind flashing back to a couple of years ago when they were dancing in the snow too, back then they were  still in university, even though it feels like it happened just yesterday. Slowly the couple is getting closer, until their cold noses touch each other. "It seems like there is mistletoe above us." Wonpil says, while dancing they slowly moved under the tree where someone randomly hung some mistletoe. "Seems like there is only one thing left to do then." Mi Young says, pressing her soft lips against those of Wonpil, slowly drowning the cold out of their bodies. 

"Well I think we came home just at the right time." Chae Won says, pointing at the couple under the tree. Dowoon looks up, his lips curl up when he sees his friends. "I'm actually surprised they are still as close as they used to be." He admits "Honestly, me too." Chae Won nods, a small laugh leaves her lips. "They are such a good match for each other." Dowoon nods in agreement. "They are indeed." 

"I had a lot of fun today, thanks for taking me to the ice rink." Chae Won grabs the older one his hands and intertwines their fingers. Dowoon decided to take his girlfriend out to go ice skating. They once tried to skate together in a park which turned out to be a lot of fun, now it was time for them to take it to the next level. This time risking their lives on the ice. "I'm glad you liked it as much as I did." Dowoon opens the door and holds it so that Chae Won can enter the house. "No matter what we do, I always like spending time with you." she winks, stepping inside. It was so cold outside, but she didn't really mind the cold, in some weird way it was pretty comfortable. But that was probably because of Dowoon who was next to her all the time. "I smell pancakes." Dowoon says, sniffing the delicious smell that is coming from the kitchen. "I don't think that's much of a surprise." Chae Won laughs, it seems that every single time she comes over Jae is baking pancakes. Don't get her wrong, they taste amazing, but sometimes it's a little too much. "Should we go to the kitchen to see if we can steal some pancakes already? I'm starving." Chae Won grabs Dowoon his hand again and looks at him with a bright smile. "Let's go do that." he says, giving her the cutest smile ever.

"Promise me one thing Sungjin." Doyoung looks at the guy who is sitting next to him on the couch. "Next Christmas, we should both get a partner as well." Sungjin nods, definitely agreeing with the older boy. "Seeing all these couples being happy really makes me feel lonely. Especially during the holidays." he mumbles before taking a sip of his hot chocolate. "Merry Christmas my friend." Doyoung pets the other boy on his shoulder. "Merry Christmas."

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