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"You know what they say, in order to hate someone you have to love them first... Or something like that... Right?"

"Eunha, I don't think you should do this..." a deep sigh leaves the boy his mouth, he already knows this 'joke' of his best friend will end up as a total disaster. Just like all her other jokes and pranks.
"What? Why shouldn't I do this? Can't you remember what he did to me yesterday?!" Eunha looks at the redhead who is standing next to her, her eyebrow raised.
"Ah come on, he only tied your shoe laces together! But you have already drawn on his face with a permanent marker, you threw water on him when it was freezing outside and he couldn't change into something else. Oh and don't forget about that one time you 'accidently' threw his books outside of the window or when you let him trip. Several times. And on top of all that, you painted his hair blue last week!" exclaims Hongjoong, Eunha her best friend.
"Well... I thought I'd do him a favor by painting his hair blue. I mean he already acts like a clown, now he looks like one aswell." Eunha looks at the ground, almost as if she wants to hide her face for Hongjoong. First he thinks she is too embarrassed but soon he figures out she is trying her best not to show him her smile. Then she looks up from the ground, her smile completely gone.
"But wait, why are you on his side?! Did you foget that in return he cut of a piece of my hair! Look how short I had to cut it to make it look at least a bit decent!" Eunha pulls her own hair, she had very long, waving hair before, all the girls were jealous of her. But now she had to cut it just above her shoulders. "He also once glued me on my chair, he drew all over my notes and spilled food on my homework, he more than once stole my lunch and do you remember that moment when he let me drink something with strawberry. The whole school knows I am allergic to strawberries, we had to take the school pictures the day after, I looked like a swollen tomato!" the girl crosses her arms, totally not amused at those horrible memories and not happy that her best friend seems to take the side of the person she hates the most. "I think you get why I hate him so much." she adds mumbling.
"Why don't you guys just stop this little war of yours? I'm almost starting to think that you do this not because you hate him, but because you love him so much you don't want to lose his attention!" Eunha almost chokes at the words of her best friend
"L-love?" she asks, her eyes wide open. "Never!" She almost spits the word in Hongjoong his face. "Never in a million years would I love him."
From out of nowhere Eunha realises she was in the middle preparing her prank. Her plan is to put powder in his locker, nasty stuff that won't come off easily. So when the boy opens his locker the white powder will fall all over him and he will look like a ghost. She can't help but laugh when she thinks about it. "I can't wait to see his face when he opens up his locker."

"Did you see his face?! It was hilarious, he looked like he was about to explode!" Eunha can't seem to stop laughing anymore, everytime when she thinks about how her prank turned out she burst out in a big laughter again. Hongjoong, who sits opposite from her doesn't seem that amused, he is barely eating eventhough he was the one who wanted to go to the canteen and get some lunch. "Eunha, the whole corridor is covered in powder. It is a big mess. No good will come from this, I am hundred precent sure Yunho is going to take revenge for this. And you'll get in big trouble with the principal if he finds out it was you who did this." The boy mumbles, a serious look on his face.
"Yunho won't be able to get his revenge this time, because I will stop him on time. Trust me, it will take him ages before he is done cleaning himself from the powder, I am all prepared by the time he is done." A satisfied smile appears on Eunha her lips, she seems very confident about it all. Eunha is so busy in her own world, still laughing about her recent prank, that she doesn't notice someone walking up to her untill that person bumps his shoulder into her, throwing all of his lunch over the smaller girl her uniform.
Eunha her eyes grow wide in disbelief, she stands up immediatly, ready to fight the person who did this to her. "Oh whoopsie." The blue haired boy says with a grin on his face. "How clumsy of me." He adds, not feeling sorry at all.
"Yunho!" The short haired girl looks from the boy in front of her to her uniform, rice and kimchi all over her white blouse.
"You are so small I didn't notice you." Yunho says, he streches his arms above her head, proving that compared to him she indeed is very small. Eunha now seems to explode herself, she can't hold it back anymore. The girl grabs her own bowl of seaweed soup and empties it in Yunho his face. The grin on his face dissappears immediately starting to get annoyed and angry already. The tall boy reaches for the lunch of one of his friends who is standing behind him, but before he can throw his hand full of noodles over Eunha her head a teacher shows up to stop their little food fight. "You!" He says pointing at Yunho, then he turns to Eunha.  "And you! My office!" He yells, the whole canteen has fallen silent, everyone is curious about what will hapoen with the two. "Now!" The teachers adds before he turns and walks out of the canteen. Both students sigh before they silently follow their teacher, both still covered in food.

"You know, this is all your fault." Eunha says, eventhough it sounded more like a growl than an actual sentence. For a second she stops sweeping the floor, looking up at the tall boy who is busy cleaning the windows of the classroom. Their teacher decided that the right punishment for them was to clean up the mess they made in both the corridor and canteen and because he thought they needed some more work he added their classroom aswell. The two had to do it together, working together would maybe help them become more friendly towards eachother. The couple has been cleaning for two hours now but didn't share a word untill now.
"My fault?" Yunho says pointing at himself, he can't believe she is blaming only him for all this. "Did you perhaps forget that it was you who put that nasty powder in my locker this morning? It is all your fault." Yunho throws away the rag he was using to clean the windows, being totally done with claening those stupid windows.
"It was you who started it five years ago!" She shouts, the broom falling out of her hands. It is silent for a second. "Wait... You are not talking about that stupid joke, are you?" Yunho asks, a sarcastic laugh leaves his mouth. "Yes, I am talking about that 'stupid joke' of yours. Cause you know, it may have been funny to you, but it wasn't for me. Not even a little bit." Eunha looks the blue haired boy in his eyes. "This is insane, have you been pestering me for all those years because I locked you up in the boys dressingroom after school? It is a joke we always did when someone new entered our class, a tradtion you know." Yunho explains, he seriously doesn't get why she is still angry about that. "You were there for only half an hour, it wasn't that bad." He adds mumbling.
"Half an hour? I was locked up there for the whole freaking night. The janitor found me the next morning. You still remember right? That it was freezing outside and the only thing I was wearing was my uniform, the next morning my body was so cold I almost couldn't move." Tears are welling up in Eunha her eyes, ever since she was locked up she got scared of being in rooms with the door closed, especially when she is alone. It makes her nervous and she always thinks back about that horrible night. It was dark, cold and she was alone.
Yunho looks at the girl, he looks at her with a shocked expression on his face. "I-I am so sorry, I thought one of the classmates would release you after thirty minutes, but he mut have forgotten..." Yunho mumbles, he looks away, to embarresed of himself. Never did he think something he always remembered as a funny joke, actually wasn't that funny to the one who was being pranked.
"It was meant as a joke. I- I am sorry." He looks Eunha in her eyes, his apology sounds sincere but Eunha isn't really sure if she can trust him. Something in his eyes changed, that little sparkle she always thought of as annoying now makes him look cute, almost innocent.
"Forget about it, I already got my revenge last week when I painted your hair blue. I am tired of this battle going on between us. Let's act as adults and stop this nonsense, before my friend starts to think weird things again." Eunha says, she wants to forget about what happend five years ago but can only do that when they stop this whole prank battle. "By the way, why didn't you paint it back to your natural hair color?"
Yunho shrugs. "I kind of like the color." He answers.
"Well... It does look good on you." Eunha admits, her cheeks turning red when she realises what she said. A smile appears on Yunho his lips. "Did you just give me a compliment?" He asks. Eunha shakes her head. "You wish!"

Again nothing is said, both of them are standing there, not knowing what to say or to do.
"You know?" Yunho says, breaking the silence. "My best friend Yeosang once told me that before you can hate someone, you have to love that person first, or something like that." Eunha raises an eyebrow, not sure what it is he wants to tell her. "I have been thinking about that for a while now and I think that he is right. We always say we hate each other, but I don't think we actually do. We keep pestering each other because we don't want to lose each other, but at the same time we don't want to admit to that."
Eunha is now even more confused than she was at first. "That didn't make any sense at all." She states.
"Well, maybe this will make some sense." Yunho leans towards the smaller girl, pressing his soft lips against hers.

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