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Nari is greeted by a warm and lightly caramelized smell once she enters the kitchen. She does not even need to look up to know who is behind this delicious smell. "Good morning sleeping beauty." she hears a familiar voice say. That is Keeho, her best friend since forever. She cannot even remember her life before she met him. "Here, drink some coffee." he says while he hands her a cup. "Thanks." Nari mumbles, trying to mask her yawn. "What time is it even?" she then asks. When she woke up the only thing she could think about was getting a cup of her favorite coffee to silence her beating headache. "It's one PM." Keeho answers, his eyes focused on the brunette who sits down at the kitchen table. "Is it that late already?!" she almost shouts. "I have never slept until this late." she adds.

"Well... You were pretty wasted last night. I thought you wouldn't wake up before three, but here you are." He grins. Nari rolls her eyes. "I was not 'wasted'." she growls. "Okay, do you even remember anything about last night?" Keeho walks over to his friend and sits down at the chair next to her. Nari runs a hand through her messy brown locks. There are still some leftover of her make-up from last night on her face. She shrugs. "I remember that I went to a party, I drank a little too much a-"
"A little?" Keeho raises an eyebrow. It is hard for him to hide his smile. His mind flashes back to yesterday night. He had never seen her like that before.
"Okay, okay, I drank a lot. Way too much actually. I was completely wasted. Happy now?" Nari crosses her arms, a small pout on her lips.
"You don't remember anything that happened last night?" Keeho then asks. Nari shakes her head. "Honestly... Nope. Nothing at all. Did I do something weird? Did I embarrass myself again? Please tell me I did not do anything stupid."

A grin appears on Keeho his lips, he puts down his cup of coffee and looks at the girl next to him. "Are you sure you want me to tell you what happened?" he asks, scaring his best friend even more. "Oh Lord, what did I do?" Nari puts her face in her hands, it must be bad. Really bad.
"I am really surprised you don't remember anything at all. You always remember everything, even when you were drunk."
"Keeho, tell me what happened. I want to hear the whole story." Nari insists, she grabs her coffee and carefully takes a sip. The warm drink tastes amazing; Keeho knows her way too well. He knows exactly what she likes to eat and drink and what she doesn't like. If he were not her best friend already, he would have been her boyfriend without a doubt.

"Okay, I will start from the moment I picked you up from the party." Keeho says, starting his story about last night. "A friend of mine went to the same party as you and he saw you. He called me, saying you were too drunk to stand on your own feet. When I arrived at the scene, you were sitting at the bar, all on your own, drinking like there was no tomorrow. When the guy behind the bar refused to give you another drink, you started making a fuss. Good thing I was there to stop you. God knows what you would have done to that poor guy..."


"Another drink please." Nari raises her hand in the air, ordering yet another drink. "I am sorry miss, but I do not think that is such a good idea. You have had quite a lot already." the kind man behind the bar says, giving her an apologetic smile. "What?" Nari puts her hand on the wooden bar, lifting herself up a little so she can sit up more straight. "Who are you to tell me I have had enough?" she hisses. "I know I am not in a position to tell you so, but you are all on your own. I just want you to get home safely." the man tries to reassure Nari, but the brunette wants another drink. And she is going to get it no matter what. "You are the bartender, it is your job to sell drinks! I want another drink! Right now!" Nari yells, making the people around her look up at her with a frown. The brunette grabs her empty glass, tightly holding on to it. "Give me my drink!" and just when everyone thinks she is about to throw the glass to the other side of the room, someone runs op to her, taking the glass from her hands.

In an instant she turns around, angry at the person who is trying to hold her back. But her face lights up when she sees her best friend standing in front of her. "Kee-ee." she giggles putting both her hands on his shoulders. "Hi my cutie pa-toe-tie." she taps his nose, laughing as if she has seen the funniest thing ever. "Okay, I will take you home now. You have had way too much to drink." Keeho states, putting the glass down on the bar. He grabs Nari her wrist and pulls her with him.

"Oh my gosh, I cannot believe I did something like that!" Nari her cheeks turn bright red, she is embarrassed. Really, really embarrassed. "I almost threw that glass at him? Poor guy." she sighs. "And I called you a cutie pa-toe-tie? You made that up, right? Please tell me you made that up." Nari looks at her friend hopefully, but Keeho shakes his head, telling her he told the truth just now. She really did say that. "I am so so sorry. I was a mess yesterday. I promise you I will never ever drink again." Nari says, crossing her arms. "Or at least, never that much again."
"Oh trust me, the best part is yet to come." Keeho says, folding his cold hands together. Nari sighs deeply, letting her head fall onto the table she is sitting at. "Just tell me already, I cannot be more embarrassed than I already am." she mumbles, waiting for her friend to tell her the rest of the story.


Keeho carefully puts Nari down on her bed. After making quite a fuss while they were leaving the party, she finally fell asleep in the car. When they arrived at her place she was still sleeping. He did not want to wake her up, so Keeho decided to carry her in his arms. The first time he ever did something like that, even though they have been friends for so long. Nari has always been an independent woman, she always made it very obvious that she does not need a male to protect her. But somehow that made Keeho want to take care of her even more.

He puts the blanket over Nari her small body, making sure she will be warm for the night. "Kee..." Nari mumbles, grabbing Keeho his hand. "Did I wake you up? I am so sorry." Keeho apologizes, he brushes a strand of hair behind her ear. A small smile appears on Nari her lips. "Stay with me." she says, pulling his arms softly. Keeho laughs. "Nari, you are drunk. You better get some sleep, be-" all of a sudden Nari pulls Keeho on the bed next to her, wrapping her arms around his body like she is some sort of koala. "Stay. With. Me." she orders him, snuggling her face into his shoulder. "Okay, okay." Keeho wraps an arm around her, holding her tightly.

"Why can't you be my boyfriend?" her soft voice ask from out of nowhere. Keeho frowns. Did he hear that right? "You are perfect boyfriend material." Nari adds, looking up at the guy next to her. A smile is plastered on her face, with the tip of her finger she draws lines on Keeho his face. Starting from his eyes, to his nose, cheeks and ending on his lips. "You are handsome, kind, you smell nice, you are a good cook. You know everything about me and you always take good care of me. Perfect boyfriend material." Keeho his cheeks turn slightly red. His friend has never complimented him like that. She might be drunk, but there is one thing Keeho knows about Nari for sure: she never lies. Even when she is drunk.

The brunette leans in, closing her eyes while her lips are abo-

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" Nari screams, stopping her friend from telling her the rest of the story. "That did not happen for real, right? Did I kiss you?" she asks, feeling even more embarrassed then she already did. "Oh my gosh, I ruined our friendship..." she mumbles, hiding her face behind her hands. "Don't worry Nari, you did not actually kiss me." Keeho says, he takes her hands out of her face so that he can look her in the eyes. "You fell asleep before you could." he grins. Nari her mouth falls open in surprise. "You are evil Kee!" she hits him in the arm. "You made me think I did something weird." she growls.
"You did almost kiss me." Keeho reminds her, still laughing about it all. He then wraps an arm around Nari, pulling her into one of his warm hugs. "You would never ruin our friendship though. No matter what happens, I will be beside you for the rest of my life." He says, making Nari smile brightly. But what she does not know is that he told her a little white lie.

She did kiss him.

And he kissed her back.

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