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I carefully put all the presents underneath the christmas tree. A proud smile appears on my lips, I'm sure they will be surprised once they see I have bought them a present. "Should I make them pancakes for breakfast? This will be our last day together." I mumble standing up straight again. My eyes move from the presents underneath the tree to the fireplace, the first thing I did after waking up was setting a fire to warm up the cottage. "Never thought I would actually start to miss this place." I bite my lip, thinking about how I have to return to Seoul tomorrow breaks my heart. Somehow I wished the holidays would never come to an end, but the past one and a half week flew by and it was Christmas before I knew. "It's crazy how it all started." I can't help but laugh when I think back to two weeks ago. It was the first anniversary of me and my boyfriend, we had been together for a year already when he decided that 'we are not suited for each other', so he broke up with me, leaving me heartbroken just before Christmas. My parents are out of town, they are even working on Christmas, so I thought I had to spend Christmas alone this year. My parents felt sorry for me so they hired a little cottage somewhere in the middle of nowhere, at first I didn't want to go but when I saw that my ex-boyfriend already moved on, I decided it was best for me to just get out of town for a week to clear my mind. When I arrived at the cottage I was actually relieved, being alone for a week might sound a bit pathetic, especially when it's Christmas time, but the cottage is so lovely and the little town near even more. I realised it was the perfect place for me to clear my mind and get back that real Christmas feeling I lost after breaking up with someone I had been loving for over a year.

When I got here I found out something went wrong with the bookings, apparently a group of males booked the same place as my parents did. We went to the owner of the cottage who apologized for the mistake, but he couldn't fix it. There were no other cottages or hotels available in town. I insisted on giving the group of boys the cottage, I was alone after all. They felt bad for me and told me to stay, I was about to pack all my stuff when the news reporters told us a storm would be coming. It was not safe to drive back home, so I stayed for a little longer. Or actually the whole week. I never thought spending Christmas with seven strangers would be so much fun. Soon I forgot about my broken heart and I could smile again.

These seven boys really grew on me and now that we only have one day left, I'm starting to feel a little sad. What if I never see them again? I shake my head softly. "No, don't think about it. we have a whole day left to spend together." I walk over to the kitchen so that I can start making the pancakes.

"Hi princess, you're up early." I hear a deep voice from behind me, I turn around to greet the older boy who is greeting me with that cute smile of his. I still don't know why, but ever since we met he keeps on calling me 'princess', the others even started copying him so now all of them call me that way. It's a little weird, but at the same time it melts my heart. "Could say the same about you Seungwoo." I say, flashing him a smile. "Are you making us breakfast?" he asks, sitting down on one of the chairs around the kitchen table. "Well, you could help me if you want to? I think it won't take long for the others to wake up as well." I suggest, Seungwoo stands up immediately. "What can I do for you princess?" he asks, a goofy grin on his face. "How many times did I tell you not to call me princess, just call me by my name." I say, my cheeks slightly turning red. "Are you getting shy right now?" Seungwoo asks, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"You are our little princess, why would we call you something else?" I don't even need to turn around to know that Chan entered the kitchen as well. "Goodmorning." I smile, looking over my shoulder. "Merry Christmas!" Sejun screams at the top of his lungs, clearly enthusiastic about it being Christmas. Within a couple of minutes the other boys enter the kitchen as well, they probably woke up because of Sejun screaming his lungs out just now.

"It smells amazing, did you bake us pancakes princess?" Seungsik asks, a charming smile on his lips. I want to tell him to stop calling me that way, but once I lock eyes with him I seem to forget that it even bothered me in the first place. How can I be angry at someone as charming and cute as Seungsik? "With a little help from Seungwoo." I answer eventually, in the meantime I finished baking the pancakes, giving everyone their breakfast.

"What are the plans for today?" Subin asks, he is the only one of the boys who is younger than me. "Should we build a snowman?" Byungchan suggests, the others immediately disagree. "Are you Anna from Frozen? we already did that two days ago." Chan complains, definitely not in the mood to go outside. "It's Christmas, shouldn't we give each other presents." Hanse says. "But that's not fair for our princess, she just met us a couple of days ago, we-" "Actually..." I interrupt the older boy, turning everyone's attention towards myself. "Yesterday I went to the town and bought all of you a little present. I wanted to thank you for spending this Christmas with you, it means a lot to me." I explain, looking down on my plate of pancakes. "I honestly thought I would spend this Christmas being all alone and heartbroken, but after meeting you I completely forgot about my ex-boyfriend. Meeting you and spending time with you actually made me feel like I was living in some sort of Christmas miracle. I'm so happy and grateful to you guys." No one replies, making me wonder if I said something wrong. I look up to see what's going on. " Princess... You really didn't have to buy us anything. You being here is a present itself. We are happy we could spend this week with you." Seungwoo puts a hand on my shoulder. "You deserve so much better than that asshole who broke your heart. Are you really sure we don't need to go see him to talk some sense into him." Hanse asks while cracking his fists. I start laughing, it's adorable how protective they are. "There is no need, the best punishment I can give him is showing him that I'm better of now."

"You go girl! That's the spirit!" Byungchan puts his thumbs up. "Okay, I don't know what you guys are thinking... but I'm way too curious. Let's go unpack some presents!" Sejun, who magically finished all his pancakes already, runs over to the livingroom where we set up our Christmas tree. "Is that seriously the only thing he cares for?" Seungsik mumbles, a deep sigh leaving his mouth. "Come on, let's go to the living room." Byungchan says, everyone gets up and walks over to the living room where Sejun and Subin are already busy dividing the presents.

"I'm so sorry we didn't buy you anything, you bought us such beautiful presents and we didn't give you anything." Seungsik looks at me with a sad look. It clearly bothers him that they didn't buy me a present. I shake my head. "No, it's fine. We barely know each other and I didn't even think I would still be here." I say, and I mean it. I really don't care that they didn't buy me a present, it's not like they owe me or anything. "Well..." Hanse says, making me turn to him. "It's not like we bought anything. But I did make you something." He says, grabbing his phone out of his pocket. "I thought it would be nice to record everything we did last week." Hanse connects his phone with the television in the room and soon a video starts playing. It takes only a second for me to realise he put my favorite Christmas song as background music. I knew Hanse was carrying his camera around everywhere we went, but I didn't realise he filmed everything. He filmed how Sejun and I cut down a Christmas tree, how we all decorated it together, he filmed our ice skating adventure where Seungsik and Byungchan taught me how to skate without falling on my butt every two seconds. Tears start filling my eyes when I see he even captured us building a snowman, which resulted in a snowball fight. The four minutes of video is full with us laughing and having fun. I didn't even realise I was smiling that brightly for the past few days.

"Thank you for joining us this Christmas, you were an unexpected but really nice present and to be honest, we wouldn't have want it any other way." the words appear on the screen at the end of the video. "Let's spend next year Christmas together as well, we had a lot of fun together." Chan suggests. "Agreed." Subin says while nodding his head. "It was the best Christmas ever!" he adds with a big smile.

"This is so beautiful." I mumble, the first tears rolling down my cheek. "Don't cry princess." Seungwoo pulls me closer, wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug. "Group hug!" Sejun hugs me from behind and soon the other five follow as well.

"Merry Christmas princess."

"Merry Christmas, my princes" 

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