ONE SHOT 04 - SECRETS - || MINGI - ATEEZ { OhYoona_Luvs }

86 2 3

- Requested by: OhYoona_Luvs

"Last night, around eleven o'clock in the evening a group of four men got killed in one of the outside neighborhoods of Seoul. All of the victims were former criminals who just got released prison. The case is currently under inverstigation, but it is rumoured that an unknown gang is the suspect. Since 2015 there have been numerous unresolved murders, the only evidence the police could find was an eight carved into the crime scene, which let them think the same group committed all these crimes. However, the police is still not able to identify who they are. A-"
"I can't believe we are still not able to find them! We have been investigating them for years, yet we do not know anything about them!" Na-Yeon exclaims, a deep sigh leaves her mouth. It frustrates her more than she wants to admit.
"Agent Choi, I thought we agreed to close the case. It is meaningless and too dangerous to continue, we do not have any evidence against them and you know it. We won't be able t-" "But we do know where their hideout is, don't we?" she interrupts her boss, a hopefull look on het face but he shakes his head in disagreement. "We only suspect that it is their hideout, but we do not know it for sure and besides it is to dangerous to go there. From what we know those men are real killing machines, they are very skilled."
"What makes you think it are men? Maybe there are women involved aswell?" Na-Yeon crosses her arms, totally ready to pick a fight with her boss. He sometimes can be really traditional.
"Agent Choi, do you really think there is even a small change women could do things like that?" the older man rises an eyebrow. "Why wouldn't they be able to?" the girl stands up, ready to get out of his office. "Where are you going?" he asks, his voice sounds a bit warning. "Home, it's late already." she answers before leaving.

Na-Yeon grabs her phone and clicks in the number of her boyfriend. "Na-Yeon, sweetie, why are you calling?" he asks when picking up the phone. "I want to tell you that work is running late today. I am sorry but we can't go out for dinner tonight." Na-Yeon bites her lip, she actually feels bad for lying to him but she has no choice. "It's okay, I was actually struggling with the same thing, my work is running a little late aswell. We can go out for dinner sunday? I'll even treat you on icecream." she can almost see him wink over the phone, a cute smile on his face. "Then that's a deal. See you later tonight! Mwuah!" Na-Yeon kisses her phone before she hangs up. A deep sigh leaves her mouth, her eyes focused on the dark city outside. ''Na-Yeon, why do I have this feeling that you are planning to do something dangerous both me and the chief will not like.'' the voice of her colleague makes her look up from the window. ''Park Beomgyu, I am not planning to do something like that at all. I was just wondering what I should wear on my date with my boyfriend tonight.'' And another lie. ''Na-Yeon, I would've believed you if I didn't hear your phone call just now, but I did. Tell me honestly, what are you going to do.'' Beomgyu crosses his arms, a strict look on his face. ''I can only tell you if you promise me that you won't tell anyone. Okay?'' A deep sigh leaves the man his mouth, not sure if he can promise her such a thing, but he is too curious and dying to find out what she is planning to do. ''Okay, I'll promise you I won't tell anyone. Now tell me what is your plan?''

''Na-Yeon, you're still there? Did anything weird happen? Do you see anything or better, anyone?''
''Beomgyu, can you stop talking so much? You are distracting me. Plus, if you keep asking me twenty questions at once I won't be able to answer any of them.'' the dark haired girl mumbles.
When she told her colleague that she was planning to go and inverstigate whether the assumed hideout is really the hideout of that gang or not, he insisted to come with her. But because she didn't want him te get involved she told him she would call him if she needed backup. But he has been calling her every five minutes to check on her and ask if she is alright, so they decided to keep the call going so they would be able to talk to eachother. ''I'm sorry, but I am just so nervous. What if something really bad happens to you?'' he asks, his voice a bit shaky. ''Nothing will happen, I can protect myself and you know that.'' the girl slowly walks closer to the old warehouse, it is dark which makes it hard to see if there are other people or not.
''Is there anyone? Or is it empty?'' Beomgyu asks again. ''I'm seriously going to-" the girl doesn't finish her sentence.
"You are wrecking my nerves right now. I will hang up now and call you when something is wrong okay? Do not call me and don't come out without my permission okay?'' Na-Yeon hangs up before the man can protest or say at least something. She turns off her phone and puts it back in her pocket. ''Now I can fully concentrate on this. I can hear some voices from inside, does that mean they are really here?'' she mumbles in herself, her eyes fall on an open door, a stripe of light tells her that there are actually people inside. She pulls her cap a bit more down en lays her hand on her weapon, ready to grab it if she needs it. She wants to take a look inside, but before she gets the chance a red hand grabs her shoulder and makes her turn around. A tall men, wearing a black trenchcoat and red fingerless gloves stands in front of her. His mouth and nose hiding behind a mask. Na-Yeon wants te grab her gun but as soon as she points her gun at him he slaps the thing out her hands. She is able to shoot before her weapon falls on the ground but she didn't shoot anything in particulier, just a shot that draws attention rather than being really helpfull. ''You are part of them, aren't you. The unknown gang that has murdered almost hundred people by now and the only thing you guys leave behind is that damn eight.'' Na-Yeon hisses through her teeth.
''What made you think it was a good idea to come alone? You won't be able to get out of here alive.'' he streches his neck, making his bones crack. Na-Yeon narrows her eyes, the guy his eyes seem familiar but she doesn't know who it could be. More voices are coming closer, she knows more of the gangmembers will come. The only option is to leave real quick. But when she turn around she faces two other guys, both wearing all black and a mask that hides their face.
''Like I told you, you won't be able to leave this place without being harmed. You came to the wrong place darling.'' The guy behind her says. Na-Yeon turns around, slowly getting more angry. Do they really think she won't be able to fight against them? She has been a cop for more then five years now and knows pretty well how to fight en to protect herself. She lifts her hand, and wants to slaps the guy with the red gloves but he grabs her hands and stops her before she can do anything, as if he knew what she would do. Na-Yeon tries to release her arm from his grip but he is too strong so the only option she has left is to kick him. She kicks him as hard as possible in his stomach, making him release her arm and groan from the pain. He quickly recovers himself ready to beat the girl but she ducks away and kicks him again. The guy grabs her leg and pulls her towards him making her lose her balance. Na-Yeon falls on the ground, her head hitting the cold stone ground pretty hard. He looks down on her, pretty satisfied with his actions but Na-Yeon doesnt give up that quickly. She kicks the boy in his knee pockets making him fall on the ground aswell, she pulls herself on him, trying to grabs his hands so he won't be able to slap her, but he grabs he waist before she can do anything and make them turn positions so that he now hangs above her. Looking her in the eyes with a scary look. Na-Yeon her lip is bleeding and she knows there is a bruise on her cheek aswell. With all her might she tries to push the guy away but he is to strong, she is able to slap him a couple of times in his face but it doesn't leave much harm except for the fact that she slaps away his mask, which makes it possible for her to see his face.
The boy grabs Na-Yeon her wrists and pins her arms to the ground. ''M-Mingi?'' she asks softly, not sure if what she is seeing is real. He looks a bit shocked and it takes him a couple of seconds before he also regonizes her. ''Na-Yeon...'' he exclaims. ''Y-you... A-are you p-part of that g-gang?'' she stumbles, slowly realizing what's going on right now. He pulls of her cap so that he can look her in the eyes. ''Why did you go on a dangerous mission like this alone? Are your hurt somewhere? I didn't mean to d-'' ''Mingi, what's going on? Why are you talking with that intruder. You should kill her, no matter if it's a girl or not, she was not supposed to see be here.'' a deep voice says from out of the dark. The couple is surrounded by seven other guys, als dressed in black jackets and different colored gloves, their faces covered by masks. "Uhm... I don't think we can do that. It seems that she is his girlfriend.'' one of the other guys tells the one who seems to be some sort of leader of the group. ''G-girlfriend?'' he stutters, almost choking in the air he's breathing. ''Mingi, your girlfriend is a cop?!'' he exclaims when he sees the badge of the girl. Mingi stands up and pulls Na-Yeon up, his arm around her shoulder, making sure she won't fall or anything like that.
''We can't just let her walk away like this, she is one of them. She's an agent who has been trying to find us for over years, if we let her go the-'' ''Hongjoong, if you ever dare to lay a finger on her, I swear to god that I will kill you the most cruel way ever. You, all of you, stay away from her.'' Mingi hisses, then he turns towards his girlfriend who is still a bit surprised by the whole situation. ''You have been lying to me this whole time Mingi...'' she mumbles. ''I know and I feel really bad about it. I will explain everything to you but we first need to take you to the hospital to make sure you're not badly injured or something.'' Mingi grabs her hand, intertwining their fingers. ''Is that seriously the only thing you can think about right now!'' Na-Yeon cries. ''For all this time I have been dating a murderer. Someone who killed people for fun, as a hobby.''
''That is not exactly true.'' one of the other seven guys remarks, but he doesn't dare to say much more than that.
''Na-Yeon, it is not what you think. We didn't have a choice.'' Mingi tries to explain, but Na-Yeon still doesn't get it. She pulls herself out of his grib. ''I will definitly put you guys in jail. I am going to make sure you get the punishment you deserve.'' Na-Yeon says, she looks them all in the eyes before she turns around and walks away.

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