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- A one shot requested by Shannon1300

|| I am so so sorry it took me so long to finish it. I wasn't feeling well lately so my motivation to write was completly gone. But it is back again and I hope you like the one shot I wrote for you (even though it might be a bit different from what you expected...) 
Let me know what you think! ||

For the twentieth time this evening I look at the microwave which is standing on top of the kitchen counter. The red numbers tell me I have been sitting here for over twenty minutes already and there is still no sign of my beloved brothers. When I got home from work half an hour ago, I expected to be greeted by my two brothers, but I did not see or hear anything from them yet. The house was and still is completely silent. Which is weird in a house with two guys who love to game together but somehow always end up fighting each other because one of them was cheating or something like that. It's a common thing they chase after each other trying to kill the other because they lost a videogame or whatever.

"It is really weird, as if no one is home yet. But I saw their shoes at the doormat, they have to be home." I look at the time again, it is almost eight o'clock. "They didn't forget about our weekly teatime, right? I was looking forward to that the whole day." I pout, every Saturday evening me and my brothers sit together and drink a cup of tea. We talk about what happened that week. I enjoy hearing the stories of my brothers and to just spend some time with them. It's funny we have such a close relationship even though we are not blood related.
All three of us were adopted by our parents, I am from the same year as my oldest brother Hongbin while Hyuk is two years younger than us. We spend a lot of time together and because we had been through the same things, we naturally became closer. I always feel comfortable and safe when I am around my brothers. They honestly feel like real family to me.

"Okay, I'll go get them. There is no way we won't drink tea together today." I get up and leave the kitchen walking up the stairs to the shared bedroom of my brothers.
"Hongbin! Hyuk! Are you guys gaming again? It's already eight!" I yell while knocking on the door. But I get no response at all. I raise my eyebrow; this whole situation gives me a weird feeling. Something is not right. I grab the doorknob and open the door. The curtains are still closed and against all my expectations my brothers are not gaming, both of them are already in bed.
"What's going on? Are you guys okay?" I asks while I opens the curtains to create some light. Hyuk hides his face behind his blanket the second the sunrays of the setting sun reach his face. Hongbin turns around, also not that happy with the sudden lights. "Come on, it's only eight o'clock, let's get out of bed and drink some tea. I have a lot to tell you." I walk over to Hyuk his bed and pulls his blanket away. My mouth falls open in disbelief when I see my little brother, a painful look on his pale face. "H-Hyuk, are y-you sick?" I place a hand on the boy his forehead, his skin is burning even though his body is slightly shivering. "I am not the only one who is not feeling well." Hyuk mumbles. Normally his voice would sound cheerful and enthusiastic but today it seems like he has no strength left to talk. I turn around and look at Hongbin who is curled up in his bed, tightly holding on to his special plushie. "Oh my... What did u guys do to become like this? You were all fine this morning." I sit down on the edge of Hyuk his bed, carefully stroking his head. "We went out to eat something with our friends, apparently the food did not go down well. And we got all wet because of the rain, it was really hard not to spill any food while we were shivering so much during our dinner." I can hear Hongbin mumble form his side of the room, he slowly turns around to face me. "My stomach hurts so much, it feels terrible." He adds, a pout on his lips.
"Noona, it's really cold, can you grab another blanket for me?" Hyuk mumbles, his favorite plushie in his arms. "Yeah of course, I'll get you guys some hot milk and a medicine as well." I give my little brother a reassuring smile before I stand up and leave the room.

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