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"I thought we were just roommates, just friends. But everything changed after that night..."

"Oh my gosh, I really can't believe this. Why did he tell me not to worry, to take some rest, why did he tell me he will do the dishes and eventually he ends up disappearing and not doing the dishes at all! He sometimes really drives me crazy." a deep sigh leaves my mouth when I take in the chaos he left behind in the kitchen.
"I am never going to let him do the cooking again." I add to my endless complain about my roommate who magically disappeard without warning me or leaving a note behind. "And when I leave the house without telling him in advance he always complains and gets angry with me." I shake my head, don't misunderstand me, I have the sweetest roommate I could ever imagine. We became good friends after our first meeting, but sometimes... Sometimes I just want to beat the shit out of him. I decide to do the dishes myself, I have no clue when he will get home and there is a big chance he still won't do it when he gets home.

"So, everything is clean again." a small smile appears on my face when I place back the last dishes I just cleaned. "And now it really is time for me to take some rest. I had a rough day at work today." I mumble to myself, I grab my phone and find out it is already pretty late. "I should hurry before my drama starts. It is the last episode, I really can't miss this." I head over to my bedroom and let myself fall on my soft bed. For a short moment I close my eyes and enjoy the silence that I forgot even existed in this house. When we are both home there is always noise, whether it is the radio playing or my roommate playing on his keyboard, there is always noise when he is around. And if there is no music my roommate just keeps on talking. He is very talkative, I've noticed that after the first couple of weeks when we became roommates. To be honest I really enjoy this silence especially after a long day like the one I just endured.
I grab the remote of my small television and put it on.
The episode is about to start when I hear someone opening the front door.
"Wonpil?!" I yell, I do not hear any reply, but I know it is him. The way he always throws his keys on the table in the livingroom and how he always mumbles to himself when he pulls off his jacket tell me it is him. I decide to ignore my roommate and fully concentrate on the episode of my favorite drama.

"Beanie, were are you?" before I have the time to answer his question Wonpil already opens the door of my bedroom. "Ah, so you were here." he sends me a smile, he changed his clothes into a black t-shirt and lazy pants which tell me he is about to go to sleep. It is a habit of him to first come to me and wish me goodnight before he goes to sleep himself. He once told me that if he didn't, he won't be able to sleep for the rest of the night.
"I came to wish you goodnight, I am pretty tired s- Wait, hold up. Are you watching this drama without me?!" he looks at me with his big puppy eyes, the look on his face a combination of sadness and anger. "But you promised me we would watch the last episode togheter!" he exclaims, cleary upset that I am watching without him. "And you promised me you would do the dishes but you suddently left and let me do all the work alone. Again." I cross my arms and look at him with an angry face. "Again? This is the first time it happend!" he defences himself. "First time? What a bout two days ago? And last week, or the week before?" I raise an eyebrow, I won't be able to count all the times he let me do the dishes eventhough he promised he would be the one doing it with just my two hands.
"But, this time I had a good reason." he eventually says. I look at him with a questioning look on my face, waiting for his explanation. "You know my friend Jae right? Well, he called me en told me he had something urgent to ask. You know how he always makes a big deal of it when you tell him no, so I headed over to his house to hear what he had to say." Wonpil takes a deep sigh and keeps his mouth shut for a couple of seconds.
"Where did Jae need you for?" I ask, curious about the 'urgent' phone call.
"He needed some advise about a song he wrote. You know how passionate he is about his music. I was planning on doing the dishes when I got back home, but you already did them..." Wonpil looks at the ground, as if he is not able to look me in the eyes. I know he hates this sort of arguments, he always gets flustered because of them.
"I was just helping my friend, so please don't get angry with me Beanie." he puts on his puppyeyes which make him look very cute, he knows I can't be angry at him. Especially not when he acts cute like that. "How many times do I have to tell you that you need to stop calling me Beanie! It is not a cute nickname." I grumble, trying to look angry. Every morning when I wake up he gives me diffrent nickname, every single day. But the last couple of days he keeps calling me Beanie, because I am so small he sad. But in fact I am not that small, he is just a little taller than me...
His real reason behind it is because he knows how much I hate that nickname, he just wants to irritate me.
"Well I will keep calling you Beanie because you are not the only one who is upset you know. I also am very hurt right now." Wonpil sticks out his tongue and then turns around, but I stop him before he can leave my room.
"It is unfair that you are the one who is angry, we can just rewatch the episode if you want to." I suggest, Wonpil looks at me over his shoulder. "That's no fun, you already know what's gonna happen."
"Well, the episode isn't finished yet. I do not know about the ending. Come and watch it with me." before Wonpil can walk away I grab his wrist and pull him on the bed. But he loses his balance and falls on top of me instead of next to me. I look him in the eyes, my cheeks as red as tomatoes. I want te say sorry, apoligize for pulling him but the words can't seem to leave my mouth. Wonpil also clearly doesn't know what to do, he just looks me in the eyes, a little blush on his cheeks.
Without realizing we move closer, centimeter by centimeter untill our lips touch eachother. His soft lips gently move against mine leaving a ticklish feeling behind. His hand cups my face, rubbing his thumb against my cheek. My heart is beating faster than it should and with every new touch of his lips against mine it beats even faster.

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