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This one shot was requested by fileur
Sorry it took me so long, hope you like it!

"Filur, this week it is your turn to take care of Charlie. So be sure you give him enough food and water. And don't forget to take him out for a walk from time to time." mister Choi, my homeroom teacher, looks at me with his eyebrows raised, as if he wants to ask me if I understood him or not.
Is sigh and nod.
"I will make sure he won't die." I wishper in myself, running a hand through my dark, long hair. "I should have put in a ponytail this morning, I am already annoyed with my hair." I mumble, moving my gaze to the window. The weather is good, great actually. The sun is shining bright in the clear blue sky and a little breeze makes it not too hot to sit outside.
"This were all the announcements for today." the homeroom teacher leaves the classroom without saying anything else. Almost no one is paying attention to him anymore, not that much were paying attention when he was telling us about the hard tests that are coming next week and that a lot of teachers had been nagging that our class is too noisy and too lazy so we should change our attitude. To be honest, I think I am the only one who did listen. I can't help but sigh again, this time a very long and deep sigh.
"Hey dog wishperer, going to take care of your husband again? I mean it almost looks like you're married with that smelly dog." I hear someone say, when I turn around I see one of the most annoying boys from my class grinning at me. His friends already laughing eventhough what he said was not at all funny and it didn't even make sense, it's not as if I can do something about the fact that I have to take care of the school dog again. The teacher chose me to do it, it is not as if I volunteered or something.
"Well the teacher probably chose me to do it because you are just an annoying little kid who almost can't take care of himself, let alone a dog." I fire back, done with his 'jokes'.
The boy with the brown hair raises an eyebrow, definitely amused by my comment. "Well well, I didn't know you'd know how to use that mouth of yours. You are barking now aswell, I have to say I am surprised. A little shocked to be honest."
I stand up from my chair. "Shut up Baekhyun, can't you go and annoy your stupid friends? Leave me alone." I say, trying to leave the classroom, but his words make me stop. "Leave you alone? You are alone. Trust me sweetie, I don't even want to keep you company. Never in a million years, you're so ugly I can't even look at you without hurting my eyes." he says laughing, and even though I know I should not listen to his bullshit, it still hurts.
I turn around to look him in the eyes, mine already filled up with tears. "Y-you..." I stammer, not knowing how to talk without having a thousand of voicecracks. "Oh my, you're crying already? Poor thing, I really do pity you, yo-" "Baekhyun, enough. Go back to your seat and shut that filthy mouth of yours." a deep voice says from behind me, I don't need to look behind me to know who it is. Baekhyun wants to say something to the boy behind me but decides to be wise for once and stops himself. He mumbles something no one can hear and then leaves the classroom. I swallow my tears back and turn around to thank the boy who helped me, but he is gone already. "W-where did he go?" I mumble looking around, but I can't seem to find him.

When my last lesson is finally done I go outside to give Charlie some food before I go home.
"Hey Charlie, you must be very hungry." I say when I see the dog sitting somewhere in the shadow near his little house. He runs over to me and starts jumping on my legs, happy to see me, enthusiastically sweeping his tail from one side to another.

 He runs over to me and starts jumping on my legs, happy to see me, enthusiastically sweeping his tail from one side to another

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"I missed you too." I say while petting his soft fur. "Come, I will give you some food." and as if he really understood what I said, he starts following me. I find some food for him in a little barn close to where Charlie's kennel is. The dog starts eating immediately, as if he didn't have any food for the whole day, but I am sure I gave him some at the end of my lunch break.
"You know, sometimes I feel like you are my only friend. You are the only one that listens to my problems and my endless complains, you don't judge me and always cheer me up when I feel sad." I start petting him again, his fur so soft that I don't wanna stop touching it.
"Today tho, there was someone who stood up for me. As if he was on my side. To be honest, my heart was beating so fast, and the thought alone is making it beat faster and faster. You are probably able to hear it, even though you are really busy eating." my voice is soft, the words only meant for Charlie to hear.
"I didn't get to thank him tho, he was gone before I pulled myself together and so I didn't have any time to thank him. I will when I get the chance. Because I really am thankfull for what he did. He made me forget, for just a couple of seconds, that I am not alone and that there are people who actually care for me." I lay my head on Charlie, a small smile on my lips. The dog stops eating and looks at me, as if he wants to tell me something.
"You don't have to thank me for helping you, it was the least I could do. Baekhyun just never knows when he has to shut his mouth so sometimes someone needs to tell him." I hear the same deep voice from earlier today. I sit up straight immediately, slightly startled.
"C-Chanyeol." I mumble, as if I almost can't believe he is actually standing in front of me. The tall boy, with his black hair styled in the same way he always styles it, sits down on the other side of Charlie, he lays his hand on the dog's fur, his eyes focused on somewhere in front of him.
"Still, I want to thank you for helping me. It meant a lot to me." I say, my cheeks slowly turning red. I can't help but look at him, his smooth tanned skin, his deep brown eyes, the soft smile around his soft, pink lips. Without noticing at first my heart starts beating faster and faster and I can't seem to keep my heartbeat normal.
"Do you have a special bond with this dog? I always see you sitting here when I walk by." Chanyeol looks at me, only for a short moment. "Well, I do have to take care of it. Mister Choi gives me that task a lot lately." I answer, not sure if he thinks it's weird that I hang out here so much.
"Well you are one of the most responsible people in our class, more than half of our classmates are idiots." he says and I can't help but laugh at his remark. "Well, I can't argue with you on that." I smile.
"This dog..." I say, starting my real answer to his question because I know he won't judge me for it. "... is my only friend to be honest. None of the students here want to be my friend, and Charlie always welcomed me with a warm hug, so yeah, I sort of started to like this dog more then my classmates. He helped me a lot through rough times."
For a short moment there is a silence, and I regret telling him the truth, scared that he will think I am weird.
"That is really funny, I have the same feeling. I come here a lot as well, when you are not here. This dog always knows how to cheer me up and make me smile again." I am surprised, never expected to hear something like this.
Chanyeol looks at me again, that sweet smile on his face. I don't know what it is but he has some sort of charisma that attracts you to him, that makes you want to listen to him, to like him. And of course, his good looks do help aswell.
"Sometimes I wish I could just kidnap this dog and take him home with me." I say after a while, my fingers stroking his soft, long fur again. Chanyeol smiles, but doesn't say a word.
"It is late already, I have to go." I say, my eyes move from the tall boy to Charlie. "I see you tomorrow." I say, leaning forward to give the dog a quick kiss as goodbye. But Charlie doesn't seem to be in the mood for a kiss, he runs away before I can do anything and instead of kissing Charlie, my lips touch those of Chanyeol who turned his face to look at me just seconds ago. My eyes grow wide, not being able to move I look at Chanyeol who seems to not know what to do either. He looks at me, our lips still touching. After what felt like ages we break the kiss, my cheeks as red as tomatoes. "S-sorry." I mumble, my eyes focused on the ground before me.
"Don't be sorry." he says, his voice so soft it makes my heart melt. I look up at him again. Chanyeol leans over to me, this time pressing his lips against mine, making me feel even more confused and flustered then I already was.

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