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Here the One Shot requested by AJ_Writing hope you like it!

Nori her eyes go up to the sky, a small smile on her lips. "The sky is so clear tonight. I can see so many stars." she wishpers to herself, definitely enjoying the view. It is late at night already, but not cold at all. Nori is still wearing her white summer dress which she put on this morning. "I am wondering how his date is going..." she mumbles, thinking about how nervous her brother was before he left home. "Still can't believe he is going on a date with Ha-roo, the little sister of Hoe-Taek. Never thought his friend would be okay with that." the girl sits down in the grass, brushing her fingers through the soft grass which is a bit too long. "We should mow it soon, it's getting long already."
Nori looks up at the sky again, her eyes following the imaginary lines between the stars.
"Nori?" a deep voice behind her makes the dark haired girl turn. Someone appears from the darkness but she can't quit see who it is, when that person comes closer she can see it is Yuto, the best friend of her brother. "Hey Yuto, what are you doing here?" Nori stands up, straightening her dress. "Wooseok texted me earlier today to ask if I could come and hang out. But when I rang the doorbell no one opend, so I called him and he said you would be in de garden, so yeah here I am." the boy explains, his eyes focused on something not specific in the darkness behind her. "Why did Wooseok invite you over when he isn't even at home..?" Nori mumbles, her voice so soft the boy opposite from her probably didn't hear it. "I am sorry, Wooseok went on a date with Ha-roo. He won't be home soon, at least I think he won't."
"Yeah, he told me about it when I called him just now. He said that I could accompany you, because you always get so 'sad' when you are alone." Yuto explains, a soft smile on his lips. "Why is my brother such a drama queen? I do not get sad when I am alone. Not long ago I watched this really sad drama when I was alone and he came home earlier than I'd expected and saw me crying. I mean you know my brother, immediately jumping into conclusions and stuff." the girl walks closer to Yuto so that she can actually look him in the eyes while talking with him.
"It's not that I want to chase you away or something, but you don't need to stay here if you don't want to. I'm sure I am not as much fun as Wooseok is. I mean, I can't game and I prefer watching drama's over anime. Also I don't like to read comics like you guys do but prefer novels, romantic stories about someone else's cute love life or something like that." Nori her eyes go up to the sky again, almost mesmerized by the beautiful stars which are shining bright in the dark sky.
"Well, we do have one thing in common. One thing we both like." Yuto says, he walks over to her and stands next to the girl, looking at the sky above him. "Stargazing." he says with a smile. Nori is a bit surprised, she never thought he would like to stare at stars. "They are just so beautiful, the way they light up the whole sky, eventhough they are so small compared to the rest of the universe." he says while he sits down on the grass, Nori follows and sits down next to him.

"I never thought Wooseok would go on a date with Hoe-Taek his little sister." Yuto says, breaking the silence between them. "Me neither. Well actually, I never thought he would go on a date at all. He never showed much interest in girls, there were even moments when I thought the two of you were a couple instead of just friends." the girl can't help but giggle, she has known Yuto for almost her whole life, he has been friends with Wooseok since kindergarten. There are moments when Nori forgets Yuto isn't part of their family. She doesn't meet that often with him alone, if she sees him Wooseok is almost always there aswell. But now it is really just the two of them, sitting in the grass and gazing at the stars above them. At first she thought it would be a little awkward, but she feels really comfortable next to the boy whose hair is quit long compared to the hair cut he's used to have.
"I actually don't mind the fact that Wooseok invited me eventhough he is not here himself." Yuto says looking at the girl next to him, a charming but on the same time innocent smile appears on his face. Making Nori her heart skip a beat, somthing she didn't know would happen.
"I like spending time with you Nori, you are the only person in this world that I can talk to about my problems. Because you know exactly how it feels to be different from the rest." his words are soft, they get carried away by the soft wind that is blowing. As if only Nori is supossed to hear them and when she did they will dissapear, fly away in the dark sky above them.
Nori is officially born in Japan, but her real parents couldn't take care of her and abandoned her. A Korean couple found her and took her in, they had a baby themself, around the same age as her  a son named Wooseok. When she was old enough her parents told her she wasn't their real daughter, evenhough they always treated her that way. Nori didn't want to search for her real family and was happy the way she was now.
Yuto is also adopted, but the difference between them is that he does know his biological parents. The two always felt that there was some sort of special bond between them, they were connected because they had been through some sort of same situation.
"I feel the same way." Nori eventually says, she strechtes her legs in front of her, crossing one over the other.
The two of them lay down in the grass, Yuto his right arm streched so that Nori can lay her head on it. Nori pulls herself as close to the boy next to her as possible, enjoying the scent of his cologne and the warmth of his body.
"Yuto?" she mumbles, her face almost hidden in his black t-shirt. He looks at her, a questioning look in his eyes. "Can we just stay like this for forever? Here, with the sky full of stars above us?"
Yuto smiles and nods. "That sounds like a lovely idea Nori, let's do it."

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