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- Another One Shot requested by Shannon1300

I really hope you like it! Sorry I kept you waiting for a long time (again) but I had a hard time preparing for my exams last two weeks so I didn't have much time to write. Anyways... Enjoy!

"Sweetie, I'm back!" The front door closes, followed by the sound of keys being put down on the little side table in the hall. I hear footsteps coming my way.
With a smile on my face I turn around, my eyes meeting those of my lovely boyfriend. "Okay, I completely forgot what medicines I had to buy so I asked the shop assistant and she told me these were the best. I bought some other ones as well, just to be sure. I hope I took the right stuff." Myungsoo walks over to me, putting a plastic bag filled with medicines on the kitchen counter. "I also went to the Toy store and bought that plushie he has been wanting for months now," he adds, putting another plastic bag on the kitchen counter, this one filled with a purple octopus plushie. "Because we both know our little Yoogeun doesn't like to take pills. I figured that maybe we could bribe him by giving him an early birthday present." Myungsoo explains, but deep down I know he just wanted to buy Yoogeun a little present. A smile appears on my face. It warms my heart that even though Yoogeun isn't actually Myungsoo his real son, he does take care of him as if he is. Sometimes I even feel that Yoogeun likes Myungsoo more than me, they have such a strong bond.

"Why aren't you saying anything? Is there something wrong? Are you mad I actually bought him the plushie?" Myungsoo looks at me with a worried look in his eyes, his hands softly grab mine. I shake my head. "Ofcourse I am not mad, I think it's a good way to let him take the medicine. There is nothing wrong, I was just thinking a bit. Thank you for helping me taking care of Yoogeun."
Myungsoo starts smiling, making his dimples visible. He cups my cheeks with his hands. "You don't need to thank me darling. You know I really care about both you and Yoogeun, of course I'll help you take care of the little monster." He leans in closer and presses a sweet kiss on my lips. "I think you need to check out your milk, it's almost boiling." He then whispers in my ear. My eyes grow wide, I completely forgot I was cooking some milk. I turn around to face the stove, quickly grabbing a whisk to stir the milk which indeed is at the point of boiling. Myungsoo wraps his arms around me from behind, his chin resting on my shoulder while I try to focus on the milk. "How is Yoogeun doing know?" He asks.
"Still the same, in the time you were gone he threw up at least two times. I finally got him to sleep a bit otherwise he would still be screaming and crying." I answer, when the milk starts boiling I put out the stove and pour the milk in a cup. Warm milk is Yoogeun his favorite so I thought I could reward him with it after he took his medicines.

"Do you want me to give him the medicines?" Myungsoo then asks, releasing me from his warm hug. I nodd. "Yes please. I think there might he a chance he actually listens to you." I grab the plastic bag of medicines and look inside, my eyes fall on a blueish box, exactly the one we needed. "So you actually took the right one." I say with a laugh while I grab the box. "He needs to take two of these, it will help reduce his fever and it will help getting rid of his nauseous feeling." I hand the box over. Myungsoo nods, and quickly starts reading the description on the back. "Okay, then let's go see how our little Yoogeun is doing." He grabs the plushie and then leaves the kitchen. I grab the cup of hot milk and follow him to the bedroom of my son.

And as if Yoogeun heard we were coming he starts calling out for us when we are in front of his bedroom door. "Mommy! Daddy!" Myungsoo can't help but laugh a little before he knocks on the door and opens it. "Hey little monster, how are you doing?" He hides the plushie and box of medicines behind his back while he enters the bedroom. I'm not that smooth at hiding my little surprise, something Yoogeun notices immediately. "Mommy, I want milk." He smiles at me, it almost looks like he isn't sick anymore. "You can't get it for free Yoogeunie." I say, putting the cup down on the little side table next to his bed. A pout immediately appears on Yoogeun's face and it almost looks like he'll start crying. "Don't worry little man, you only have to take your medicines and you'll be rewarded with your favorite hot milk." Myungsoo says, sitting down on the side of Yoogeun's bed. The boy shakes his head. "No pills." He says, being as stubborn as I was when I was a child. Yoogeun is three years old now and will turn four next month, and ever since he started to speak a little -mostly short sentences- he became really stubborn. I still remember my parents telling me I used to be the most stubborn toddler on this earth. And everytime Yoogeun is acting up he reminds me of my younger self.
"But Yoogeun, you have to take them to feel better. Or do you want to feel this bad for another day?" Myungsoo asks, his voice so soft it melts my heart. I seriously have no clue what I did to deserve a man like this.
"I want milk." Yoogeun says again, sitting up a bit more straight, his back leaning against his pillow. Myungsoo slowly takes the plushie from behind his back, stealing Yoogeun's full attention. The little one his mouth drops, his eyes as big as those of a puppy. "Look who came to accompany us today, it's mister Octo." Myungsoo says while showing the most cute octopus plushie. I can remember that one time the three of us were going to the store, Yoogeun kept asking if he could have the octopus plushie which he named mister Octo, I didn't think Myungsoo would still remember it, but he did.
"Mister Octo!" Yoogeun holds out his hands, but Myungsoo isn't giving him the plushie that easily. "Do you know what mister Octo just told me?" Myungsoo asks the little boy, Yoogeun shakes his head. "He told me he is very sad, do you know why?"
"Why mister Octo sad?" Yoogeun pouts, still holding out his hands. I can tell he wants the plushie so bad. "Mister Octo is sad because you are feeling unwell. He told me that if you'd take the medicines he would be really happy and he would even consider staying for a long long time." Myungsoo says, I know Yoogeun didn't understand half of what he said, but he seems to know what the hidden message is. "So Yoogeun, do you really not want the medicines."
With a little pout he shakes his head. "I want." He says. A satisfied smile appears on Myungsoo's lips, he hands over two small pills and then grabs the glass of water which was standing on the table beside Yoogeun's bed. "You can take them one by one if you want to." Myungsoo says, Yoogeun bravely takes the pills and swallows them with some water. "Mister Octo." Is the first he says when he took the medicines, holding out his hands. Myungsoo smiles, finally handing over the purple octoplus.

"Do you still want some milk Yoogeun?" I ask, something he seemed to have forgotten about already. "Milk, milk, milk!" He chants, enthusiastically clapping. "Daddy give me." He then says, slightly pulling Myungsoo his shirt to tell him he should come sit next to him. Myungsoo follows the order and sits down next to Yoogeun, his back leaning against the pillow, the bed way too small for him but somehow he makes it fit. Yoogeun crawls over Myungsoo his leg and sits down on his lap, he then pats on the small space that is left on the bed, "Mommy too."
I laugh a little, grab the cup of milk and sit down next to my two men, giving Myungsoo the hot milk so he can feed our little boy.
"I'm happy you seem to feel better." I say, ruffling the little one his hair. Yoogeun happily drinks his milk, tightly holding onto his new plushie.
He finishes his milk faster then I thought he would, it probably isn't that hot anymore. Once he puts down the cup he seems to be really tired, barely able to keep his eyes open. "Are you tired little monster?" Myungsoo asks, softly petting Yoogeun his back. Yoogeun mumbles something before he puts his thumb in his mouth, his eyes falling shut. "He must be really tired from being sick all day." I whisper, stroking Yoogeun's hair.

"Yeah, I think so too." Myungsoo smiles, I can see in his eyes that he also is pretty tired. "You must be exhausted too, you have been working all night and I dared to ask you to help me. I should have let you go to bed when you came home from the movie set this morning." the tall boy immediately shakes his head. "No, it's fine. I'm happy I could help. I wouldn't have been able to sleep knowing he was sick. We should leave to get some rest once he is sound asleep, I can imagine you are pretty tired as well." Myungsoo keeps on stroking Yoogeun's back, it looks very comfortable.
Without realising I feel my eyes slowly closing, I wrap my hands around Myungsoo his arm and before I know I fall asleep.

I wake up from a loud screaming noise. I immediately open my eyes, recognizing the voice of my son. Yoogeun is crying in Myungsoo's arms, his eyes still closed which tell me he is having a bad dream, again. I'm really worried because he has been having bad dreams quite often lately.
"Calm down little monster, it's just a bad dream." Myungsoo tries to calm down Yoogeun, his sleepy eyes tell me the little one woke him up as well. "Don't cry, mommy and daddy are right here." Myungsoo his voice sounds very calming and it seems to work, Yoogeun falls silent. The tears have stopped and he peacefully puts his head on Myungsoo his chest again, tightly holding onto mister Octo and Myungsoo's shirt.
"Good boy." Myungsoo has a smile on his lips softly rubbing Yoogeun's back again.
"I can't believe we actually fell asleep in Yoogeun's bed." I mumble when I take a look on the clock, it is already late in the evening. "I totally understand why this little man loves his bed so much, the mattress is even better than ours." Myungsoo laughs, his eyes finding mine.

"Thank you for being here, I really appreciate it." I mumble. Myungsoo leans closer to me and presses a kiss on my lips. "I love you, I really really do. And no matter what happens, I will always stay right beside you." again he presses his lips against mine, making me smile. "I love you too Myungsoo, more than words can describe."

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