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"It all started when our eyes met for the very first time..."

The weather is great today, the sun is shining brightly and there is barely any wind. For me it is starting to become a little too hot to sit in the sun, so I decide to move to the shadows. I sit down on the couch in the back of the garden and sigh in relieve. "It is so much better in the shadows," I mumble, while I open my book again.

The summer vacation started two weeks ago, my parents are traveling to Europe this summer which means me and my older brother Yuto are home alone for the next weeks. Not that I have seen my brother a lot these days, he is either working, to the gym or hanging out with his friends. I spend my lonely days at home reading, watching movies and going for walks. Since all my friends decided to go on a holiday around the same time and leave me alone at home, I don't really have anyone to hang out with. Not that I mind, I like being alone. But sometimes it would be nice to do something fun with my friends. I finally have the time to do fun stuff because I don't have to deal with loads of schoolwork.

I stretch my legs and lay them down on the couch, I smooth out the fabric of my pastel yellow dress and get comfortable before I continue reading. A bright smile instantly appears on my lips when I continue to read about the romantic story of two teens who fell in love for the first time. The story is so adorable and the characters are relatable in many ways.

A minute or ten later the back door opens, followed by the sound of multiple male voices. I recognize one of them as the voice of Yuto. When I look up, I see my older brother and two of his friends walking towards me. "Hi," Yuto greets me, I sit up straight immediately, putting my book down. "Hi Yumi," Changgu says with his bright smile while he waves at me. Hongseok flashes me a friendly smile.

I greet them by saying hello, fixing my hair out of a sort habit. I know most of Yuto his friends a little. I've seen them a couple of times, I think about three or four times, and even went a night out with them. They seem like decent guys.

"We are going to the lake in a bit," Yuto explains. "I'll go grab my stuff. Be right back," he says to his friends before he walks into the house, leaving me alone with his friends. Without asking, Changgu sits down on one of the chairs opposite of the couch, Hongseok does the same. "Yuto told us you went with him to the gym last week," Changgu says, his grey tank top is still sweaty from their gym session. I cannot help but stare at their muscles for a bit, you can definitely see they go to the gym at least four times a week and not just to run on the treadmill.

"Why don't you join us anytime soon?" Hongseok suggests. My eyes grow wide. Me going to the gym with these muscled guys? I went to the gym with Yuto one time and had to suffer from a muscle strain for three whole days. I trained my leg muscles for the very first time in my life and probably also the very last time. Even though I have to admit that I did like the work-out itself, and I really want to live a healthier life by doing more work-outs. But my muscles could not really appreciate it. Maybe I should just go for a jog from time to time.

"I didn't subscribe to the gym yet," I say, thinking of a way how to politely decline his offer. "And I don't think I will anytime soon, but maybe after I get back. Since I do want to work-out more," I add, I feel my cheeks heat up. I never really talked to these guys, so their attention is making me a little nervous.

The two boys look at each other before they turn their attention to me again. "What do you mean after you get back?" Changgu seems confused. "She must be going on a holiday, just like us," Hongseok says to his friend. I smile softly and shake my head. "No, after the summer I will go to Europe to study there for a semester," I explain. "So I'll be gone for six months," I add. Both of them seem to be surprised to hear that. "Where are you going?"Hongseok then asks. "I'm going to study in Paris, France," I answer, getting all excited just by thinking about it. I've been wanting to visit France for a long time already, the country always seems so interesting to me and I just want to experience the country and culture myself. Now I finally get a chance to do it and I will take that opportunity with both hands.

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