Chapter 17

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- Hey! Quality go brrrr

Warning: Blood, violence, swearing

Wails of Wolves

Seto, Brice and Tyler all recoiled back from shock, startled.

Sky let out a pained grunt once he flew down the stairs and hit the floor hard on his back, a hand flying to his jaw as his incredulous gaze snapped up to Ty.

The second Guardian was seething.

"You fool," Ty snarled, hands clenching into tight fists at his sides. "Don't you dare try to touch me. If you hadn't..." the deity trailed off, his eyes shifting and beginning to roam around the room, recognition flashing, his expression loosing its hardness as confusion abruptly pushed its way through. "Where...where are we...?"

Ty looked back down at Sky, who was very slowly pushing himself up. His voice was sharp like a knife. "Why are we here?"

"We've been asleep, brother," Sky responded, voice soft and light with a grave tone. "The world has been falling without us, caving into her demise without our protection. People dying without our protection."

Ty was staring at him, silent.

Sky swallowed. "Herobrine turned us to stone. Locked us up into our own cages of darkness and despair. Froze us, and left us to rot. Never to see the light of day again."

His eyes were glistening. "We've been gone for five hundred years, Ty."

The second Guardian blinked, his hard expression shifting, disbelief flickering.

"Five...five hundred years...?" Ty quietly repeated, his eye flashing with incredulity. He paused a moment, the words replaying through his mind, echoing, repeating. Shock and bafflement forming his expression.

Which, in the next second, quickly morphed to rage.

Before anyone could make a move, Ty jumped down the stairs and struck out his leg, kicking Sky fiercely in the chest and sending him back down to the floor with a grunt.

Leaving no time for recovery, Ty stomped his foot onto Sky's chest, eliciting a pained yelp from the man, and pushed down hard with a snarl. His eye lit up with a bright green. "You speak nonsense-"

"No, stop!" Seto shouted, stepping forward and holding out his arms. Ty's fiery gaze snapped over to him, and the sorcerer couldn't deny he felt his stomach drop in fear. "H-He's telling the truth!"

Ty regarded him with a glower. "And who are you supposed to be?"

Swallowing, Seto gestured to himself in a calm manner. "I'm Seto. Seto Runen." He pointed back at the two behind him. "These are my best friends, Brice Solace and Tyler Christyl. We are the ones who helped free you."

" me...?" Ty slowly repeated, his expression changing to something indiscernible. Seto was finding quickly that this Guardian was very hard to read.

Ty turned back around to Sky, his rage suddenly renewed. "You let mere children help you-?"

"They have saved us!" Sky sharply interrupted, his own heated glare burning with brewing anger. "Without them, we wouldn't be here! We would still be trapped in darkness, dying!"

"And who's fault would that be?!" Ty shouted back, foot pressing deeper onto Sky's chest. "You made-!"

"That's enough!"

The two feuding Guardians immediately silenced as a burst of energy rippled through the air, sending out a light shock wave that blew up the layers of dust coating the floor. Startled, the two glanced over at Seto, who had his fists clenched, chest heaving. The purple glow in his eyes faded once the two looked at him. He couldn't quell the sudden burst of anger in his chest.

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