Chapter 3

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- What's up everyone! Just a heads up, shit gets real in this chapter! Promise me you won't get too upset ;)

And this is a pretty long chapter.

Warning: Blood, gore, death, violence


The Flames from Hell

Seto let out a scream of terror, the tall, lanky being screeching in anger once he made eye contact, its huge jaw unhinging wide to reveal sets of long, sharp and jagged black teeth. The enderman pulled an arm back and hurled it forward, the window shattering into millions of shining pieces of glass, blowing in from the strong wind and littering the floor like spilt water. Seto yelped, jumping back as the black clawed hand reached in through the broken window, sharp nails scratching against the wall.

Hands lighting up in purple flames, Seto let out a yell as he thrusted his hands out, a spell of purple fire blasting forward and striking the monster in the chest. The enderman screeched in pain and fell, disappearing from his sight.

Seto panted, adrenaline rushing through his veins and making his hands shake. What's going on?!

"HELP!" A voice screamed from outside and Seto turned, his wide eyes locking onto his door. Light smoke drifted in from underneath. "Tyler! Hold on, I'm coming!"

Grabbing the ruby necklace on his bedside table with a small leather book and a thin silver crown he shoved in his satchel, Seto ran to the door and pushed it open. A thick wall of smoke greeted him and he coughed, waving it away from his face with his hand as he looked down the hallway. "Tyler?!"

"SETO!" Tyler's voice shrieked, a figure barreling towards him from the gray fog. Seto caught Tyler as he fell into him, his breathing ragged and fast. The sorcerer immediately began searching his body for injuries. "Tyler, are you okay?"

Tyler nodded his head, wiping his glossy eyes behind his glasses. "Y-Yeah, b-but Brice is s-stuck in his room!"

Seto started running before the boy even finished his sentence, stopping at the last open door at the end of the hall and kicking it open. His eyes immediately landed on the figure on the floor, trapped and squirming to get free underneath a large fallen bookshelf. Brice's brilliant blue eyes snapped to him. "Seto! Help me please!"

Pulling Tyler along, Seto bent down at one side of the bookcase and Tyler at the other, curling their fingers underneath and heaving. Seto's hands lit up in a purple glow, using his magic to help lift the furniture. As soon as enough space was made, Brice crawled out, clutching at his side where a thin gash lied under a tear in his black shirt. Tyler hacked and wheezed at the smoke billowing in from the door, Seto kneeling down and placing a hand on Brice's wound, healing it.

"Where's Chim, Kyle and Dan?" Seto asked, pulling Brice to his feet and ushering them out the bedroom.

"D-Dan and Kyle are downstairs," Brice answered, coughing into his sleeve. "Chimney went outside to f-find help while the other two w-went to find where the fire is originating from, while Tyler went to get me and you."

"Wait, Chimney's out there?!"

A sudden explosion boomed outside, shaking the entire house and making the three stumble. "What the hell was that?!" Tyler cried, his hands trembling while holding Seto's arm. They quickly ran down the stairs as another explosion vibrated through the house's floors.

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