Chapter 20

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- Hey! Writer's block ;-; But we reached 1k wooo!
I also put a disclaimer up in the introduction for this book. I'll explain some important stuff at the end of this chapter.

Warning: Minor animal death, swearing

Creaking Gates

As soon as his heart started beating once again, the back of his head pressed against a hard chest and a firm hand resting reassuringly on his shoulder, Seto looked up and met Ty's burgundy stare.

The Guardian of Spirits was staring down at him with a hard expression, which soon lifted up at Sky. After a short moment, Seto unable to see Sky's own look, Ty glanced back down at him. "'Can't be that hard' is the understatement of the century."

Unable to form a proper response, Seto shifted his arms and held out the large black jacket like it was a peace offering. "This is for you."

Ty's visible eye briefly glimmered as he fixed on the jacket, pulling it into his arms and casting a soft look at the sorcerer. "Thanks."

"Uh, actually Sk-"

Seto had lifted a finger to offer a correction, but Ty interrupted him as he glanced up at Sky. "I am going to go do something. I will be back in a few minutes."

Sky immediately frowned. "Where are you going?"

"Does it matter? I'm not going far," Ty bitterly reassured, beginning to walk away from the two. He pointed left out toward the swamp. "A little ways into the forest. You won't even notice I'm gone."

Leaving no other words of departure, Ty quickly bounded off into the village with a surprising speed that left no time for Sky to reply.

Shaking his head, Sky heaved out a sigh. "Irritating. Some things never change."

"Where did he go?" Seto questioned, gazing at the path Ty had just disappeared down. The Guardian's movements had been so fluid and quick, it was like he had just melted into the shadows he had disappeared so suddenly.

Sky also stared after him, face grim but blasé. "Ty often likes to do things on his own. He probably sensed something regarding his ability nearby and responded to it."

"'Regarding his ability'? Like what?"

Sky was still staring out into the distant forest. His voice was soft. "Ty can sense death. Perhaps there was a soul who needed guidance."

Seto blinked, a solemn feeling passing over him. Ty could sense death...did that mean he could also sense all death? Like of every sentient being?

No wonder he was screaming so painfully before, Seto mulled with a sympathetic frown. I couldn't imagine how to deal with sensing and hearing that all the time.

The young sorcerer began walking up to the laundromat entrance, Sky immediately following. "Is that what his main purpose is? Spiritual guidance? Well, not the psychic one that involves meditation and all that, but the other one."

"Yes," Sky responded. "He helps take care of the bodies and the spirits of those who have passed and helps guide lost souls on their way to the Aether. He is the only one who ever glimpses the realm of afterlife so frequently..."

The Guardian had abruptly turned his head to the east, an odd expression momentarily falling over his face as he stared into the far distance. His brow creased in a slight frown, eyes flashing. Far, very far in the distance, he could faintly sense something. A slight disturbance in the air. Barely noticeable.
Seto was oblivious to his sudden change in demeanor.

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