Chapter 18

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- Hey! Gotta pretty chill chapter today

Warning: Tyler/Ty = many swear

No Rest for the Weary

The town of Cavean wasn't impressively big (it looked more like a richer village than a town), but the abundance of light and street life made up for the rather quiet atmosphere hovering over the small settlement. Street lights composed of hanging oil lamps that pulsed and flickered with a lively orange light lined the cobblestone roads and encased them within a soft glowing blanket of amber, the moistened rocks glistening beneath the light like a polished marble floor. A tall wall of iron bars encircled the entire town, lined with spiraling torches that made a large, bright, glowing orange ring. Thin wooden fence posts girdled the streets, a variety of red and white colored flowers potted neatly against the oak stakes along with patches of tall weeds. The houses weren't all impressive either, more simple styled and cottage like, but they gave off a warm, homely feeling that had Seto fighting the urge to just enter one and collapse next to the fireplace.

Entering the fence gates of the entrance that squealed lightly in protest of the movement, the five wormed their way into the town. A stone fountain rested in the center of a small plaza, wooden benches with potted plants spread about around the outer ring with a street light posted at every corner of each branching road. The town was rather silent besides the continuous rush of the running fountain and the occasional plume of smoke that coughed up from the active chimneys of houses spread about. Between the warm glow of the street lights, the sprinkling fountain, the flower beds, and the delicate atmosphere...

It reminded Seto a bit too much of home.
A home that no longer existed.

"Do they still have those rest houses here?" Sky spoke up for the first time in the past hour. Seto, Brice and Tyler couldn't provide an answer, since they had never been here before. Brice was the only one who had ever been to a different continent.

Ty took a moment to respond, but once he did, his voice was small and blunt. "I don't know. I haven't been here for the last five hundred years."

Unable to hold back the involuntary twitch in his face, Sky continued forward, voice equally as small. Perhaps even smaller. "Then we shall see."

Shuffling through the empty streets, the five slowly began to break away as they ventured deeper into the town. It was well into the late night, so it wasn't a surprise there was no sign of life besides the dancing fires and the few glowing lights streaming from windows within the occasional house. Sky and Ty both took off in opposite directions, yet remained on the main road, their eyes wide and filled with curiosity at the sights surrounding them. Sky was eyeing a rather chaotically decorated mailbox while Ty was crouched low, his head tilted and brow furrowed as he examined a red-painted fire hydrant.

Seto stood a little ways away from them, arms crossed against his chest as he watched them with faint amusement. Footsteps approached from behind him, and Brice's voice was speaking in his ear. "I found something similar to those 'rest houses' Sky had mentioned. They're rental cabins, on the east side, most of them open for nightly travelers. We can use one."

Seto nodded his head, suppressing the yawn that wanted to pry open his jaw. "Sounds good. I'm desperate for a warm sleep."

Brice nodded, briefly glancing at Tyler behind them who had been distracted by a stray cat wandering the glistening roads. He turned his azure gaze to the two deities before them, amusement gleaming in his eyes. "If I didn't know who they really are, I would've been having some choice words about some strange man observing my mailbox like that."

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