Chapter 10

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- Hey! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long owndnkfnwbd-
Anyway, the adventure finally starts! Ignore the poorly drawn trees plz.

A good amount of time skips in this chapter cuz I'm lazy.

Warning: Blood, swearing

Enjoy this kinda rushed chapter! :D

The Guardian in Stone

"Hey, Seto?"


"When will we be there?"

Holding back the vicious growl that threatened to tear from his throat, Seto slowly dragged his hands down his face, exhaling a choked sigh. "Tyler, please."

"It hasn't even been a day yet, Tyler," Brice reprimanded, voice light, but his expression mirrored the same exasperation Seto was feeling. "Even so, we have an entire two weeks ahead of us."

"Uughh," Tyler groaned, slouching back on his horse and frowning up at the sky. "This is gonna take forever! And we have to find seven of them?" The boy grabbed at his locks of hair. "Kyle, please come take me."

Rolling his eyes, Seto repressed another suffering sigh and looked ahead. "As soon as we find the first, it should be quicker and easier for the rest." The sorcerer paused for a quick moment. "Hopefully."

"We should've taken one of those car thingies," Tyler brooded, watching the bouncing mane of his Clydesdale stallion.

"They aren't built for the terrain we'll be traversing," Brice responded. "Although, one would be really nice."

Minutes of silence passed between them, the sweet harmonies of chirping birds and rustling leaves gently singing through the air. A soft breeze drifted past their bodies, pushing the strands of hair from their faces and creating a calming atmosphere. Seto's eyes trailed along the towering trees they currently walked through, observing the dancing green leaves upon the swaying branches. A brown squirrel scurried across the slick limbs, bushy tail curling as it bounded along the trees. A soft smile curved his lips.

He wondered how long it would last.


Eyelids lowering wearily, Seto slowly turned his head in Tyler's direction, the boy adorning a sheepish smile. His dark eyes gleamed. "When will we be there?"

Seto's lips tightened, jaw clenching. He slumped limply against his horse and groaned.


A vast sea of stars were splashed across the midnight sky, twinkling brightly like the rising, sparkling embers dancing around the twirling fire. The blackened logs pulsed as they burned beneath the hot blue stems of the flames, screaming out with soft crackles and pops. A temporary tent was set up a little ways from the fire blazing in the center of the camp settled in the clearing of the dark forest, the distant brush shrouded with night. Crickets chirped from the bushes, their sound drowning out the eerie silence of night. Inside the tent, Brice and Tyler rested, their eyes closed and chests rising with the soft, steady breaths of slumber.

A quiet, weary sigh escaping his lips, Seto rested his chin on his palm, his elbow propped up on his knee pulled to his chest. He sat on a flat boulder buried on the edge of a small cliff, overlooking the sea of trees below. Distant hills rolled over the horizon, their silky blankets of grass reflecting the pale moonlight glistening brightly above. The orange firelight blazed loudly behind him, casting the surrounding trees in a soft golden glow, shadows flickering and dancing in between. The occasional whisper of a skeleton's rattling bones or the haunting moan of a zombie loomed within the darkness in the depths of the forest, though far enough away to not be a threat. It was silent, serene.

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