Chapter 4

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- Hello! Back with a brand new chapter! And wow, I must say, a lot of stuff has just recently happened. But don't worry, this is only the least of it, it gets far more better! ;)

This chapter is kinda boring cuz I didn't really know how to go forward so :P

If any of you ever get confused or spot something I might've missed, please tell me.

I didn't get time to look this over once more, so I apologize if there are any spelling or grammar errors.

Warning: Blood and disturbing descriptions


The Cold Night's Mercy

The late night was far more chilly than expected, a light bleak wind passing through and giving the air an almost frosty feel. The sky was mostly clear apart from a few dark clouds that loomed ominously above, obscuring the vast sea of black and the spilt glitter of stars twinkling brightly in the endless void.

Crackling and popping, the fire in the center of the camp post danced restlessly under the night's cold gaze, giving off a soft golden glow that illuminated the surrounding forest. Orange embers gently rose into the air, gleaming just as bright as the stars. Whispering voices and quiet chattering filled the otherwise silent night along with the blithering fire.

Seto was seated on one of the few logs encircling the fire, head held in his hands and elbows resting on his knees as he stared blankly into the orange flames. The sight of the fire was enough to stir everyone's nerves, but as long as they kept it tamed and small, it was fine. A presence sat down beside him, but he felt no need to look up, for he already knew who it was.

"H-How are you feeling, Seto?" Brice gently asked, resting a warm hand on his shoulder. The sorcerer gave no response for several moments, and Brice was about to leave him be once again until Seto finally responded.

"Tired," he spoke quietly, weak voice barely just above a whisper. Brice stared at him for a couple moments, noticing the dullness in his usually sparkling eyes and the white paleness to his skin underneath the soot that stained it. The blond bit his lip, turning his gaze to the fire as he nodded. "Yeah, none of us seem to be able to sleep, either." Which, Brice believed, was an apposite thing considering the events that had recently happened just a few hours ago. "Are you feeling up for any food yet?" he asked, receiving a light shake of the head. Brice nodded again, mimicking Seto's position and staring into the fire. "Yeah, me too."

Seto felt a little bad for being so blunt to Brice, but he couldn't really help it. His mind was haunted by the things he saw, the things he heard. His heart was torn in two, his chest tight, his blood cold and his body numb. It felt as if chains were clamped around his wrists and ankles, keeping him trapped to the ground, a heavy weight on his shoulders and chest that seemed to be sucking the air from his lungs breath by breath. His skull pulsed with a dull ache and he couldn't keep his eyes fully open, his eyelids heavy and his muscles tight and sore. His chest ached from the depletion of his magic, a sharp spark of pain occasionally pulsing through his veins as his magic tried to replenish itself. He turned his head to the left, spotting Tyler standing a few feet behind him. The boy hadn't spoken a word since he regrouped up with them, and the concern he felt was churning restlessly around in his stomach.

They all lost a dear friend this night.

Tyler was staring blankly at a non-specific spot towards the wood line, his eyes glazed over with a light sheen and his body unmoving. Seto gave him a concerned look and stood up, walking over to him. "Tyler?" He didn't receive a response.

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