Chapter 6

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- Hey! Sorry this is late again. Also, I'm sorry to say this chapter is probably one of the most boring chapters in this book. It's mostly just about getting to know the city a bit.

There is a rather sad moment towards the end, so that's good :)

I don't really describe places very well, so I'm sorry in advance. There is a bit of small time skips in this chapter as well.

But I have a quick question. Do I seem like I'm paying too much attention to detail? Or maybe I'm lacking in expressing detail? Do you think this book is moving too slow? Or maybe a bit fast? I'm not too sure myself, this is the first full story I've ever written, so I want to know what you guys think.

Don't worry, the good action and the main plot are gonna arrive soon, I just want to know how the pace of this story is flowing in your eyes. And if it seems a bit confusing or not. Most of the time I gotta remind myself that the readers don't see the story the same way I do in my eyes, so I gotta do my best to express the way I see it.

Cuz the way I see's amazing.

Anyway, enjoy!

A Moment of Tranquility

For the first hour he's been in the city already, Seto loved the friendly atmosphere it radiated. Despite most of the entire population being asleep, the few people that mingled about were kind and very approachable. The four boys, The Pack as they had called themselves, were also good-natured and courteous, guiding the group through the city and showing them where all the necessities they may need were and where to find things they might want. The city itself was grand and elegant, decorated with healthy green plants and trees and absolutely littered with all kinds of vibrant and colorful flowers. Most of the houses and buildings inside were made of a fine dark brown and red wood, along with red bricks and white and gray colored cobblestone. The buildings were different from the ones in Spawn City, which had sky-reaching structures and huge constructions while these city's buildings were smaller and tightly compact, and had a bit of a more technical look. The structures here had a modern and futuristic look than Spawn City's more older style.

Despite appearing to have a more technology advanced complexion, the wide polished stone streets were lined with tall street lights that were composed of single hanging lanterns with warm flames dancing inside, rather than the bright and electric fluorescent lights Spawn City had. Flower beds outlined the sides of the streets, giving off a sweet aroma that mingled with the other smells of fire burning and cooking food.

Overall, Silver City was absolutely beautiful and well kept. Seto made a silent vow to himself that he'd protect this city the best he could.

He wouldn't fail again.

He couldn't handle losing another friend.

Preston was currently giving them a quick tour around the main city blocks, animatedly talking and babbling as he did so with wild gestures. Seto couldn't even begin to understand what the bubbly hybrid was talking about due to the fact he changed the subject after almost every sentence that spewed from his mouth. Basher seemed to be keeping along with him well, adding in his own crazy stories that the rest of the group didn't quite understand. Either way, the sorcerer admired his energy and hospitality. All four of the boys seemed to have the same amiable energy. Earlier, after polite greetings and multiple handshakes, each of the boys had introduced themselves.

Vikram Borne, the dark-skinned male with the thick raven hair and the insightful bronze eyes. He was the more intelligent of the four, having helped build most of the newer houses and buildings that make up most of the city. He was fond of anything having to do with architecture and technology, and from what Preston had said (or possibly overly exaggerated), the young man was also a very gifted and highly skilled fighter. Seto didn't doubt it. He was quite short, but he had thick muscles despite being rather skinny, and he had a bit of a bulky build. Vik kind of stood as the leader of The Pack, even though all of them had said there wasn't really one among them (they were all leaders, according to Rob's words), but Vik was the one who made most of the decisions.

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