Chapter 7

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- Hey! I'm back! Sorry for the long wait, school's been getting stressful ;-;
To start off, this chapter is pretty boring, but we do get a good look into some hiiistoooryyy!

I'm not very good at describing things. And I can't write in old, fancy-sounding English, I'm sorry.

Anyway, enjoy!

The Book of Legends

The afternoon sunlight was soothing on Seto's skin, his magic buzzing happily through his veins as he bathed in the warm rays. The sorcerer stood on the small balcony perched on the outside of his room, arms crossed and resting on the marble railing as he looked out to the city. The stone streets were bustling with people, following their daily tasks and chattering with each other, mingling in with the sounds of work and filling the vibrant city with a loud atmosphere of life.

Seto took a deep breath of the fresh air, the many busy sounds calming to his scattered mind as he allowed himself a moment of rest. He had returned to their room from breakfast just a while ago, his friends out and about and wandering their new place of settlement for the time being. He felt a bit exhausted due to his rather embarrassing breakdown fit earlier in the morning, and Brice knew to leave him alone to himself for a while. The blond had said he was going to walk around a bit with Dar and Lachlan to explore more of the city, get his mind off things. Tyler had skipped off with Basher and Preston right after breakfast, and it wasn't hard to notice the mischievous three became immediate friends.

Just an hour ago, Tiffany and Jordan had returned, the young female completely healed and well rested. Seto had earlier apologized for not being able to help her properly, but Tiffany had graciously thanked him for what he had done for her.

"You saved me," she had said, her honey brown eyes shining with gratefulness and high respect. "We would never have gotten to the city in time. If it wasn't for you, I would have died. I am forever in your favor."

Seto still felt guilty, but he accepted her praise. He did the best he could, after all. And it only made him feel the growing need to get stronger.

I will become stronger, he spoke in his mind, face hardening in determination. I will fulfill your promise, Chimney. I will save the world. And I will protect the rest of our family with all my heart. I swear it.

Now, he just had to find a way to do so.

"Daydreaming there?" A voice called from below, breaking Seto from his thoughts. He looked down, spotting Vik staring up at him from the ground with a grin. The short young man held a leather covered book in his hand. "Are you doing anything? I remembered earlier that you said you wanted to check out our library. I thought maybe you'd like to stop by with me."

"Oh!" Seto perked, eyes gleaming excitedly. "I'd love to! Just give me a second!" Good mood renewed, the sorcerer bounded around his room, pulling on a jacket despite the warm weather and grabbing his leather diary before heading out. He gave a friendly wave to Brianna who gave an exaggerated one in return, exiting out the doors and meeting Vik waiting on the side of the street.

"It is a Wednesday, so the library is pretty empty," Vik informed as the two walked down the road. "I can tell by the way you hold yourself you're knowledgeable and intelligent," the dark-skinned male gave him a kind smile. "It's nice to know there's another book nerd out there besides me."

Seto let out a soft chuckle. "Really? I honestly don't see you as the reading type."

Vik rubbed the back of his neck, his lips curving in a lopsided grin. "Yeah, people who first meet me tend to think that, but it's not like that, heh." He looked down at the book in his hands, flipping it over and looking at the writing inscribed in its cover. "I've always been fond of books, Rob even more so, and I love learning about the vast history of this world through series of documentaries and lore. I honestly don't think there's ever a time where you don't see me with a book in my hands." Vik chuckled, "Well, that and a sword, I guess."

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