Chapter 2

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- Hello! This chapter was supposed to come out a bit confusing, but it's not at all because of my horrible writing so y'all don't have to worry!

Okay I said this would be out on Friday, but it is really short so I decided to put it out today. The next chapter will be out on Friday. So, I apologize for the shorter chapter in advance

And yeah, sorry about the picture. I was really tired, and I can't draw hands very well. It came out really bad lol

Warning: Blood and violence

Hope you enjoy!

The Pain in His Eyes

The sound of crackling fire lured him awake from his slumber.

Seto let out a groan as he shifted, a sore pain flaring in his limbs once he moved them. He slowly lifted himself off the ground to a kneel, body heavy and muscles tight and aching. His skull throbbed painfully and he put a hand to his head, eyes blinking open. What...what the hell...?

Orange flames danced around him, flickering angrily and feeding on the piles of rubble and downed trees scattered about. The earth was cracked and scorched beneath him, thick wisps of smoke funneling into the sky where thunder rumbled deep within the dark masses of storming clouds. Bolts of lightning flickered across the black sky, and Seto felt an odd shiver crawl down his spine. W-Where am I?

A boot sunk into the dirt beside him, shattered stone crackling underneath. He looked up, heart jumping at the two gleaming red eyes staring down at him. The person radiated a strong power, so immense and ferocious Seto felt a sparking heat flow through his nerves, his insides setting ablaze with an odd warmth.

"Get up," the being demanded, holding out a hand. Seto eyed him before taking it. As soon as he made contact, a hot energy coursed through his veins, giving off a powerful energy that made him feel...angry? He grunted as he pushed himself to his feet, the person letting go of his hand. For some reason, Seto wanted to feel that contact again.

"It's almost done," the person said quietly, red eyes boring into him. There was an odd glint to them, like something akin to melancholy. "There's not much of a chance left."

"No," Seto suddenly denied, the sound of his voice startling him. It didn't sound like his own. Now that he thought about it, his movements weren't his own. What was happening?

"We can't allow it," he continued, bending down and grabbing a gleaming golden sword that lied by his feet, the blade stained a dark crimson. His hand wrapped tightly around the handle, an odd feeling of static crackling down his arm. "We can't."

His companion opened his mouth to speak, but a sudden loud explosion boomed through the air, catching their attention. White flames funneled into the air deep into the town's remains, the dark clouds swarming around above them like circling vultures.

The person beside him took off, their feet leaving behind a trail of small red flames. Seto felt a growl rumble deep within his chest, his teeth gritting and his eyes narrowing. His hand shook, small bolts of yellow electricity sparking around his arms. Wait, what? What is that?

Crouching down, Seto became completely appalled as his body flew forward, a golden yellow aura trailing him. Yells and screams filled the air besides the howling of the fire, other dark beings dashing across the streets, each with a different beaming color. The one he was just with jumped into the air, releasing a wave of hot red flames down towards the beacon of white. The dancing fire licked harmlessly against his skin, and Seto could feel anger bubbling up in his chest, flowing hotly through his veins and setting his blood to a high boil.

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