Chapter 3

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AN: if yall are enjoying my story i would appreciate some votes :)) Btw i dont proofread lol also yay we get Amity pov today enjoy 

Amity Pov

I groaned as my alarm screamed at me, it was 8 am meaning I had an hour before I had to be at Hexide, I smacked the alarm and turned over pulling the covers over my head. I heard my door open as someone cleared their throat "mittens dear breakfast is downstairs, don't be late to school, I'm off for the week Ed and Em are in charge, I love you sweetie." I turned over facing my mother "I love you too mom and seriously your leaving the twins in charge, I sure hope you invested in home cover." My mother chuckled as she walked over to me kissing me on the forehead and then walking out closing the door behind her. A lot had changed since the night at the portal, my father was missing, my mother changed drastically and I was slowly learning to trust her again, it was a nice life though I did secretly hope one day Luz would come home. Home wasn't the right word this wasn't really her home, her home was the human realm. I stood up stretching my arms up, I caught a glance of myself in the mirror, I had forgotten to take off my makeup last night and I had smudged eyeliner all over my eyes, my hair was a fluffy mess and I downright looked crazy. I pulled my hair out of its bun and grabbed some makeup wipes removing the remanding makeup and making my way into the bathroom.

I stood in my bathroom trying to fix my eyeliner when the door slammed open, "I sure hope your decent mittens otherwise this would be awkward" Emira giggled leaning against the door, "what can I do ya for sis." I smiled at her before returning to my mirror fixing my makeup "this friday we are gonna throw a party so invite plant girl and pretend boy, oh and see is bosh wants to come, she's dating plant girl right?" I sighed at Emira as I looked at her "firstly my friends have names, Willow and Gus and secondly fine ill invite them just as long as you bring alcohol I don't want to be sober to watch the damage happen. Now out I need to finish getting ready." Emira squealed giving me a tight hug before running out screaming at Edric who once again slipped down the stairs. I walked into my room grabbing my hexed uniform, I fixed it before tying my hair up. I had changed a bit since Luz was last here, my hair was now past my shoulders leaving only the tips of it green, I hadn't grown much maybe I was 5'7-5'8 I didn't check, I had learnt to do makeup and usually wore a black eyeliner with some mascara, made my eyes pop against my pale skin. I grabbed my bag running into the kitchen, Ed sat reading the paper glasses perched on the edge of his nose, he hated his glasses but boy did he enjoy the morning paper so he dealt with it. I turned to Em who stood at the coffee machine "can I grab a coffee Em?" She turned to me displaying a smoking coffee machine, I laughed as I grabbed a muffin running out the door, I still needed coffee so off to the shop.

I stood in line at my favourite cafe, my scroll buzzed, I looked down to see boscha calling me "hey bosh what can I do for you" "hey Am I was wondering where you are and if you are at the cafe can you grab everyones usuals" I sighed in agreement as boshca hung up. I got to the front soon enough. "Oh Amity darl my favourite costumer what can I do for you" I smiled at the cashier, she was an abomination tutor who I had come to love throughout my education. "Hey drake may I get the four usual and chuck it on my moms card" drake smiled as she rung up my order and pointed towards the waiting area. I waited patiently looking at the time every so often, I was going to be late but eh it was abominations so who cares I'm already top of the grade and I'm basically graduated just a few more months. "Amity Blight" I looked up as the barista held out a coffee carrier with four coffees. Bosh always had a black coffee with half a sugar, I don't think she likes black coffee she just tries to look cool, Willow gets a matcha latte because its green and to be fair matcha coffee is good, Gus gets a caramel frapachino because he hates coffee but wants to drink it and me well I get an iced late with a bit of whipped cream, it's not my favourite but it was Luz's.

I walked into school with a few minutes to spare, I walked to my locker spotting a familiar pink haired girl blushing as to whatever willow was saying, "amity oh my god you are a lifesaver." Boshca shouted as she grabbed her coffee followed by Gus and Willow, "oh by the way guys the blight kids are throwing a blight bash this Friday spread the word." I smiled as bocha grabbed her scroll posting on penstagram about the blight bash in a day, "please tell me Ed is getting alcohol?" Willow sighed I smiled at her and nodded, willow had changed since Luz left, not a lot but she learnt to loosen up no thanks to her girlfriend, her hair was shoulder length and she adorned the same round glasses as she did four years ago, Gus had grown to around 6'2 and his voice dropped but he was till the biggest nerd and absolutely loved everything human, Boscha had let her hair grow and usually wore it in a plait or out flowing. I strolled into class taking my seat in the back day dreaming about the party tomorrow. 

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