chapter 7

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Luz Pov

I jumped out of the shower staring at myself in the mirror, I had scars that laced my abdomen and some small scars on my face from fights with students, I wasn't one to get into fights but I always found myself in the middle of a student formed ring throwing my fist into some football players face. My mom was used to me walking home with blood on my face or fists, she taught me to stand up and wasn't afraid to scream at the headmaster for me, I hope its different at Hexside, I smiled at the thought of being back at that school. My scroll buzzed, boshca posted saying the party was moving to the forest near the owl house, lucky me I thought realizing I was over an hour late to the party.

I stood in front of my mirror readjusting my beanie on my head, I wore my blue mom jeans cuffed above a pair of purple converse, a flannel shirt over a plain black tee and my rings. I had painted my nails black with my middle finger painted a stark white, I smiled at myself, I wanted to impress Amity, she always looked good and it was my turn to look flashy. I cleaned up my room before I left because even if Eda wasn't here hooty would still somehow tell her that my room was a royal mess, I didn't know if I would drink but I lay out pajamas on my bed before I left.

I strolled towards the forest hearing music loudly playing and people shouting and screaming at one another, I noticed a green haired twin manning the bar while chatting up what looked like Jerbo. "Oh Ed you haven't changed have you, chuck us a beer for your favorite human." I flashed him a smile as his mouth dropped wide open. "Holy shit Luz Noceda as I live and breathe, oh mittens is going to flip, lemme grab you a drink huh?" I smiled as he wrapped me in a hug before snagging a beer out of the cooler next to me, before I could slip in another word someone grabbed me "CUTIE your back oh my gosh Ed mittens is going to loose her shit!" Emira squealed pulling me close to her, I smiled at the twins as they bombarded me with questions about how I got back and the human realm. Soon enough Em wondered off to find willow and Gus so they could come and say hi. "LUZ OH MY GOD YOU ARE BACK, I thought Em was playing with us." Willow chuckled as she wrapped her arms around me, "Jesus Luz you are a giant and oh my god those muscles." Gus commented looking at my arms, boshca sauntered over grabbing willow and kissing her cheek. "Wait hold up you two are together" I questioned looking at Boshca's bright red face, "firstly when the fuck did you get here Am is gonna loose it and we've been together like 3 years, you're the reason were together." Willow smiled lovingly at the pink haired witch.

We stood for a while laughing as I was caught up with all of the Isles gossip, Gus joined the boys Grugby team and they thrashed all the other teams and took the championships three years in a row, Willow left school early to study medicine in plants and is taking college classes while still technically learning at Hexside, Boscha had started teaching kid classes and she had a real talent for teaching. They all hung out still and would visit Eda and Lillith every weekend to practice wild magic together and reminisce.

"We thought you were never coming back, but Am she didn't stop hoping one day you'd walk through the doors." Boshca sadly sighed, before another word could be said we heard a loud scream come from behind a tree. "Let me handle it, I've done enough fighting in my life." I said standing up and walking over, and then I saw her. Amity struggling as a man grabbed her wrists "please, stop please I'm begging." The last time I heard her say that I stabbed a man to death and I wasn't afraid to do it again. I grabbed the guys wrist pinning it behind his back shoving him into a tree, I kicked him in the knees before spinning him around so he faced me, I punched his face a few times before his nose burst and he screamed, I let go of his hand and he punched me in the stomach, I laughed before I hit him in the temple knocking him out. Once he was out I turned to Amity, "amity its me Luz this is most definitely not the way I wanted us to meet again." Amity's golden eyes met with mine as she jumped up pulling me into a hug "oh god Luz its really you." She slurred her words, she was drunk out of her mind and would not remember this night. I grabbed her holding her up against my chest as she dozed off.

I walked over to the group placing Amity in a chair "I'm going to take her to the owl house so I can keep an eye on her, she's drunk and probably drugged. She will be safe with me." I said to the twins who nodded and passed me some water for amity. I smiled grabbing the water and picking Amity back up and starting to walk towards the owl house. She took the water and slowly sipped it, she didn't want to talk she said she was to tired.

We got to the owl house and I walked up to my room, her shirt was covered in the guys blood when his nose burst. "Hey Ammy do you think if I give you some clothes you can change while I take a shower?" She nodded weakly as I grabbed a pair of basketball shorts and a oversized hoodie placing them in her lap before grabbing my PJ's and walking towards the shower, I was covered in blood both from my hands but also that mans nose. I was concerned about Amity, I've never seen her this drunk and this is far from the way I wanted our reunion to go.

I hopped out of the shower, slowly getting changed, I grabbed down a first aid kit bandaging up my bloody knuckles, I was a good puncher but my hand hadn't stopped bleeding and the shower made it sting more. I sighed looking at my stomach which had a red mark from the guy punching me, it didn't hurt so I wasn't internally bleeding but it would definitely bruise. I grabbed my tooth brush brushing away the icky feeling of alcohol, I was worried about Amity and I think the others were too, she obviously had never acted like this before. I walked into my room seeing amity curled up asleep on my bed, I grabbed the duvet and tightly tucked it around her, I grabbed a notepad writing a small note before running downstairs to get a bottle of water and the Isles version of pain meds. I placed it on my bedside table, I grabbed my sleeping bag and wandered downstairs lying down on the couch, I started to feel myself drift off and slowly sleep overtook my body.  

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