Chapter 2

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I stood in the bathroom fixing my hair for what felt like the 40th time, what if she didn't want to see me again or talk to me what if she hated me with all her passion. I couldn't stand here and wonder what she would say I would have to find out myself, I ran into my room throwing on a pair of green army pants, a white tank top and a flannel jacket, I scoured my room for the missing piece. My hand snatched a soft piece of fabric, I chucked on my black beanie, zipped up my doc martens, I stared at myself happy with how I looked. I grabbed my bag shoving in some workout clothes pyjamas and some spare clothes, I grabbed the 8-10th Azura books, I didn't know if the Isles had them yet. I grabbed my notepad filled with glyphs and double checked myself in the mirror. "You clean up well Noceda." I spun around to locate the voice, Eda stood in my doorway a smirk lacing her face. I chuckled passing her my bag, she handed me a small piece of metal. "I thought you would want one of these, all the kids have one and it is pretty easy communication to be frank." I stared at the scroll in my hand, I smiled hugging Eda, "think of it as an early birthday present, I already presaved Kings, littlihs and my contact, don't worry I didn't tell hooty, I got stuck in a chain with him and I broke my scroll against a wall." I forced a smile on my face at the thought of hooty texting me, god he wouldn't shut up.

I wrapped my arms around my mother holding her tightly "te amo mami I'll be home soon I promise" she smiled nodding, Eda shoved me out the door as she whispered to my mom, I watched my moms eyes widen and a strong blush form on her face, I felt like I was gonna gag. I stood on the step waiting for Eda to stop hopelessly flirting with my mom, I placed my hand in my pocket feeling a sharp corner hit my finger, I pulled out the photo staring at Amity, her smile sent my heart into overdrive, I wonder how she has changed, was her hair still green, had she grown, did she stand up to her parents? I had so many questions but I was ripped out of my thoughts by Eda clearing her throat behind me. "Noceda look I love reminiscing but we have the get moving otherwise King will get hangry and demons going through puberty and being hungry is not pretty." Eda's face looked pained as if she was reminiscing on King's grouchy behaviour, she grabbed my bag chucking it to owlbert as she started walking away from me, I stood up chasing after her.

Soon enough I stood in front of the house that started it all, memories flooded back of Amity's screams filling this house, I shudder remembering that night. A comforting arm wrapped around my back, " you alright kid I know its been a while since you've been here you gonna be ok being in here" Eda smiled at me and I nodded following her through the portal into the warmth of the boiling isles, it felt like id only been gone a month not almost 4 years. Eda chuckled at my face as I took in my surroundings, she dragged me towards the owl house, my home. "King Eda brought visit.... LUZ IS THAT YOU" hootys shrill voice screamed at me, before I could respond Hooty wrapped himself around me dragging me towards the house. "Jesus hOoty why are you so.." King looked at me before squealing and wrapping his tiny arms around my neck, I pet his back as he pushed his head into the crook of my neck. I walked into the house putting king down on the ground. "Alright grouch lets get you fed, Luz theres a bed frame and mattress in your room and some paint and posters, oh and a closet, do as you please with the room." She glanced at her watch before groaning " be down in 2 hours for lunch then I'm putting you to work and then yes you can see your friends now go off."

I stood in my room, the walls were blank, my canvas, I picked up a brush and dipped it into the paint excited to transform the room.

I heard a soft knock on the door as I spun seeing Eda holding a glass of water and what looked to be an apple, "hey kiddo you been up here and hour thought I'd check in, I'm loving the colour choice in here." I stood back taking the water from Eda's hand staring at the walls, all white but one wall which I painted black, I also painted the bed frame black and the wardrobe a strong purple. I took a bite of what turned out to be an apple, "you have apples on the Isles?" I queried turning to Eda " uh no I bought seeds to grow a garden of food for your return, I also have a pantry stocked with human food because to be honest its hard to eat witch food when your not a witch kid, now finish up and lets head to the market" I smiled at Eda as she disappeared down the stairs and I headed to the bathroom to shower. 

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