chapter 9

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Luz Pov

I stood in Amity's bedroom for the first time in four years, she hadn't changed the room much, the bed was bigger and there were more band posters adorning the walls, she had a small makeup table with a vanity mirror on it. She was downstairs talking to her siblings I could hear her laughing, she had a gorgeous laugh. I wandered towards her bed when a golden frame caught my eye, I picked it up and saw the photo in it was of me, I didn't remember her taking this photo, I looked so young, I was wearing amity's hoodie the one I still wear to bed. I lay down on her bed, I didn't realize how tired I had gotten, I snuggled up to one of her pillows and slowly felt my body relax and I drifted off. 

"Hey Luz" I sat up abruptly smacking into Amity as she giggled, her hair lay loose on her shoulders and she had fixed her makeup, she was wearing a pair of jeans but she still had my hoodie on, I grumbled as I grabbed her pulling her towards me into a hug, her ears started to twitch and go red. "Luz as much as I would love some cuddles right now its almost lunch and I'm famished so I was thinking we go back to the owl house and cook up some lunch?" I nodded as she released herself from my grip, she grabbed her bag looking back at me as I slowly got up. She held her hand out and I grabbed it, I wanted to be close to her, when I was stuck in the human realm I was angry that I hadn't admitted my feelings to Amity, but now I had no idea if she even liked me, time changes people. 

I hadn't realized we had started walking, Amity had a look concern on her face when I finally made eye contact with her. She was always the sympathetic person and I was the one with the plan, she always got us out of trouble. I wasn't the most favorable of Amity's friends' was told that to my face by her father. I never told her about that day when her father sat me down and told me as soon as she was of age she would drop me and never speak to me again. I feared that even now, that she would just stop being around me and would hate me. I sighed loudly dropping my shoulders, Amity moved and stood in front of, she looked up at me before going on her tippy toes in an attempt to be the same height as me. "You don't need to tell me what's circling around that brain of yours but you look so sad and you've only been in the Isles three days, I want to see you smile, so while you sulked I texted the group, they're waiting for us come on." She grabbed my hand dragging me towards the town center. I couldn't help but feel a smile form, this girl was going to be the death of me and I knew it. 

Soon enough we arrived at a small dinner, I could see everyone inside seated at a booth, I opened the door holding it for Amity as she walked I saw her ears turn red, odd. We walked over to the booth I noticed it wasn't the biggest booth in the world and I was definitely not going to fit, "uh gimme a sec I'm going to grab a chair, I aint going to fit in the booth." Before I turned away Gus jumped out of the booth "oh no need Luz, I'm the tallest here I'll suffer on the classic chair." He smiled as he turned to find a chair, everyone shuffled along and I slid in, even with the extra room I was squeezed up against Amity, I felt a hot flush hit my face as our body pressed together. "Amity I'm glad to see your alive this morning, and Luz oh my god I thought you killed the guy there was so much blood. Amity you better be thanking titan Luz was there she saved your ass." Boshca said pointing at my bandaged hand, I felt a hot blush creep up onto my face as amity held my bandaged hand in hers, "I will be honest waking up in the owl house having absolutely no idea how I got there was not really my ideal Saturday morning but hey Luz is here so am I complaining. No." Amity smiled at me as a waiter interrupted us "orders." She said in a drawling voice, I looked over the menu I had no idea what I could eat, soon enough Amity was ordering "uh ill grab a stack of lazy backs and a pink drink, she will have the Philip special and a latte with whipped cream, light whipped cream." She remembered my drink order by heart, I placed my hand on her thigh to thank her and her cheeks flushed bright red, I leaned in close "thanks Ammy mind telling me what you just ordered me?" Amity's eyes locked on mine as her entire face exploded red "oh uh um sorry I didn't mean to its just its the only food you'll be able to eat here and uh well your coffee order." I smiled at but as I was about to speak I heard Boscha laugh loudly as willow slapped her. "Oh lord this is worse than before, anyways Luz you starting at Hexside on Monday?" I nodded and slowly conversation formed around me and I felt happy. 

As we waved goodbye to the group I felt Amity's hand slide into mine as she dragged me towards the owl house. "That was some good food how did you know id enjoy it Am?" Amity looked at me laughing "you're easy to buy for plus its high protein and just looking at you I can only assume you eat a lot." I pretended to look hurt grabbing my chest dramatically "oh Ammy are you saying I eat to much, how rude." Amity groaned wrapping her arms around my waist halting me, "just for that dramatic nonsense you can carry my bag." She let go and threw her bag at me, she walked away grinning as I chased after her. 

Before long we were standing outside the owl house, hooty was fast asleep his head in the mud, amity walked in side sitting on the couch "ill go chuck your stuff upstairs, make yourself comfy, also ill put them in the closet." I smiled at Amity as she sat on the couch and I ran upstairs, I placed her bag on my bed before unzipping it and placing her clothes in the drawer I cleared for her. Soon enough her stuff was unpacked, I grabbed the last thing and I instantly recognized it, my old t-shirt. "When you first gave it to me it was huge but now it fits perfectly, I usually wear it as PJ's as its been threw some stuff." I spun around facing Amity who stood in the door holding two cans of soda. "I wear your hoodie to bed when the weather allows it, it may be a bit small and covered in stains but it gave me a comfort nothing else could." I took a deep breathe as I sat on the bed, I looked up making eye contact with her "it helped with the night terrors, they got bad, I would wake up in a cold sweat screaming your name. My mom got concerned and I ended up on medication to sleep but I hated it, then one night I fell asleep in your hoodie and the terror was gone. Some nights it would come back but never as bad as it used to be." Amity placed her hand on my back, "I blamed myself for everything Am, I left you alone." A tear escaped my eye as Amity held me close to her. "You saved me Luz, you saved all of us, I never gave up hope you would come home." I looked up at her and pushed a stray bit of hair out of her face, I swore I saw a faint blush appear on her cheeks. "Shall we start the lesson than ms Noceda." I smiled and nodded jumping of the bed and running down the stairs.

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