chapter 14

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Amity Pov

I stood in the living room, I couldn't move or breathe what just happened, I touched my lips which felt plump, I had just kissed Luz. She was in the kitchen now cooking dinner, I heard talking so I moved closer to the door "BELLA FUCK I DID IT I DID IT I KISSED HER." I couldn't help but smile at Luz's reaction, I could hear Bella screaming on the other end of the phone. I was so happy, I walked into the kitchen as Luz hung up the phone, I snaked my arms around her waist. "You're gonna drive me crazy aren't you." Luz said turning around and pulling me into a kiss, this one was much softer, our lips moved in sync as she held my waist, I was so focused on her I didn't realise the beeper on the oven started to beep. "Mmmm as much as I love this dork we need to eat, go sit I'll finish up." I smiled as she kissed my forehead, as I waited I wondered what we were, was she my girlfriend, maybe I should take her on a date, I have a perfect idea. She was so sweet and the way she kissed me was incredible I felt like I was on fire but at the same time I was floating, i had waited years to kiss her. Like I had kissed other people even some guys, which lemme tell you proved I was a lesbian, but with Luz our kiss was so different. I wanted to be her's to hold her hand and kiss her whenever I wanted, my thoughts were interrupted "Ammy dinner is served, you looked a little dazed are you alright?" I looked up at her, her eyes filled with concern, I looked at the bowl in front of me, it was my favourite human meal spagheti. "Just thinking about you." Luz's face flushed red as she took a seat next to me. We ate as conversation flowed between us, the food was amazing Luz was an incredible cook and I loved her food. "Ammy we still need to study tonight do you wanna set up the work in the living room and ill clean up, ill make us some coco too m'kay?" I smiled and nodded. I stood up and passed my plate to Luz, I walked upstairs and grabbed our bags, I felt a bit cold and grabbed one of Luz's hoodies and chucked it over my uniform.

I ran downstairs and placed our work on the small coffee table, Luz wandered in placing a mug in front of me she laughed "are we already at the stage of stealing clothes Ammy?" I blushed as she sat next to me "what are we Luz?" I questioned turning to her "I want you to be my girlfriend Amity and I know its kinda soon but I've waited four years to kiss you and I can't wait any longer." I smiled at her pulling her into a short sweet kiss " I want to be yours Luz, also I want to take you on a date sometime this week." Luz giggled "of course cutie now lets do some work." I smiled kissing her on the cheek as she picked up her worksheet, we worked quietly but I couldn't stop looking at her, every so often she'd catch me staring at her and she would go slightly red. I found it cute that she blushed around me.

Luz groaned laying her head in my lap, I looked down and smiled at my girlfriend, titans she was my girlfriend I couldn't help but blush, as much as I loved all the attention I needed to finish my assignment. I kept working trying to figure out a certain chemical formula for this potion, I felt Luz move in my lap and then I heard soft snoring, I looked down lightly kissing her forehead, I saw a faint smile lace her face. I turned back to my work when I felt my scroll buzz "Amity when are you going to be home we miss you plus moms sad you missed family movie night?" I smiled the Edrics message, ever since my father disappeared my mom made an effort to make us feel loved something my father hardly let her do my phone buzzed again "also how did things go with Luz is she coming over for family dinner this Friday?" I scolded myself I bet Ed that if Luz and I started dating before family dinner on friday she would come over and join dinner. I quickly responded "ill be home tomorrow and yes set an extra seat on friday, be nice we literally started dating three hours ago" my scroll started ringing and I groaned answering it, Edric and Emira's faces appeared on the screen "so where is our sister in law?" I chuckled moving the camera so they could see the sleeping Luz in my lap "oh my god Mittens this is adorable, finally though its taken you to long however as much as I would love to talk about your relationship you should head to bed you have school." I groaned at my sister "since when did you care about school Em but yeah you right we need sleep, ill see you tomorrow." The twins said goodnight and hung up, I looked down at the sleeping girl in my lap, I ran my hand threw her soft hair "Luzzy we need to go to bed." She stirred and sat up looking at me, before another word could be said she connected our lips in a heated passionate kiss. Her mouth moved in unison with mine pulling me closer towards her, I pulled away gasping for breath, Luz stood up smirking, she held her hand out and helped me up. Before I could say another word I was against the wall with Luz's lips trailing down my neck, she pushed her lips into mine and she bit down on my lip before dragging me upstairs and closing the door.

I pulled away, Luz and I had been lying in her bed making out and talking, I was so happy, I smiled at my girlfriend as she kissed my cheek. I lay my head on her chest listening to her heart beat "Ammy" Luz said running her hand through my messy hair "yes love?" I turned over facing Luz "my mom wants to meet you next weekend." My face blushed red, id never met Luz's mother "well my mom wants you to come to dinner on friday." Luz giggled pulling me closer to her face "well I guess this is the weekend of meeting parents." I kissed her softly as she wrapped her arms around my neck "I'm gonna miss having you in my bed every night lovely." I smiled at her "well I guess you'll have to come over and stay on Thursday and friday" she chuckled moving her arms so they were around my waist "I guess so also maybe I can see if any of your hoodie fit so I can steal some hmm?" I laughed laying down on Luz's chest, it felt like we had been together for years but I guess thats what happens when you fall in love with your best friend, I started to slow my breathing and fell asleep.

"Amity titans sake, king get the phone and call the healer, honey sit down I'm going to get you some medicine alright stay right there." Eda looked sympathetic but I knew she was hurting, Luz was gone and we didn't know when we would get her back. My whole body ached, I was bleeding but I didn't know where and my head was thumping, I was struggling to stay awake "Amity you can't fall asleep." I looked down at the small fluffy creature that was king, he climbed onto the couch holding a small bear in his mouth "this was Luz's favourite, I'm going to stay here with you while we wait for the healer, its not safe for you to fall asleep." King lay in my lap and grabbed a book from the table beside me, the good witch Azura. Eda walked in holding some pills and a cup of tea "here take these and drink this then you need to tell me what happened." She sat in front of me a look of concern flushed her face as I swallowed the pills "she killed Belos, then my father shoved her through the portal and broke the key, he was about to break the portal but I stabbed him in the leg, Luz was banished for four years. I'm so sorry I couldn't save her Eda, I failed her and I failed you two." I started crying as Eda pulled me into a hug. The door swung open and Lillith and a healer rushed in "titans Edalyn where's the human." Eda's face told the whole story Lilith grabbed her sister and held her close, the healer rushed over to me and cleaned my arms to find the wounds, the major lacerations were on my stomach and as I lay there being healed I cried, not because I was in pain but because she was gone, my Luz was gone. After the healer left my siblings and mom showed up I could hear my mom in the kitchen with Eda and Lillith talking about what to do next, Ed and Em sat next to me holding my hands, I felt like I could still hear her screams reverberating off the walls of the house, I started to cry "amity, hey Amity AMITY"

"AMITY." I shot up my face was wet and I was shaking "Amity hey its ok I'm right here."Luz held me in her arms, she rocked me slowly holding on tightly "I'm so sorry Luz." I said through sobs "what are you sorry for Amity, you have nothing to apologise for." I pushed my head into her chest as my sobs filled the quiet room. " when I got to the owl house after the house Eda didn't sleep for days, she sat beside me and cared for me, she didn't go into your room for a year until Lilith made her, I lost you and I broke her." I had slowly stopped crying as Luz brushed her hands through my hair "Amity you didn't loose me, I never stopped thinking about you, never did a day pass where I didn't think about you and risked everything for me, you almost killed your own father for me, you are so brave." Luz pulled me into a soft kiss that was short and sweet. I got out of bed "where are you going Amity?" Luz questioned standing up behind me, "I need to take a shower I feel grimy, go back to sleep Luz I'll be back in bed soon." I was tired and wanted to get rid of this gross feeling, I went to open the door, Luz turned me around and handed me a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt. "Put your clothes in the washing basket and after you've showered come downstairs ill make some tea." I was about to apologise for keeping her up in the middle of the night but she cut me off "don't apologise Amity I am taking care of you ok and I'm gonna take care of my beautiful girlfriend." My face blushed when she said girlfriend, before I walked away she leaned down and kissed my forehead. 

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