chapter 17

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Amity Pov

TW: S3lf H@rm scars mentioned and SH discussed

Luz sat on my bed her hair tied in a small ponytail, my Mom was cooking Luz's favourite, even though my father wasn't her biggest fan she would still come for dinner some nights when we would study late at the library and she would be to tired to head to the owl house. "Penny for your thoughts Ammy?" I looked at Luz who was now lying on my bed reading her book "nothing much just thinking about you." She smiled a dorky smile and stood up and moved towards my desk, I needed to finish my extra work and because I was teaching the kids I didn't have time, I was grateful she was there though because she taught the kids for a while giving me time to work "whats on tomorrow afternoon Am's?" she sat on the desk her legs dangling off the edge "our date silly, I'm going to set it up after school so you can go to the owl house and pack your bag for my house and the human realm." I watched her face light up, I had spent any moment I had to myself organising the date, I had enlisted the help of the trio from hell, Boscha was a amazing cook so she was making dinner for us to have and Willow was baking desert and everyones loveable dork Gus was helping me set up, I needed his height. She leaned down and kissed me lightly, I turned back to my assignment and Luz walked back to my bed and kept reading. I hadn't told Luz what my assignment was because I didn't want to freak her out but I had spent the last four years studying the portal trying to figure out why Belos wanted to use it, I wanted to find a way to hide it completely from everyone and anyone who could get access to it, just so I could keep her safe. She was the most important thing and I couldn't loose her again it would hurt badly. "DINNER." I heard my mother shout from downstairs, I closed my work book and stretched as I stood up, Luz jumped off the bed subsequently tripping over my rug and hitting the floor, she rubbed her head as I held out my hand helping her up.

"So how is school treating you?" My mother questioned Luz "yeah good I guess, a lot nicer than my human school but I'm fitting in pretty good, thanks to my awesome tutor." My mom smiled as she looked between me and Luz "how are you feeling after last night you took quite a beating?" I felt Luz tense but relax when I placed my hand on her thigh "I'm ok I think thank you for letting me stay here Ms Blight." My mother laughed "Luz please don't call me Ms Blight you make me feel a thousand years old." Luz's face blushed red in embarrassment, I glared at my mother who laughed, Edric started to talk about his work he was doing with illusions, he had been mastering the act of battle illusions where his illusions are able to fight like him and with him. Luz was on her second helping of my Moms sherpa pie, Luz explained it was similar to Shepards pie in the human realm just minus the Sherpas, she was hungry well she was always hungry and I think my mom was happy someone was eating all the food in the house. My mom stood up and walked into the kitchen grabbing the fairy pie and some ice scream, Luz couldn't eat fairy pie but could eat ice scream, when Luz was here years ago we used to have part of our pantry filled with souly food Luz could eat because I always wanted her to have food. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Luz laughing violently "EDRIC NO!!" I felt something cold hit my face and turned to my older brother who had just thrown a glob of Ice Scream at my face "YOU'RE GONNA PAY." I leapt out of my seat and tackled him to the floor, I could hear my mother and Luz cheering me on, Emira pulled me off Edric as we burst out laughing, I looked down at my uniform which was now covered in ice scream "ok kids thats enough lets finish dinner and then Amity you need a shower and because you started the fight Ed your doing the dishes." Edric groaned as my mother chuckled.

Luz and I thanked my mother for dinner and walked upstairs, i opened my door smiling as Luz ran to my bed and flopped down "I want to stay here forever your bed is so comfy." Her voice was muffled due to the fact her face was shoved into a pillow "I'm gonna go shower, you can use the bathroom down the hall." She stood up and walked over to me kissing me lightly. I grabbed my pyjamas and wandered into my bathroom, I took my stained clothes off, I looked at my thighs, they were covered in small deep scars, I traced my fingers over them remembering the pain that brought me to inflict them, I never blamed Luz for them because as much as the pain was from her it was never her fault, I spent days looking at these scars heal and wondering when I would stop. i wanted to hate the pain but it was a release for the mental agony, I needed to talk to Luz about it, I couldn't hide it from her forever. I stepped into the warm shower letting water rush over my body, I was glad these showers didn't sting anymore, it was always a painful reminder when they stung. I stepped out of the shower and toweled off before changing, I walked into my bedroom to see Luz sitting on my bed reading "hey love how was your shower?" She smiled at me putting the book down, I took a deep breath "I need to talk to you about something." Luz looked confused but patted the bed and I walked over "ok, after you left I had a hard time dealing with my emotions and I turned to some unhealthy coping mechanisms. I have been in recovery for two years now but sometimes it gets hard and I fall into small depressive states, I don't want to hide it from you because I want to be open with you." I pulled my shorts up showing her the scars that laced my thighs, I felt hot tears fill my eyes, then I felt Luz's hand on my back "I'm glad you told me Ammy, remember I'm here and when you have tendencies just tell me and I will do anything I can to help." i brought my eyes up to met hers and I felt tears escaping my eyes, I felt Luz's strong arms wrap around me as I sobbed into her sweatshirt "its ok Amity I'm gonna lie back." I nodded into her chest and felt her pull me down and soon enough we were lying cuddling as Luz brushed her hand threw my hair, I started to feel sleepy and slowly sleep overtook me.

"Yes I understand, mhm I know this." I rolled over seeing Luz at my desk on the phone "Mami I'm fine I promise." There was some silence as Luz listened to her mother "no. I am not coming home permanently, I am 18 tomorrow." It was her birthday and she didn't tell me, I was kind of excited that the day of our date was her birthday "mami I said no, Am and I will come over this weekend for Bells fight and to see you but I'm not staying, I need her." I could hear the pain in her voice, I heard her hang up the phone and slam her elbow into my desk, I sat up and walked over to her "are you ok?" She turned suddenly not expecting me "I'm sorry did I wake you?" I shook my head as I sat on the desk taking her hands in mine, she smiled lazily, she looked tired, I glanced at the clock "2:43" I leaned in and kissed her lightly "happy birthday babe." Her face brightened a smile forming on her face "could we go for a walk I need fresh air." I nodded as I went to find us some jackets and put on some tracksuit bottoms, it was cold outside and I knew that because the weather here is predictable. I handed Luz a puffy jacket, she slid a beanie on my head and then grabbed her own and chucked it on her head. We walked downstairs and I could see the living room light was still on "where are you two headed?" I turned making eye contact with my mother "Ms Blight, I'm very sorry I've just been struggling to sleep and I find it easier to fall asleep when I've been for a walk and I asked amity to come with me because it would be nice to have someone with me." My mother looked at Luz questioningly before she nodded and turned the lights out walking up the stairs. I felt Luz slid her hand into mine, I knew exactly where to take her.

"Amity its nice to see you." I looked up at Jasmine, she was the only night worker at the Isles Diner "what can I grab for you two?" She asked whilst ushering us into a booth near the fireplace "uh two hot chocolates and some pancakes, thanks jazz." She nodded jotting down the order on a notepad. "You come here often?" Luz questioned taking her beanie off and ruffling her hair "I haven't been here in a while but when I would have night terrors I would come here and get some food and a warm drink to calm me down, its a nice spot particularly at night." She smiled as her phone buzzed, she groaned before placing it on the table "my mom wants me to come home permanently." I pretended to looked shocked I didn't want her to know I accidentally listened to her conversation "are you going to?" I wanted the honest answer and I didn't know if I wanted it "god no, I'm staying here with you." She grabbed my hands easing all the anxiety I had over her leaving "I'm not doing that again, but we will have to visit every fortnight or so for a bit so she doesn't loose her shit, I might even bring her to hang with Eda." I smiled at her as she rambled about Eda and her mom and how she was convinced her mom was in love with Eda and vice versa. Jazz placed our drinks on the table and placed two sets of pancakes on the table "Oh jazz we inly ordered one." She chuckled pushing the plate towards me "for my favourite costumer she gets some freebies." I went to argue but she dissapered into the back. Luz laughed at me as she tucked into her food, I looked at her hand and realised it had bled through the bandages "when we get back you have to let me fix that up." I pointed at the bloody bandages and Luz nodded.

We sat on my bed, Luz had done some serious damage to her hand in the three fights she had been in, there were small cut veins that required some gauze and glue but most of it was simple, I had let her go back to running and light upper body work as she continued to heal. i also told her when we went to the human realm she needed to be checked by her mom and then an actual Doctor, as much as I knew about human medicine I was still a witch. I knew that healing magic worked on humans but according to Eda we can only use it when absolutely necessary due to the fact that it messes with her organs, thats why she felt bad yesterday. I finished wrapping her hand and put the last of the light green tape on Luz's wrist "gee Ammy you are amazing at this my Madre is gonna flip her shit!" I chuckled as I stood up removing my track pants and hoodie, I looked down at Luz whose arms were wide open, i jumped into them taking in Luz's warmth and her scent "are you going to sleep now?" I heard Luz murmer a yes as she pulled me up to her and connected our lips "your adorable miss Blight." I playfully slapped her as she hugged me close holding on for dear life. I was on love with this girl.

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