chapter 13

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Luz Pov

TW: panic attack and violence 

I woke up with the sun like usual, I had only slept 5 hours but that's all I really needed, I was so confused after last night, the closet it looked like Amity wanted me to kiss her when I leaned in, maybe she did like me too but I didn't want to push her so I decided id keep my silence, l looked to my left and saw Amity sound asleep using my arm as a pillow. I needed to go downstairs and do my workout before school but she looked so peaceful and cute, I slid my arm out and succeeded without waking her up. I sat on the edge of my bed sighing, after Amity told me what happened I couldn't help but think about how it effected her, she stabbed her own father. I needed to stop wallowing over something that happened years ago, I quickly wrote Amity a note if she woke up before I finished my workout. I grabbed my workout gear and walked to the bathroom, I looked up in the mirror and I looked like death, my eyes were bloodshot and my hair was a tangled mess, I would clean up after I worked out. I changed quickly and ran downstairs grabbing some water and a cereal bar, I ate the cereal bar and walked down to the basement, I looked at the closet, I scolded myself for leaving the door open, I couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if we stayed in the closet for even 30 seconds more. I shut the door and sighed, I would never know, I trudged into the gym closing the door and turning my music on. 

I finished my last rep placing the hand made dumbbells on the terribly built rack, I grabbed my towel and wiped my forehead, it was warmer today so I was a lot more sweaty than usual, I opened the door and smelt coffee and what could be pancakes. I walked up the stairs and towards the kitchen, I saw a familiar girl dancing in the kitchen singing to some song I didn't recognize, I walked closer leaning on the door frame, I couldn't help but smile at her, she was perfect and I wanted her to be mine but I couldn't be sure if she felt the same. I hadn't realized how much I missed her until she was cuddled up with me in bed, she had changed her perfume but she still smelt like roses, she still had the same dorky smile and she hugged the same as she did four years ago. She set a coffee down on the table and smiled, she turned around and jumped back when she saw me "Titans Luz you can't sneak up on me like that" I laughed as she placed a plate down "uh I made you breakfast, human food is hard but the pancake mix had instructions on the back so I'm hoping I did it right." I smiled at her and went and sat down "you didn't have to do this Amity" she looked at me and sat next to me sipping her coffee "I wanted to, you workout a lot and you need fuel so of course I'm going to make you food. Oh on that note there's a packed lunch in the fridge, I'm not sure if you can eat the cafeteria food." I laughed and she cocked her head "Amity you're spoiling me, how am I going to live when you go home tomorrow." She glared at me before finishing her coffee and placing it in the sink "I'm going to get ready for school, please shower." I acted offended my grabbing my chest, she giggled before walking away. This girl was going to kill me.

I walked out of the shower and put on my Hexside uniform, it felt weird to wear it again but I was so happy to be back, Eda had enrolled me and principal Bump was excited to have me back. I walked into my bedroom and saw Amity sitting at my desk with a small mirror fixing her makeup, she was beautiful with and without makeup, I had never really worn makeup, I loved doing it but I wasn't very confident so I hardly ever wore it but the way Amity glided eyeliner across her eye was mesmerizing, her hands were steady and straight and she was focused. I noticed she stuck her tongue out a bit when she was concentrating it was adorable "you done staring Noceda?" I felt my face flush a deep red as I fell forward, Amity giggled as she lent me hand to help me up, I stood up towering over Amity. I hadn't realized how much taller I was than Amity but as we stood there staring at each other I realized she was straining her neck to look at me. I turned around realizing I was bright red, I grabbed my bag before grabbing Amity's hand and walking downstairs and out into the fresh air of the isles. " how do you feel about going back to school Luz?" I sighed "honestly I'm a bit nervous, I wasn't the best student in the human realm so I'm worried I'm going to fail." I felt Amity's hand slide into mine and she smiled at me as she leaned into my side "Noceda you are one of the strongest and smartest people I know, you're going to be fine I promise." She squeezed my hand as I smiled at her, I wrapped my arm around her shoulders still holding her hand loosely, I smiled and just let the air around me settle. 

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