Chapter 8- I will become the shipper!

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"I have worked for the president for 10 years.He was so young when he started his own business.He had a wife whom he loved unconditionally. Unfortunately she died giving birth to Lisa.Maybe one day,you will meet her!"she whispered in my ear.

I see ...It is like the novel says.

Lisa takes the company after her father's sudden death when she turned 18 .And this is where the villain appears.

It was Endymion's father,the mafia leader.He was such a terrible man and a total womaniser. Endymion's birth wasn't expected so his father never gave him love and affection.

Endymion was used as a toy that his father could use anytime he wished and for anything.

The heroine was the only one secretly taking care of him even though she was a child herself.

They were childhood friends...

Okay enough! I will do anything in my power to avoid this tragic ending.

As we were eating with mother,I was thinking of Endymion.

When we came back home it was very late.

Mother put me to bed.

"Good night my daughter.Sweet dreams."she said and kissed me on the forehead.

I said good night as well.

When my bedroom's door was closed,I started planning again.


Since I can't meet heroine right now I will wait until they go to high school.
Male lead,Lisa and Endymion went to the same high school.

I will convince my parents to send me there as well.

They have no choice either way.That high school is popular and only smart enough students can study there.My parents will be more than happy to send me there.

I have to make Elise realise Endymion's feelings.

Yes! That is a perfect plan! Get close to the heroine and boom! Become the shipper!

I closed my eyes satisfied and waited for sleep to take over.


The next morning father came to wake me up instead.

"How is my beautiful daughter doing?Wake up Rose!"he said and shook me gently.

"Ugh... Good morning..."I said and go up with messy hair,still sleepy.

"I came here to greet you before leaving for work.Since you are fully recovered I don't need to stay home anymore.Will you give me a goodbye hug?"

He opened his arms waiting for a hug.

Why are Rose's parents so adorable...This should be illegal.

I put my hands around him.

"Good luck at your work dad! I also learned from mom that you work for the president! Well done!"

He hugged me back pleased by my praising.

To be continued...

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