Chapter 40- Father and son

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I smiled and patted his head.

He is behaving like a small baby right now.

"Don't worry.I don't need a reason.You seem very upset."

He looked down and let me pat him.

"You are the first one that has treated me this way.I can't seem to be able to hold back in front of you, a mere maid.What have I become since you started being my personal maid?..."

Not many days have passed but I already have gotten closer to Endymion.

He gets like that when he lets his guard down.

Can I trust the fact that you may like me more now?

"And I will keep treating you this way my lord"I said and smiled warmly.

This situation is similar to when I saved him from that bastard that his father sent and he behaved the same as now.

It was before I made another deal with the book and we were both kids!

He is so cute ehehe.

He looked at my eyes.

Is he trying to figure out whether I am lying or not?

Keep looking it is fine.

I smiled at him and many warm feelings were bursting inside my heart.

He avoided my gaze.

"I believe you.I will be in your care then"

Did I hear right?

I am so shocked.

"So- You-"

"What is your name again?"he said and cut me off.

"Ah- My name is Rose!"

How much I wish you would call me by my original name at least once.

"Young master Endymion can you please say Elena once?"I said with pleading eyes.

He flinched but gave in.

"E...Elena..."he said and looked away.

When he called out my name I felt something so unfamiliar.

Why does it feel embarrassing?

I hope I didn't go red!

He saw me flustered.

"Whatever let's go back"he said and started walking away.

I was left frozen on the spot.

"Are you coming?"I heard from my back.

I turned to face him.


We went back and during the drive we didn't say anything like before.

But this time it felt good to have him close to me even without having to say anything.

It doesn't feel awkward.



We got back home.

Endymion's father was waiting for him in front of the house.

"Welcome home...son"he said with a fake smile.

Endymion smiled back.

"Thank you"

He said that and walked past his father.

"Meet me tonight and you better not be late" Endymion's father said.

Endymion nodded and headed inside.

I also followed in a hurry.

"I am back!"I said as I was jumping on my bed and grabbed my pillow.

I have some time before my work starts.

Hours passed.

I started working and Alex and Lilly offered to help since they finished their work when I was gone.

I refused since I wanted to have some alone time.

While I was cleaning the floor, tons of thoughts were going in and out of my mind.

I wonder if Lisa have  asked Cain yet.

Why did Endymion's father want him tonight?

It is okay!

I did my best!

I will just wait to see the results.

I continued to clean the floor and before I knew it night came.

I took a break in between to go and talk with Alex and Lilly as well.

Having friends to rely on is so great!


I am finally done with work!

*Crash* *crash*

"What is that sound?"I said while going to my room.

It is coming from Endymion father's room.

No way!

I am not falling for it again!

He will do something worse to me this time.

I tried to walk faster.

"What a useless son?!"Endymion's father said.

What did I just hear?

I froze.

"I don't care what you think of me."

That is Endymion's voice!

They are fighting?


Yes they were supposed to have a meeting but I didn't actually expect them to cause a scene in the middle of the night.

I get closer to listen better.

"Why are you going out with that woman? Lisa. Isn't that her name?What a dumb son I have!"

What? He learnt about the "date" those two had?

I heard Endymion signing.

"It is just business father."

Endymion's father slammed his hand on the desk.

"Huh?! Just business? You have met her two times this week.I also heard you are helping them secretly."

Oh...He did indeed found out that she met Endymion.

Maybe he is sending spies.

"I am telling you the truth.Either way I don't plan to destroy my own future father.I should get going now.This is ridiculous."

He is going to leave!

I ran before he managed to open the door.

I am hiding at the library that is next to that room.

Thank God I managed to close the door without being heard.

I hear Endymion passing from the library.


They fought...

I hope Endymion is alright.

I went back to my room without being noticed.

*Ring* *ring*

"Endymion is calling me! Why at this hour?"

To be continued...

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