Chapter 65- The night before

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I got out of his office with my new servants.

I have to do something with these two.

I am sure he doesn't trust me enough to leave me alone...As expected of him.

What to do...What to do...

I am just walking towards my new room with those two leading the way.

These two are also famous criminals with abilities.

Ed can teleport anywhere he wants and Ash has extraordinary hearing.

In other words if I do something wrong master will immediently know.

Damn it.

We arrived at my new room.

As expected it is somewhere between master and Endymion's room.

Ash opened the door for me.

I nodded with a small smile and let myself in.

As soon as they made sure nobody could hear us they spoke up.

"My lady from now on you can't show your real appearance to anyone. "said Ash.

"We are expecting an excellent performance." added Ed with a glare.

I smirked confidently.

"Please don't worry gentlemen.I am quite known for surpassing expectations."I said.

You can't threaten me. 

They didn't discuss with me any further and left.

I walked towards my bed and took off my shoes.

I let myself lie on the bed and started planning my next move.

I have to let him know about master's plans.


I can't send a letter you never know who else is spying on me.

How about sending the book itself?

He knows I am not from this world anymore.

First I need to meet book.

But how can I talk with it...

"I know!" I mumbled under my breath.

"Damn so many BOOKS must be in the library.I wonder if master will ever let me improve my skills by reading some."I shouted.

Please book get the hint!

The book appeared in front of me.

The book silently opened in a page where nothing was written.

 A pen appeared in my hand.

I grabbed it tightly with my hand and started writing.

'Endymion I know this will take you by suprise. Having a magic book appear in front of you isn't the best I know by experience.I am being spied on so I can't inform you directly. ' I wrote as a start.

I continued and explained the whole situation to him.


I nodded at the book and it disappeared together with the pen.

Even if they heard me writing I am sure they are too confident that they will find the letter I would be sending.

Maybe in the worst case scenario I take away the teleportion power from Ed with the help of the book.

Alright , everything is ready.

Some minutes have passed .I must get a visit by the book now.

The book appeared again and opened.

There was something Endymion wrote.

'As expected of my father. I must admit I was a little too surprised when I saw a book come out of nowhere but we will discuss everything about this matter later. I have already sent a spy to inform Lisa about the ball. He wants you to kill me as Lisa so they will lose all their power in an instant. We can't let my father win. So here is the plan -"

When I finished reading everything I chuckled.

This mafia guy is already thinking like the master of the house.

I guess this time our roles will be switched dear master.

I smirked.

I never expected him to be so fast and clever.

Maybe we both have gotten a glow up hehe...

I am proud of us!~

Totally like a power couple!

Let's fucking go~

I got up and walked over to the desk of the room.

My dress was inside a big box.

I opened it and it was a beautiful long blue at the top and as it went down it slowly became violet.

It looks like those long dresses that hug the skin . It was shining with small diamonds that formed a flower on the side.

Oh there are some in the bottom as well.

There is one sleeve for my right hand.The sleeve at the start of my shoulder was also blue and turned violet as we were going towards my hand.

My back will be kinda exposed.

It sure does know how to make someone stand out.

I reached once again in the box and took out two gorgeous violet heels.

He sure do have some taste , not going to lie.

I never thought I am going to be dressed as a princess by the person I want to destroy the most.

He also had one necklace with pearls and a violet fan.

To be continued...

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