Chapter 22- Me and Lisa meet?!

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I am getting worried about mom.


I searched everywhere I knew in the palace but I couldn't find her anywhere.

Endymion's father is also out of sight.

Mom please be safe!

I know I shouldn't have left her alone with that bastard.

I sink on a chair near the food which was served for the guests.

I signed.

"Why are you feeling down?"


I looked.

It is Lisa!

"U-um! I am sorry! I am just searching for my mom and I-"

She placed a finger on my lips to seal them.

"Don't worry.Just breathe in and out."

I do as she says.

"You seem rather the very easily stressed type.You should learn to escape from that overthiking in your head!"she said with a smile.

I am calming down with her cheerful smile and delightful voice.

"Let's go search together.I bet your mom will be just fine!"

She grabbed my hand and we started searching together.

"Your father is our company's secretary right?" Lisa said while we were walking side by side.

"Oh yes! My father is an employee.I didn't know you could recognise me?You haven't met me before ,have you?"I said suprised.

She chuckled.

"He is an excellent employee.He is also coming tonight.Dad went with your father on a business trip and now they are back."

Oh I completely forgot!

"But...I haven't seen him yet? I don't understand."

" Don't worry you will understand in a bit."

I am getting confused here.Something like that didn't happen in the original novel.

Did I change the storyline a bit just now?

"Okay! Let's search together! " I said with a smile.

We searched everywhere and at some point...

"Ah! There they are! But- Who is that guy next to your mom?"

So this is where they were.

In the garden of the palace I see.

I scanned my mom's expression from afar.

"She seems fine! Thank God!Oh and this man is the father of the family that held this ball.Do you really not know him?"

He was the one inviting her family! How could she not know who he is?!

"Oh! Oh my God! I didn't see well sorry! Maybe we should get closer!"

She dragged me to their side.

"Mum! There you are!"

Suprised she turned to my direction.

"What is wrong honey? Are you not feeling well? You are panting! Were you running?!"

She looked at me with a worried expression.

To be continued...

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