Chapter 62- The plan to destroy

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I shook my head feeling myself going tense.

"Why did you have that reaction? You were the one that accused me of being sent to spy on you before!"I shouted.

He seemed shocked for a moment but looked away.

"Okay you are right. I was being dumb just now.But still how do you know that he will send you specifically?"he said and pouted.

About that...

I can't tell him about the book...

" The maids told me that your father will at some point send a maid to kill you or spy on you because he can't do it himself now.His image would be destroyed if someone spread the news and he would be revealed as the mafia boss.He is a coward and doesn't come in the front lines.I am sure that he knows that we are close by having maids spy on me and my friends.We have talked about you many times and all those things I did for you to improve your image..The maids must have spread the news that you are changing! There is no way he wouldn't have hired a maid to report to him everything that is going on."I explained.

Ah...Wait...This explanation...

Endymion looked at me with a smirk.

"Oh~So now you can indeed figure out what is going on my Rose."


What is he talking about?

Could it be?

He was testing me just now and believed everything from the start?

He was acting?

"I did know the circumstances from the start.I could have stopped you but...Seeing trying so hard for me made my emotions so messed up at some point. I did realise that I couldn't act according to my head and my heart wasn't frozen anymore.I really did regret not treating you better but I just couldn't help it but want to be close to you , Rose.When I heard that you were telling other people that I am a good person I sensed the danger right away that is why I was like that with that but seeing you just innocently wanting to help me my heart couldn't take it."

Tearing started falling down my cheeks.

"So I really didn't help you in the end?I just made things worse for you...I...I know that I have helped you change for the better with my attitude but my actions...will only cause us trouble now...Sorry Endymion...I really am trying to..."

To prevent your death...

I didn't give it much thought because I was excited about the new tool I got...

I was so dumb...

He looked at me with gentle eyes and a smile.

Endymion used his hands to wipe my tears.

"It is okay my love.I am happy that I got you...And now it will not cause any trouble.You said it yourself that it is useful information.You know that we can take advantage of this, don't you?Don't lose focus because of your emotions my Rose."he said and stroked my cheeks.

"Now you can do the job I originally told you.Spy on my father and give what is beneficial for us.So you didn't ruin anything but you gave us a new opportunity to get at him.Look at you...You stopped crying now...Ah...Look at that smile you have on your face.That is my most valuable weapon."he said and giggled.


You are right.

It is an improvement!

"I am so glad that we help each other as a team my love!"I said with a determined look.

"Yes.So now about Cain and Lisa...What do you have in mind?"he asked.

I am sure that he has the answer already but still is asking me what I think.

Aw my Endymion!~

That is why I fell for you!~

"Hm...How about...How about we attack first? Since your father wants to kill you no matter what he will send more and more people to get the job done.Since the power of making your face change completely exist with make up then we can send someone with that woman's face back to master ! We will learn many more of his doings so we can expose him! You can send your other spies to look at his actions outside this house and help Cain plan his escape."I said and stopped for a moment.

I looked him in the eyes before speaking up.

"Please send me as that woman!"I suggested.

His expression changed in a second.

From gentle it became angry.

He is not playing this time , right?

Should I really not have suggested that?

"Hey! You can't go in her place! She is supposed to be a skilled warrior!One of the best! He will discover you immediately! I will send Lisa for this role.She has been raised to govern and protect herself while you can't do anything ...compared to-"that moment he realised he said something he shouldn't have and stopped talking.

"W-what?What did you just say?I can't do anything?...I know you are worried about me but-"

I took a moment to repeat those words in my head.

I can't do anything...


No! I will not think like that again!

"I can!I know more than you imagine! I have read the book with so much attention and remember everything!Ah...-I mean I have heard everything from the maids! Haha..."I said and scratched the back of my head with my hand.

I know his crimes outside this place! I had no idea that he had fun torturing maids but I know everything about his mafia actions!

I walked a few steps towards the door leading outside the room and looked at him.

"I suggest that you and Lisa work together so you can get together all the people that are against him since the evidence I find may not be enough.I am going and you can't stop me.It is my mission to save you and her. I will not allow him to play around with us any longer. I will get stronger.No matter what it takes I will definatelly not back down."I said to him and left the room.

To be continued...

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