Chapter 68 - The hunting begins

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I entered the big room.

Wow. This is just so beautiful.

Just like those in fairy tails.

They decorated everything so perfectly.

So many snacks and wine...a wooden dance floor in the center...

A gorgeous chandelier , the walls painted with beautiful pastel colours, the balcony in the other side of the room decorated with many luxurious tables and chairs so the guests can rest and watch the beautiful garden...

I always knew it as a messy room , I would clean from time to time , but now look at that.

The room slowly started getting full with people dressed in their best clothing.

I can't believe we will make such a fuss here in a bit..

I sighed and walked towards the crowd.

Where is president?

 As Lisa I need to stand next to him.

Ah! There he is! They just announced his entrance.

He spotted me and waved at me with a smile.

I hurried to get by his side and greeted him.

"Father! I thought you would be late!~" I said.

He chuckled.

"I wouldn't expect you to have this kind of talent Lisa. You finally arrive on time"he said.

"Ahahah yes of course. I just recently found out too , you know. " I said somewhat embarrassed.

Everyone except Endy , who know about my true identity , only know me as Rose. Endy only told them that I had a talent to actually shape-shift or something ahha.

Nobody else knows about this world being a book.

Then Endymion's father made an announcement.

"Everyone welcome! I hope you enjoy your time ! Tonight me and the president , the mafia and the government will join hands. We want to make your lives even better. Please enjoy your time." he said with a proud smile.

I couldn't help but cringe...

What a moving speech I am about to shit tears.

Endy was standing next to him and called  out to us.

Me and president went to stand next to Endy and that bitch.

We joined hands.

"This peace may last a very long time."said Endymion.

"It will Endymion." I responded with a smile.

Master then gave the signal and the band in the corner started playing music.

Endymion approached me and offered me his hand.

"May I have this dance miss?"he said with a charming smile.

I naturally took his hand.

I glanced at master and he gave me a smirk.

Does he expect me to go along with his plan now?

Oh well. The earlier , the better.

I joined hands with Endy and we made our way to the dancefloor.

This reminds me of that time when I spied on Lisa and him dancing.

"Ahaaha..."I giggled while we were dancing with other people beside us.

Endy smiled at me gently.

"What are you thinking about?"he asked.

"Ah no it is nothing! I remembered when I followed you  and saw you dancing wth Lisa.It was in the usual restaurant you go to. I wouldn't miss that event!~"

"Oh~ Okay miss fan.I actually wish I could dance with you in your actual appearance .I will make sure to do that next time."

I slightly blushed.

'Th-thank you Endy. I actually did feel a bit jealous  ,while I was watching you two dance."

"Jealous? But my eyes can only see you now. Last night I meet a goodness.I couldn't help myself . I want to see you more." he said happily.

Endymion...Damn so flattering ~

I have an idea! Let's make a little fuss~

I took the lead and started dancing in the weirdest way possible.

"Ahahah! Let's dance a bit more crazily!" I said and beamed.


Endy bursted out laughing and everyone started staring at us.

He followed my lead and danced badly too.

The crowd was stunned but passed the vibe check.

Everyone started dancing in the worst way.

Laughter filled the room.

I glanced once at master who was beyond furious.

I smirked at him and continued dancing.

It feels great provoking him.

It feels as if this is my moment.

My own fairy tail scene.

Ha... Who wouldn't wish for something like this?

When the dance ended me and Endy separated.

'Show them what my girl is capable of." he whispered in my ear and left to talk to the guests.

R-right hehe...

I composed myself and cleared my throat.

"Close the doors now!"I shouted.

Suddenly the lively crowd went completely silent.

 The maids fleed outside of the room and locked all the doors from the outside.

The guests confused started whispering to each other.

"What is happening right now?"said a woman.

"Is this some kind of joke?"said a nervous man.

Guards started making their way in the room through the balcony.

"Miss Lisa! We are here!"

I smirked at master and reached under my dress.

I took my gun out.

The crowd gasped.

"What is going on?!"

"Miss Lisa is holding a gun?!"

The crowd started panicking.

Master satisfied spoke up.

"Miss Lisa just what are you doing? Isn't today supposed to be a peaceful ball? Do you perhaps want to already betray our peace?"he said arrogantly.

I didn't respond and pointed my gun at Endymion.

He pretended to be stunned and angry.

"Just what are you doing Lisa?!Will you actually shoot me?"

I started approaching him slowly.

The crowed made way and I finally reached him.

Master  , who was some meters behind Endy ,almost couldn't hold back his laughter and joy.

I pointed the gun at his chest.

" I came here to discover the actual impostor within us.But don't worry I will kill the actual mastermind behind all this ."I said confidently.

I raised my gun and shoot in the air once.

"Now...Now...Guards bring him out!"I shouted.

The guards made way and Cain joined the party with his family.

To be continued....

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