Chapter 79- And so the mafia goes down

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I should continue to guide him.

" Let's go to a safer place first" he said and he guided me to his hideout.

There were many other soldiers and the atmosphere was quite depressing.

I took a seat next to them.

" Who are you lady?"asked a soldier.

" I am Diana. Nice to meet you. I am-"

How am I supposed to say that I am babysitting him?!

"She is with us. Lady Diana helped me a lot when I was a kid. I own her" added George.

The soldiers seemed shocked.

 "You surely look way younger! Don't worry we will protect you my lady!"said another soldier.

Phew...Good save George.

I nodded.

" Yes , that is right. I am here to help you. Rest assured, I will not cause any trouble."

"Master we have a big problem. This incident today damaged the city and many fell victims to the mafia. We need to act now." adviced a soldier.

George sighed.

"I see...Tomorrow we are attacking them directly soldiers. I already informed the president. Tomorrow is our time to end them once for all. So many men volunteered to fight alongside us. Everything is ready." he said and glanced at Elena.

"Diana I want your opinion on this."

My opinion?

"Hm...I believe that surrounding them at the most unexpected moment would benefit us. Do you think they have sent any spies?"

George shook his head.

" You are very clever Diana and I do agree with you but I have searched high and low for spies. You can trust me on this, there are none."

I nodded and stood up from my seat.

"Excuse me , I am tired. I will go rest now."

I let myself in one of the empty bedrooms and closed the door behind me.

"God,  are you there?"I whispered.

God of books appeared in front of me with a smile.

"I am deeply thankful, you are truly a pure human."

I smiled and nodded.

"Thank you. What news?"

"Tomorrow is the day. Please help them succeed. That is when the author will get sucked in this world."

He patted my head.

"There. I shall let you borrow my powers. You will be able to stop time at will and act as you wish. This is the same power I gave to the villain before."

These powers...

I smiled.

"I better get rewarded after this god of books."

I am cleaned all the mess after all.

God chuckled.

" I will make sure to reward you".

The next day , I prepared myself to secretly follow George and his men and use the powers if needed.

I spend all night practicing, this must succeed.

George told me to stay at the hideout but I sneaked out.

They are going to surround the mafia.

It is in the middle of the day so I don't think they would have expected it.

George and his men always worked at night. The mafia must know their enemy's moves quite well. Doing something unpredictable and catching them by suprise is the plan. They will not have a plan or time so we have the advantage.

So this is the base of the mafia..

In the mountains near the town. In the future it must have been shut off by George.

I hid behind some big trees.

George broke in from this side and president from the other side of the mountain.

I should get going too.

There was so much noise in the hidden base.

Mafia men and our men fighting. I hid well and observed the fighting.

I spotted George taking out some mafia men.

I must stay close to him. This is dangerous.

Just how will the author enter his body?

Simple possession?

How can I stop it?

After I wondered to myself , god's voice was heard in my head once again.

"If he is on the verge of death , the author will enter his body."

I see.

Thank you.

I watched over him so he wouldn't get too injured.

I think it is officially over for the mafia at this point.

They have lost so many men.

Ah- Where is George going?

I followed George, who went deeper in the base.

He entered a small room and there was a woman waiting for him.

I gasped when I studied her appearance.

She looks exactly like Endymion! She is like the female version of him.

She must be his mother.

Did they meet in the middle of this? 

I hope they have a good relationship this time.

" George , are you alright? Are you hurt?"asked the woman to express her worries.

George chuckled and wrapped his arms around her.

"I am fine Karen. I am glad you are unharmed as well. I missed you. We haven't seen each other for a week."

Karen smiled warmly and hugged him back.

They surely go lovey dovey at the enemy'e territory.

Well , me and Endy did the same.

I chuckled silently.

They let go of each other and shared a soft kiss on the lips.

"Shall we go now? I have to kick some ass. They get on my nerves too many times!" said Karen with a determined smile.

I almost laughed out loud when I heard her.

George chuckled and was holding her hand , as they going back to fight. I hid behind some furniture so they wouldn't find me.

The situation is almost in control...

To be continued...

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