Chapter 63- I am Elena not Rose!

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I sighed as soon as I closed the door behind me.

I hope  that he will consider it...

I know he is worried about me but he doesn't know about my true identity.

I need to convince him.

"I have to get that power."I mumbled.


I went to my room and called the book.

It appeared out of thin air.

"I can see that you aren't in the best position now human girl.You want help from me?"it asked me.

"Yes , I do.I want to know if it is possible for me to possess the talent of that woman."I said.

"Yes , it is possible.You are an outsider so you can move easier inside this world."the book added.

"D-Do I need to exchange it for something?"I asked anxiously.

"No.I can influence you better now that I discovered  more about my powers as a book.You have done enough. Now close your eyes human."it said.

I closed my eyes and felt a warmth surrounding me.

Damn it kinda burns now.

But I have to endure it.


The temperature increased even more.

After some minutes book told me to open my eyes.

I collapsed on the floor and opened my eyes.

"Finally it is over...Ha...Ha..."

I do feel stronger.

Just a little dizzy...

"Book.Can you give me a gun and a knife?"I asked.

The book dissapeared and in its place appeared a gun and a small knife floatting on the air.

I grabbed them and tied them on my thigh under my maid custome.

"Perfect."I said and smirked.


I should be going now.

I was walking towards the door of my room with confidence only to have it disappear after exiting.

"E-Endymion?W-What?What are you doing here?"I said frightened and took a step back.

Endymion was standing outside my room and had his hand raised as if he wanted knock on the door.

He seems so shocked.

He came close to me and cornered me.

He used his body to block me from escaping.

"U-um love please answer my question.''I said and smiled nervously placing my hands between our faces and looking away.

His shocked expression finally changed and he sighed.

He grabbed my face , pushing away my hands that were in the way and turned me to look at him.

"Rose just who are you? Could it be that Elena is not just a nickname?"

Damn he remembered that!?

"Yes , you are right.My real name is Elena and this not my original body.This character is indeed Rose but many changed have been done."I said to give him a big hint.

"Original body? Character?What are you talking about Ro- Elena?"he said with cold eyes and a cruel tone.

He must feel betrayed...

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