depths of despair

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do not fear your mind   /   you may become your own greatest enemy

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do not fear your mind   /   you may become
your own greatest enemy

Olenna Leclere was never one to stand before the mirror with a clear conscience, however for once in her life she appeared to have reached a final tipping point. As if having balanced a tightrope and plummeted straight to the ground, her reflection was no longer tolerable to stumble upon without her stomach churning.

You should feel no regret, her mind whispered, it's compelling tone convincing enough to last her throughout the hours of the daylight. Then, however, came the night, and the moment she allowed her guard to shatter — the moment doubt came in control of reason, guilt burned her soul like infinite wildfire: intent on inflicting torture until she could take it no more.

The fall from grace is permanent, as well as the dark shapes burned into the skin on her left forearm. It had been a proud decision of hers, yet never had she despised herself so much — tipping her glass empty of it's contains, ignoring the aftermath of string alcohol lingering as a burning sensation down her throat.

If only she could drink until she felt no more, then perhaps the remorse would grow less prominent.

James Potter know not what to do with himself, because for nearly nine years had Lily Evans been what his work revolves around. Now, in the blink of an eye, he might as well have lost her forever. Arguments a vile, for never can you foresee the true outcome: a bond may shatter merely by the wrong words uttered into existence, and so you're left alone and confused and fearful.

Inquiries roamed free within his mind, and he swore the lack of answers may very well drive him off the ledge, allowing him to free fall into insanity — Lily and him had both been cruel, spitting insults with little consideration. It was unbeknown to him whether or not they would ever recover, and the knowledge burned like an inwards cruciatus curse slowly tearing him apart from within.

"Someone's having a bad day," a voice uttered from beside him, James turning to have Olenna Leclere fill up his vision. Normally he would turn away, perhaps even bothering with launching a hostile remark her way, for never had the woman radiated much kindness upon her surroundings.

However the intoxicated mind is not one of logic, and therefore he emptied his glass — unbothered by the strong taste of liquor, swallowing it as if it had been water — before turning in his chair to acknowledge her. Alcohol is a mind-killer, and as he too willingly succumbed to it's influence, little did James Potter know he was about to commit a mistake.

The universe served it's purpose by tearing us down, but while misery steals away our sanity, never should you make decisions when unable to reign control of your own mind. Alcohol is a true mind-killer, for little did the two people perhaps better off never having met each other that night know how their encounter would put a twist into fate — but oh, well. Rarely do things ever turn out how we expect it to, anyway. 


Valerie Leclere    portrayed by Olivia Rodrigo

         Valerie Leclere       ✶     portrayed by Olivia Rodrigo

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Theodore Nott  |  Lorenzo Zurzolo
Kieran Lacroix  |  Louis Partridge
James Potter  |  Aaron Taylor-Johnson

(The original cast of Harry Potter portraying their respective characters

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Depths of Despair   ✶   Theodore Nott Where stories live. Discover now