twenty. happines is a distraction

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Perhaps should you approach happiness with caution, for isn't it commonly known it never lasts forever?

     It seemed however, the very moment her eyes trailed upon the arena coming into view, that Valerie Leclere had momentarily forgotten there even was anything existent in the means of negativity. Everything appeared to be going perfectly — her best friend at her side, the Quidditch World Cup about to start. Not once did it cross her mind that maybe the thrill was ephemeral, not once did she recall the nightmares she'd had as of late — ones going downhill at a quicker rate than she'd ever comfortably would want to admit.

     Better was it to stay in the moment, not to dread upon what the future might bring upon them: hence why every unwelcome thought,was instinctively pushed to the back of her mind and therefore disregarded.

     "I'm still betting on Bulgaria." As someone who wasn't overly fond of Quidditch, Kieran was surprisingly excited for the event: eyes sparkling with anticipation as they walked through the large crowd of people setting up their tents, searching for a vacant spot for their own. Valerie quirked an eyebrow upwards, happy to counter his statement rather overconfidently.

     "Are you sure about that?" She asked, tilting her head to the side as if intending to make him question himself. She knew her ways to piss him off, and Kieran was aware — his stubbornness triggered oh so easily, Valerie ending up smirking in triumph as a determined look flashed through her best friend's eyes.

     "Yes," Kieran answered shortly, before deciding to elaborate only after some seconds of consideration. "They have Krum."

     By the way he spoke Viktor Krum's name as if honoring some sacred figure to whom he held much admiration, Valerie rolled her eyes and sent Kieran a pointed look. "He's just one guy."

     "He's the world's best seeker."

     Although surprised he even knew considerably much regarding the subject, Valerie held back a snarky remark with intents to tease him about the matter. It was obvious he had researched about Quidditch over their summer break, but instead of paying it much mind she carried on with their bickering. "Yes, he is. But as I said, he's one guy." She paused for a second when needing to step out of the way for a group of friends blocking her way, but as soon as said obstacle was a mere memory of inconvenience, she returned to her best friend's side and continued. "The Irish team is better overall, hence the reason they will gather points even Viktor Krum can't balance up with an early catch of the snitch."

     "Yeah, yeah. We'll see about that." Kieran was smirking, rummaging through the pockets of his coat for money. "What do you say — 20 galleons?"

     Valerie scoffed. "Are you that afraid of losing?" Knowing he'd refuse defeat, even when the proof of incoming loss was right before his eyes, she smirked rather deviously before revealing her own proposition, "Fifty."

     His eyes widened, mouth for only a second falling agape until managing to regain his composure. "Fifty?—," he started, but cut himself of when spotting her whole demeanor displaying a mix of triumph and distinct self-confidence. His outraged expression fell into blankness, tense shoulders slumping as he tried his best to appear stoic and unbothered. "Fine. We'll do fifty."

     "Great," said Valerie, and cheerfully held out her hand to seal the deal.

     "Great," Kieran replied when accepting the gesture, taking her hand in his and shaking it rather bitterly.

     "Have fun loosing," she finished off with a chuckle, before sharing one last glance with her best friend and then adjusting her pace to walk ahead — taking the lead upon the search for a place to settle their tent.

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