three. fear is what you least wish to confront

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An oddly chilling sensation rested upon the entire Hogwarts premises, and it seemed as if the very moment you dared step outside the large exit doors, a blanket of pure melancholy wrapped a chokehold around your neck.

Valerie shivered while cautiously glancing at dark presences floating above — eyebrows furrowing as her stomach twisted with displeasure. "Maybe we should learn summoning a patronus?" she spoke to her friend walking alongside her; Kieran taking early notice to her absent minded state, keeping his eyes on his friend to make sure she was alright.

"You're being dramatic."

"Well, you know what happened at the train", she declared; them both recalling the event. "They went right after Potter, and I'm pretty sure he's not an escapee from Azkaban."

To this, Kieran could not say much. Dementors were callous, cruel creatures with the mere purpose of ridding criminals who the Ministry judged deserving of it of their souls. Valerie could think of no worse fate than being forced into utter worthlessness, and it made her nauseous knowing she had no ways of defending herself if it ever would become a necessity.

"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, Val", Kieran ensured once more; however he no longer sounded very confident. No one knew precisely why the vile creatures had gone after Harry Potter, however both teenagers had guessed. Dementors fed off fear and trauma, and Valerie had been the one to propose the idea they had sensed it off the boy who lived — after all, he certainly carried the burden of his past, and it surely could be enough to draw dementors toward him.

If this was the case, Kieran Lacroix was terrified. He gazed toward his best friend, a certain part of his mind screaming out in desperation, wishing to be heard, because deep inside he knew she was not safe; her mother had made sure of that, and Valerie was just as much of an anchor for negativity as Harry Potter would be.

"We'll ask someone for help", he decided mere seconds after, not even wanting to imagine her hurting any more than she already was. Valerie finally averted her gaze from the dementors circling the castle, initiating eye contact with him. Hazel again blue, Kieran slowly nodding after suddenly approving of her idea. "It's better we know how to defend ourself, than being potentially defenseless."

Valerie nodded along in agreement, and for some reason they both appeared to quicken their pace the remaining distance toward the doors — hastily stepping inside and breathing out only when the deep melancholy upon their shoulders faltered; unable to put up a fight against the warmth and safety that awaited inside.

One look shared, and they immediately began walking toward their Defence Afainst the Dark Arts class — somewhat experiencing great anticipation, because from what was heart from other students, Professor Remus Lupin was better than any teacher previously having taught the subject.

First thing Valerie's eyes settled upon when entering, was a large wardrobe placed midst the room — the Professor telling them to rid themselves of any books while placing himself alongside the large wooden furniture. It was a shared class, so Slytherins and Gryffindors were gathering up alongside one another; Draco Malfoy located at the very back of the room, scowling and muttering words of disapproval to his friends, while Harry Potter and his friends lined up at the very front, appearing rather excited.

Valerie followed Kieran, ending up next to both her dorm mates, Briar and Isabeau, as professor Lupin allowed his voice to first be heard in educational purposes. "Intriguing, isn't it?" In line with his words, the whole cabinet shook; some students around the room flinching in surprise. Something was indeed inside, and Valerie could do no else than smirk; after putting two and two together, able to guess what it was. "Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what's inside?"

Depths of Despair   ✶   Theodore Nott Where stories live. Discover now