fifty five, back to the surface

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Kieran Lacroix felt that, most of the time, he knew very little of what was going on around him. For example, when Draco arrived at breakfast with his face so reddened he more so resembled a tomato than himself, Kieran had no idea of the reason as to why. "Good morning," he told the Malfoy heir when he took a seat, not even uttering a word in acknowledgment.

The comment, however, appeared to not settle very well — Draco showcasing a grimace of disgust. "Piss off, Lacroix."

The platinum blonde's discontent was not aimed at Kieran in particular, however the later mentioned translated the hostility as a sign that his friend had not, in fact, had a very good morning. He chose to let it go, not interested in diving deeper into the reason why. After all, Draco Malfoy was a spoiled brat — Kieran assuming the reddened face and foul mood rooted in something stupid like his hair looking too yellow when passing by a mirror on his way down to the Great Hall.

There was much Kieran Lacroix did not know in life simply because he did not care to find out. His parents often jokingly labeled him as indifferent; Kieran would argue that his lack of care more so related to a wish to spare his sanity. The mission of figuring out Draco Malfoy's endless mood swings was a long road full of life threatening obstacles and foul insults — hence why leaving it up to Blaise when he arrived five minutes later, tuning out the conversation as Draco entered a heated rant.

There was, however, one thing he did know better than the back of his own hand, and that was Valerie Leclere.

After spending nearly every single day of the past four and a half years alongside her, he dared say that he could read her like an open book. When she sunk too deep within the unprotected thoughts of their classmates, he knew when to pull her out. When  breakfast was served in the Great Hall, he knew that a cup of tea was what she would reach for before any of the food. When she threw insults at Theodore Nott and claimed that she despised him, Kieran knew that she was just pretending — that she did not hate him, not really.

And when Valerie Leclere walked inside the Great Hall that morning, Kieran Lacroix could tell by a mere glance in her direction that something was different.

It came to no surprise that she was walking along Theodore, however at the sight of the pair Blaise and Draco's discussion died down. Odd, Kieran thought to himself, however did not care enough to question their abrupt silence.

"Good morning," he tried again as they sat down alongside him, hoping that his greeting would receive a better reaction this time.

It did, Valerie showcasing a bright smile. Odd, Kieran thought again, because during the last few months since school had started Valerie had barely been caught smiling once. He wondered what had brightened her mood so drastically, however before he could ask, Draco delivered a bitter comment.

"Yeah, good morning indeed. Why don't you two tell the rest of the group about the.. eventful start of your day?" The platinum blonde was no longer red from embarrassment, but from what appeared to be anger. Before allowed to continue, however, Valerie had reached for a copy of the daily prophet and launched it straight at his face.

"Shut up!"

"You shut up!" Draco countered and launched a piece of toast right back at her.

Although furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, Kieran could not help but to roll his eyes in annoyance. When just about to step in and break apart the bickering, his eyes landed on Valerie and Theodore.

As previously stated, he knew his best friend better than the back of his own hand, and although she and Theodore Nott had practically been glued to one another's side as of late, they were sitting just a little bit to close, their faces a little bit too red from Draco's comment for something not to have happened.

Before he knew of it himself, a smirk was playing at his lips — something Valerie was quick to acknowledge. "What?" she questioned, turning away from Draco as her attention was caught elsewhere.

"Nothing. Just curious," Kieran replied, beginning to connect the dots. "Tell me, Draco, what has got you so upset this morning?"

Valerie's eyes widened, and Draco was quick to point an accusing finger in her and Theodore's direction. "It's their fault."

"Draco, do not speak another word of this—" Valerie tried, her face flushed with embarrassment. Beside her, Theodore appeared conflicted, mirroring her look of redness yet somewhat able to humor himself with the situation.

"Of what? You two snogging in the hallways—"


"I caught them on my way to breakfast. Bloody disgusting, they were so engulfed in it that they didn't even hear me—"

"Malfoy—!" Valerie continued to protest, mortified by the reveal of information. Draco did not care.

"Who would have thought, right? Me losing my appetite due to Nott and Leclere failing to find a room?" 

Kieran said nothing, although met Valerie's gaze and raised his eyebrows. I told you so, his expression conveyed and his best friend only took on a deeper shade of red, nervously fiddling with her hands in her lap. Seemingly intent on ignoring their friends' curious glances, Valerie and Theodore began to serve themselves breakfast — Valerie reaching for a cup of tea, whilst Theodore filled his plate up with eggs and bacon.

Kieran observed with a knowing smile how Theodore appeared to have intertwined their hands underneath the table, calmly rubbing circles with his thumb to ease her discomfort. Kieran did not need to ask any further questions — all his suspicions had been confirmed simply by the pair's close proximity and flustered state. Draco, however, had seemingly decided to let his foul mood affect everybody's morning, sneering toward the two as if they had just spat in his pumpkin juice. "Are neither of you going to address this any further?" The platinum blonde then exclaimed into the silence having settled within the group.

Valerie's cheeks flushed red again, whilst Theodore calmly met Draco's gaze and shrugged his shoulders. "No."

"You ruined my morning, Nott. The least you could grant me is an apology," Draco countered bitterly, although his anger appeared to have somewhat simmered out.

"Keep your nose out of our business, Malfoy."

Draco's lips parted, only to close again. Theodore was as unbothered as always, unwilling to even entertain a discussion, hence why the Malfoy heir let it go — he too reaching out for breakfast. Blaise had questions he wished to ask as well, although figured it was not the time.

And so everything went somewhat back to normal within the group, chatting between one another, discussing homework or classes or random gossip having made itself known throughout Hogwarts. Still, Kieran could not stop himself from smiling: discreetly observing his best friend and Theodore, watching them gradually shift closer, still holding hands while occasionally whispering amongst themselves.

Kieran Lacroix knew his best friend, and after having spent months watching her cave in on her self, drifting further and further away from him, he knew that so much had changed over merely a night. And somehow, Theodore Nott — the very person Valerie had once claimed to despise — was the one having pulled her back to the surface.

. . . . .

This is not by best work, however I have not updated this in ages so I felt it was time. Hope you've had a great day!

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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