thirty three. overwhelming feelings

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Valerie was not sure how long she'd stood before the mirror, dreading the walk outside her sleeping quarters, however time ticked on without sparing her any remorse — something about the whole ordeal unsettling her.

     "What are you waiting for?" Daphne which whom she shared a room. Daphne was midst styling her hair, when turning around and spotting Valerie's rather displeased expression.

     "I don't know," Valerie admitted, and went over her reflection once more. The dress was as wonderful as when she'd bought it, her hair falling down her back in soft curls. Daphne had helped her finesse her makeup, and there certainly was nothing wrong with her physical appearance, she concluded a second or two later.

     Daphne laid down her hairbrush, seemingly satisfied with her look, before turning around to observe the brunette across from her with care. "Well, you look gorgeous, and I'm pretty sure your date is waiting downstairs for you," she softly spoke, in an attempt to encourage her.

     Taking a moment to get a grip of herself, Valerie groaned in frustration. "You know what, you're right. Whatever... Feels wrong, will pass," she told with feigned confidence, and then turned toward her friend. "Are you ready?"

     "I am."

     "Then I suppose we shall leave."

     The two girls walked down the stairs from the girls dormitories until able to see the dimmed lights of the Slytherin common room. It was relatively empty, everybody having already left for the Great Hall, however two figures could be spotted seated in two armchairs midst the room — Kieran and Adrian Pucey standing up the moment they heard the echoing sound of footsteps approach.

     "Valerie," Adrian greeted as she approached, offering his hand out for her to take. With a smile, Valerie did what was expected of her, sending him a polite nod in return.

     "Good evening," she replied as they began walking, Kieran and Daphne following decently close behind. "You clean up well." It was no lie, and surely he did look handsome. It was just...  something about his presence that felt off, and Valerie could not quite put her finger on what it was.

     "Thank you. You look beautiful, yourself," he replied kindly, as they exited the common room and was met by the cold dungeons outside. Kieran and Daphne could be heard chattering lively behind them, and ever so often Valerie would look over her shoulder and smile. An unexpected pair they indeed were, however it appeared they fit well together.

     Adrian's voice would often cut her observing short, and she's have to turn back around to answer him. They maintained small talk all the way to the Great Hall, and Valerie could not help but to feel bad for being so hesitant.

     Perhaps if she simply let all negative thoughts go, the night wouldn't be so bad after all? 

     The walk toward the Great Hall was relatively short, but when stood atop the tall staircase leading them down to their final destination, Valerie suddenly felt oddly observed — eyes turning onto both her and her date for the evening. She saw people whisper things to one another, but born and raised in the pure blooded mannerisms as she was, she paid it no mind. Instead of slumping her shoulders in an attempt to make herself smaller, she did the opposite: straightening out her back, lifting her chin higher she appeared almost untouchable when striding down each and every step.

     That was, of course, until her eyes met the color of deep blue: Valerie feeling the need to swallow down her misery when suddenly faced with Theodore Nott in all his glory. His dressing robes were simple, yet elegant, giving away an impression of silent luxury. His hair had been left somewhat untouched, however he had brushed it away from his eyes. A ring decorated his right index finger, and as Valerie felt heat rush to her cheeks she immediately looked away.

Depths of Despair   ✶   Theodore Nott Where stories live. Discover now