thirty nine. touched by evil

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Trumpets playing familiar tunes, bleachers colored yellow, red and blue — Valerie walked up the stairs to find herself a vacant seat, eyes drifting across the rather... Chaotic field that had once been the Quidditch pitch.

Hedges stood tall and steady, forming dark tunnels designed to lead you astray. The third task was a maze, and although she wished to be exited, her mother's words rested like a suffocating weight upon her shoulders. The end of the Triwizard tournament meant the end of the school year. The end of the school year, for Valerie, meant descending down a path she wished no association with.

Fear is a powerful thing, especially when so overwhelming it takes control over it's victim like a virus turning all sanity volatile. Fear is the beginning to hate and hate makes one cruel. Valerie Leclere was petrified at the thought of ever turning out anything like her mother, though banishing the hostility from her mind was no easy task once it had already sunk it's roots deep into her consciousness.

Olenna claimed she was too much like James. Valerie could do no else than think she did not take after him enough.

"Hey." A presence was by her side within seconds, arm brushing against Valerie's own as he placed himself at her side. "You okay?"

She willingly met his gaze, Theodore Nott looking at her with sentiment glimmering within his eyes. Perhaps had he made an attempt at hiding it by erasing all expression from his face, but he was rather abysmal at deceiving once allowing himself to open up, and therefore Valerie could see right through him even without needing to read his mind.

She hated herself for breaking down in from of him. She hated him for being there once she did. She hated the universe for not allowing her to distance herself from him. She hated her mother for inflicting him threats although he had nothing to do with whatever Valerie was expected to do. "Yeah," she whispered only when able to tell he was becoming worried. "I'm fine."

Theodore spoke not a single word, but seemingly chose to trust her. Running a hand through his hair, brushing away a few disobedient dark strands falling into his eyes, he shortly thereafter let his eyes flicker back and forth between the section of Slytherins before them — pointing upwards after only a few seconds. "Kieran, Daphne, Blaise and Malfoy. Do you want to sit with them?"

Valerie thought for a second. Did she?

She recalled her best friend's concern once she had entered the common room only a few nights before: eyes red from crying, refusing to tell him anything at all. Kieran's family never had any connection to the dark side. Valerie had always known her mother was neck-deep in cruelty. They were different, she and him — while Valerie had been born with the purpose to fall, Kieran, although pure-blooded and of high status, still remained able to choose. She would rather distance herself now, than risk dragging him along her mother's vicious plotting.

No. She did not wish to sit with them.

Theodore sighed when watching her shake her head, but nodded in acceptance. His arm was slung across her lower back only seconds thereafter, his fingers gently trailing along her right arm as he led her along the crowds — motioning a pair of first years aside so that they could claim their places instead.

Normally, Valerie would feel bad. Now? She found it not within herself to bother.

The music continued on, although drowned out by the excited chatter amongst the crowd. Each and every single champion eventually walked into the arena, presented and introduced with cheers marking the sign of the crowd's support. "Earlier today, professor Moody placed the Triwizard cup deep within the maze," Dumbledore began explaining, and for some reason Valerie's stomach twisted with discomfort. "Only he knows it's exact position. Now, as Mr. Diggory and Mr. Potter..." It was difficult to hear his enhanced tone through the outburst of cheers cheers that followed. "Are tied for first position, they will be first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr. Krum and Miss Delacour. First person to touch the cup will be the winner!"

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