twenty five. disaster (not?) worth repeating

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"Well, now that we're all settled in an sorted... I have an announcement to make." Albus Dumbledore's voice sounding across the Great Hall worked as an instant silencer: chatter and laughter from the four hours tables dying down into nothing but anticipation.

     Rumors spread quickly, and as talks went on and on about something special taking place throughout the school year, even Draco Malfoy sat willing to listen to the Headmaster — hoping the expectations would live up to the actual revelation.

     "This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well." When the sound of doors opening reached Valerie's ears, she became rather sidetracked with humor as Filch jogged through the Hall — panting heavily and appearing rather ungracious in his steps. "You see, Hogwarts has been chosen..." Dumbledore cut himself off when Filch reached the front of the room: intent on speaking to him. 

     As silence reigned the room, whispers eventually began to form a softened murmur as students turned to one another to gossip. Valerie hissed when Kieran placed an elbow into her ribs, however haltered her scolding when able to hear the non-verbal question echoing through her best friend's mind. 'I bet it's the Triwizard Tournament.' She frowned at his hypothesis.

     "Maybe..." She replied, some students seated around them looking rather confused as they had not heard Kieran's previous question. Either way, it was no rarity for the pair to hold seemingly wordless conversations with one another, hence why most chose to disregard the matter with a simple shrug of their shoulders.

     While the idea of the rather infamous Triwizard tournament had Kieran brighten up in smiles, Valerie was uttermost apprehensive to mirror his excitement. One of the many downsides of a photographic memory was perfectly recalling the rather explicit news article she'd came across in the library during her first year at Hogwarts. The responsible journalist had spared no doubt into pouring all details about the tournament's many accidents, hence Valerie's slight hesitation toward the idea of hosting the competition and yet again gamble with the risks.

     Dumbledore and Filch's whispering conversation carried on for not much longer until the headmaster straightened himself out, and Filch began running back toward the doors to exit. Until the very moment he slipped past the doors, Valerie had to fight the urge to laugh at the man's rather peculiar run. "So, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event. The Triwizard tournament."

     'I told you so," Kieran non-verbally exclaimed in triumph, and this time it was Valerie's turn to aim her elbow straight into his side. While he coughed and groaned, she shut her eyes for a moment, trying her very hardest to shut her best friend out from her brain.

     "Now, for those of you who don't know, the Triwizard tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school, a single student is selected to compete," Dumbledore continued — ignoring Kieran and Valerie's rather obvious antics. "But let me be clear. If chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say, these contests are not for the faint hearted, but more of that later." Some movement could be heard from outside the Great Hall, and for some that meant turning away from the Headmaster to further invest. "For now, please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies from Beauxbatons academy of magic, and their headmistress Madame Maxime."

     The doors were pushed open, and in walked a group of girls dressed all in a pleasant light blue. At an instant, Valerie felt herself grow self-conscious, for after a short while of observing, she came to the conclusion that they were all flawless.

     It appeared she was not alone in this assumption, for all across the hall people seemed to have been enchanted. Ron Weasley could be spotted staring with wide eyes at the bypassing teenage girls: some leaning toward his direction as part of their choreographed entrance. From beside her, Kieran sat quietly but awestruck, and after following his gaze, Valerie traced his interest toward a brunette girl in the middle of the group.

     Everyone was staring, either awestruck of envious. Everyone except Theodore Nott, who as usually rolled his eyes and sighed: flipping open a book instead of paying any attention to the rather eventful surroundings.

     Moving with grace, the Beauxbaton students continued until the very front of the room, where a swarm of magically conjured butterflies was released from their hands. Their headmistress was following them closely behind, and only when reaching halfway into the room seemed people to be made aware of her rather unusual height. She was a half-giant for sure, and from the teachers' table Hagrid could — for those able to take their eyes off the group of girls before them — be seen sitting up a little straighter in his seat.

     Applause echoed across the Hall when they bowed to finish of their entrance, and as the visitors from Beauxbatons went to take their seats at the Ravenclaw table — much to many other houses great disappointment— Dumbledore rushed to the front of the room, "And now our friends from the north, please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their high master Igor Karkaroff."

      Although the name rang with familiarity within Valerie's mind, she dutifully turned around alongside the rest of the school when the doors opened for a second time. The students of Beauxbatons had left behind a atmosphere of grace and lightness, however the second a group of boys walked inside, said atmosphere was instantly shattered.

      Adorned heavy coats and a walking stick each, the Durmstang students' footsteps echoed against the walls when the entire hall silenced. Their entrance appeared to be quite the opposite of Beauxbatons, and for some reason Valerie felt intimidated.

     A few short seconds passed, before whispers began spreading like wildfire, multiple students from all across the four house tables widening their eyes in shock. "Merlin," Valerie heard Kieran mutter from beside her, and narrowly stopped his elbow from hitting her in the ribs again by reaching out and restraining his arm from any movement.

     "I believe you can tell me whatever you want to say without hitting me," she tried to reason, however her efforts went ignored as her best friend followed one particular figure walking at the back of the group of Durmstrang students, alongside Igor Karkaroff.

     Although refraining from shamelessly pointing as so many others, he leaned toward her, excitement lacing his tone when speaking. "Val, that's Viktor Krum."

     "Huh?" Her gaze followed his, landing upon a very familiar face. "Bloody hell."

     "That's Viktor Krum," Kieran repeated, to which Valerie rolled her eyes, having to force away his elbow from her ribs yet again as the mild form of violence seemed to be an unintentional response to excitement by now.

     "Yeah, I heard you the first time, idiot."

     After a row of acrobatics and a guy blowing fire from the tip of his wand, the entirety of Hogwarts was left in awe: staring emptily as Igor Karkaroff went to embrace their Headmaster as if they were old friends.

     Kieran and Valerie exchanged one look with one another, and so the later mentioned sighed in defeat. Perhaps the Triwizard tournament wasn't such a terrible idea after all.

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