thirty two. peace and quiet doesn't last forever

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Dark clouds laid upon the sky like heavy pillows, snow covering the ground like a bright blanket meant to cover the dullness of autumn. No longer could fallen leaves or rain clattering against the windows be seen or heard, and rather joyously did the Hogwarts students venture to Hogsmeade in perfect timing for Christmas and the Yule ball.

     Now, the Holidays nearing was indeed a worrisome aspect from Valerie's perspective, however after many hours of overthinking, and following the conversation with her father following the first task, she knew that there was nothing else to do than wait. She would rather throw herself off the astronomy tower than go home to the mansion she had left behind so many years ago, hence did she decide one morning to
simply not worry about it.

     In case of her mother sending angry letters threatening that she would face so called 'consequences', Valerie would simply blame it on the Yule ball, or tell James and Dumbledore.

"Hello, dear. What can I help you with?" Asked a kind voice following the bell echoing through the empty dress shop upon her entry. Valerie looked up and scanned the room until her eyes landed upon a kind looking lady, who stood by a rack of formal wear.

     Her eyes traveled quickly over the amounts of dresses available, before stepping further inside and responding, "I need a dress for the Yule ball."

     The woman's face lit up with excitement, and although Valerie doubted she was the first Hogwarts student who'd come in search her help, the kind lady sure looked excited. "Of course, of course! Come in." As the shop quickly became too warm for Valerie's coat and gloves, she eventually opted to take them off. The woman was searching carefully amongst the many options of dresses, ever so often raising her gaze to observe the teenager stood before her. "Do you have any specific colors in mind, dear?"

     "Oh. No, I don't think so. I'm open to whatever," Valerie politely replied, and it was only seconds later that the woman had filtered out three particular dresses — all appearing rather stunning from afar.

     "Brilliant,' the lady proclaimed, offering to Valerie to hang her outerwear on one of the free hangers in the meanwhile. "I think one of these three will look absolutely amazing on you." And so a long hour of fitting rooms and varying versions of dresses was set in action.

     Many dresses were gone through and tried on, to little success. It either was Valerie who would prefer something else, or they both did not like it, hence why they had eventually worked together at least half the store looking for the perfect one. In the very end, she walked out in the snow carrying bag with a smile across her lips: the lady happily saying her goodbyes, as pleased with the choice as Valerie was herself.

     As agreed to, she met up with Kieran to grab a drink at the Three Broomsticks. They both quickly found a vacant table, and as her best friend went to order two Butter beers, she sat down and guarded both her own newly purchased dress and his dressing robes he had went and bought during their time in Hogsmeade.

     "So," began Kieran as he returned to sit down, offering Valerie her drink. "Is there any reason you have been rummaging through he entirety of Hogsmeade for the perfect dress?"

     She took a sip and then looked up, her brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

     He smirked. "I'm asking if anyone's asked you to the dance, Valerie." She rolled her eyes at his explanation.



     His reaction made his already suspicious behavior even more odd, and Valerie frowned his way: trying to tell apart the reason for his behavior. "No, I have not been asked to the dance by anyone," she repeated again, suspicion lacing her tone. "Why?"

     "Nothing," said Kieran and suddenly seemed very interested at a stain on the table: grabbing a napkin and rubbing at it simply to escape his friend's wondering gaze.

     Eventually, Valerie decided to let it go: assuming he simply wished to know whether or not he had a date. She knew he'd asked Daphne Greengrass, which was sort of an unexpected match, however had put no effort into actually finding herself someone to go with. She supposed in had simply slipped her mind, but as the Yule ball was in only a few days, she probably should get it sorted out as quickly as possible.

     That is, if she didn't wish to go alone.

     A sudden outburst of laughter breaking apart the tender stillness inside the Three Broomsticks sounded through the room, and both Valerie and Kieran turned around to spot a group of fifth years entering. Amongst them was Adrian Pucey, and Valerie frowned in confusion when he — the moment he saw her — quickly leaned toward his friends to say something before breaking apart from them, rather swiftly setting his course toward Valerie and Kieran's table.

     "Uh—," Valerie turned to alarm her best friend, but had no time to finish as they already had company.

     "Hello, Valerie. Kieran," spoke Adrian a second later, to which both of the addressed fourth years nodded in return. "Valerie, I've been meaning to ask you..." He paused midst his sentence, thinking about how to express himself.

     It was no difficulty to figure out what he was there for, and Valerie quickly shared a look with her best firmed — finding herself unsure how to proceed.

     "Would you like to go to the Yule ball with me?" Adrian finally finished off, and met Valerie's hazel tinted gaze which widened in surprise. Her mind spun, and her eyes flickered over the boy stood before him while trying to figure out what to respond.

     It wasn't that he was not good looking, because he was. Adrian Pucey had always been sought after by girls all over Hogwarts, however Valerie had never been very acquainted with him, nor had they exchanged many words before.

     He was presenting her with an opportunity to not go alone to the event that was only in a few days, yet something was holding her back from saying yes — something pulling at her conscience, Theodore Nott brought up by her memories at the mere mentioning of the ball. A few short seconds passed, before Valerie caught herself in the act: quickly disregarding any thought of Theodore.

     She did not like him, and he certainly did not like her. It would be ridiculous to turn down Adrian who had already asked her for someone who she wasn't even sure she wanted to even go with, hence why she feigned a smile and nodded her head politely. "Sure," she replied and the brunette boy seemed to light up in relief.

     "Okay. Great! I'll wait for you in the common room on the 25:th," he confirmed.

     "Sounds good!"

     Adrian smiled warmly as he readied himself to re-join his friends, who all stood waiting for him expectantly at the bar, "See you then!"

     Valerie watched as he walked away, before turning to Kieran. "Great timing," said her best friend, finding it ironic that they were just talking about her having no one to go with. "Since when was Pucey into you?" He continued, hiding his disappointment over Adrian asking her, and not a certain other brunette Slytherin in their year.

     Valerie met his gaze and sighed. "I have no idea."

. . . . .

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